
久世 宏明

クゼ ヒロアキ  (Hiroaki Kuze)


千葉大学 環境リモートセンシング研究センター (名誉教授)



Hiroaki Kuze finished the graduate school of University of Tokyo in 1982, obtaining the Ph.D degree in physics in the field of quantum electronics. After working as a post-doctoral researcher for the Institute for Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), in 1984 he became a research assistant and in 1986 an associate professor in the physics department, faculty of liberal arts, Shizuoka University. During 1987-1988, he stayed at the Institute for Quantum Optics, Max-Planck Institute in West Germany as a visiting scientist. From 1995 to 2004, he worked as associate professor with the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, and in 2004 he became full professor. During 2010-2014 as well as 2018-2020, he served as the director of CEReS. Between 2014 and 2016, he was the president of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan (RSSJ). His major research field is the optical remote sensing of the atmosphere.




  • Nofel Lagrosas, Alifu Xiafukaiti, Hiroaki Kuze, Tatsuo Shiina
    Remote Sensing 14(4) 960-960 2022年2月16日  査読有り
  • N. Lagrosas, T. Shiina, H. Kuze
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126(17) 2021年9月18日  
  • Zixuan Xue, Hiroaki Kuze, Hitoshi Irie
    ATMOSPHERE 12(9) 2021年9月  
    The retrieval of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from remotely-sensed data relies on the adopted aerosol model. However, the method of this technique has been rather limited because of the high variability of the surface albedo, in addition to the spatial variability in the aerosol properties over the land surfaces. To overcome unsolved problems, we proposed a method for the visibility-derived AOT estimation from SKYNET-based measurement and daytime satellite images with a custom aerosol model over the Chiba area (35.62 degrees N, 140.10 degrees E), which is located in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area in Japan. Different from conventionally-used aerosol models for the boundary layer, we created a custom aerosol model by using sky-radiometer observation data of aerosol volume size distribution and refractive indices, coupled with spectral response functions (SPFs) of satellite visible bands to alleviate the wide range of path-scattered radiance. We utilized the radiative transfer code 6S to implement the radiative transfer calculation based on the created custom aerosol model. The concurrent data from ground-based measurement are used in the radiative analysis, namely the temporal variation of AOT from SKYNET. The radiative estimation conducted under clear-sky conditions with minimum aerosol loading is used for the determination of the surface albedo, so that the 6S simulation yields a well-defined relation between total radiance and surface albedo. We made look-up tables (LUTs) pixel-by-pixel over the Chiba area for the custom aerosol model to retrieve the satellite AOT distribution based on the surface albedo. Therefore, such a reference of surface albedo generated from clear-sky conditions, in turn, can be employed to retrieve the spatial distribution of AOT on both clear and relatively turbid days. The value for the AOTs retrieved using the custom aerosol model is found to be stable than conventionally-used typical aerosol models, indicating that our method yields substantially better performance.
  • Toshihiro Somekawa, Jun Izawa, Masayuki Fujita, Junji Kawanaka, Hiroaki Kuze
    Applied Optics 60(25) 7772-7774 2021年9月1日  
    We describe a portable Raman lidar system that can remotely detect oil leakages in water. The system has been developed based on a frequency-doubled, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, operated at 532 nm with a receiver telescope equipped with some filters and photomultipliers. Stand-off detection of oil is achieved in a 6-m-long water tank, which allowed us to considerably increase the survey capability of subsea infrastructures, including both the range observation and target identification.
  • T. Somekawa, J. Izawa, M. Fujita, J. Kawanaka, H. Kuze
    Optics Communications 480 2021年2月1日  
    We demonstrate the remote detection method of oils in water by laser Raman spectroscopy. A frequency-doubled, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm was used as a light source, and oils in water were identified in the optical cells placed 2 and 4 m away in a water tank by using the Raman signals at 2910 cm−1 from oils. The results show that the configuration of underwater remote Raman spectroscopy can be a useful alternative method for detecting oil leaks from subsea pipelines, potentially providing more capability of target selectivity as compared with fluorescence detection


  • 伊澤淳, 横澤剛, 倉田孝男, 大海聡一郎, 藏田真太郎, 染川智弘, 江藤修三, 眞子直弘, 堀澤秀之, 山口滋, 藤井隆, 久世宏明
    レーザセンシング学会誌(Web) 2(1) 2021年  
  • 丹治 香織, 伊東 隼人, 井宮 淳, 眞子 直弘, 久世 宏明
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 117(49) 81-85 2017年5月25日  
  • 丹治 香織, 伊東 隼人, 井宮 淳, 眞子 直弘, 久世 宏明
    電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 117(48) 81-85 2017年5月25日  
  • Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 10006 2016年  
    © 2016 SPIE. We applied a broadband and coherent white light continuum to differential absorption lidar (DIAL) detection of H2O and O2 profiles in the troposphere. The white light continuum can be generated by focusing high intensity femtosecond laser pulses at 800 nm into a Kr gas cell covering a broad spectral range from UV to mid-IR. Thus, the use of white light continuum potentially enables the DIAL measurement of several greenhouse and/or pollutant gases simultaneously while minimizing the lead time for developing a tunable light source. In order to demonstrate such capability, here we report the lidar measurements of H2O and O2. These molecular species exhibit absorption lines in the near IR region where relatively high intensity of the white light continuum is available. The white light continuum was transmitted through the atmosphere collinearly to the axis of a receiver telescope. Backscattered light was passed through bandpass filters (H2O On: 725 and 730 nm, H2O Off: 750 nm, O2 On: 760 nm, O2 Off: 780 nm), and was detected by a photomultiplier tube. The detection wavelengths were selected consecutively by rotating the filter wheels that contain five bandpass filters with an interval of 1 minute. In addition, we propose a method for retrieving vertical profiles of H2O by considering wavelength dependence of the aerosol extinction coefficient α and backscatter coefficient β. These results show that for achieving precise retrieval of H2O distribution, one needs to reduce the effect of aerosol temporal variations by means of long-time accumulation or simultaneous detection of the On- and Off-wavelength signals.
  • 久世 宏明, 入江 仁士, 松永 恒雄
    日本リモートセンシング学会誌 = Journal of the Remote Sensing Society of Japan 35(5) 340-342 2015年11月  



