
細川 勇

ホソカワ イサム  (Isamu Hosokawa)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院
医学博士(2014年3月 千葉大学)





  • Isamu Hosokawa, Hiroaki Shimizu, Hiroyuki Yoshidome, Masayuki Ohtsuka, Atsushi Kato, Hideyuki Yoshitomi, Masaru Miyazaki
    ANNALS OF SURGERY 259(6) 1178-1185 2014年6月  
    Objective: To evaluate recent surgical strategy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HC) of the left-side predominance.Background: When employing left hemihepatectomy (LH) for HC, vasculobiliary anatomy of the right liver often makes it difficult to achieve a tumor-free margin of the right posterior sectional bile duct (RPSBD). Because left trisectionectomy (LTS) can produce a longer resection margin for the RPSBD, we have expanded the indications for LTS over the last 5 years.Methods: Sixty-one consecutive patients underwent left-sided hepatectomy for HC, divided into 2 groups according to the operative periods: period 1 (2001-2007; n = 29) and period 2 (2008-2012; n = 32). Clinicopathological outcomes of the groups were compared. The difference in the length of the resectable RPSBD between LH and LTS was radiologically investigated using multidetector-row computed tomography.Results: The proportion of LTS increased from 10.3% (3/29) in period 1 to 46.9% (15/32) in period 2. R0 resection rates were also improved in period 2. The most common margin positive site in period 1 was the stump of the proximal bile duct; high rates of positive RPSBD stump were noted after LH. The positive proximal ductal margin ratio decreased significantly in period 2. The difference in the length of resectable RPSBD between LH and LTS was 9.0 +/- 1.3 mm. There was no mortality in period 2, even after LTS.Conclusions: LTS for HC of the left-side predominance improved R0 resection rates without affecting postoperative mortality. LTS should be aggressively performed in patients with appropriate hepatic function, even if tumors are possibly resectable by LH.
  • Isamu Hosokawa, Hideyuki Yoshitomi, Hiroaki Shimizu, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Masaru Miyazaki
    Case reports in gastroenterology 7(2) 308-13 2013年5月  
    The number of patients undergoing laparoscopic hepatectomy has rapidly increased in recent years, and indications for this procedure are gradually expanding. Pure laparoscopic hepatectomy is reportedly useful in cases with severe liver cirrhosis. A 55-year-old woman under observation for liver cirrhosis was found to have hepatocellular carcinoma in liver segment III and was referred to our hospital for surgery. The tumor was located in the edge of liver segment III, where percutaneous ablation therapy was unsuitable. Since her hepatic functional reserve was poor, pure laparoscopic partial hepatectomy was performed. The postoperative course was favorable, with no ascites retention, edema or weight gain. The greatest advantage of pure laparoscopic hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with concomitant liver cirrhosis is that postoperative ascites retention is minimal, meaning that there is little risk of water-electrolyte imbalance associated with ascites retention or hypoproteinemia. This is believed to be because the abdominal incision is small and mobilization of the liver is minimized, reducing the destruction of the routes of collateral lymph flow and blood flow generated in patients with liver cirrhosis. Pure laparoscopic hepatectomy may be a treatment choice for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and concomitant severe liver cirrhosis.
  • Isamu Hosokawa, Hiroaki Shimizu, Masayuki Nakajima, Hiroyuki Yoshidome, Masayuki Ohtsuka, Atsushi Kato, Hideyuki Yoshitomi, Katsunori Furukawa, Dan Takeuchi, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Satoshi Kuboki, Daisuke Suzuki, Masaru Miyazaki
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 39(12) 1963-5 2012年11月  
    To perform safe and radical pancreaticoduodenectomy, adequate knowledge of the branching and running course of the common hepatic artery is necessary. Formation of a common trunk by the common hepatic artery and superior mesenteric artery, called the hepatomesenteric trunk, is very rare. When it occurs, the common hepatic artery arising from the hepatomesenteric trunk usually runs behind the pancreas head. In the present case, however, it ran through the pancreatic parenchyma. Therefore, pancreaticoduodenectomy for duodenal carcinoma was performed with preservation of the intrapancreatic common hepatic artery. When pancreaticoduodenectomy is performed in patients with a replaced common hepatic artery running through the pancreatic parenchyma, it is necessary to preoperatively determine whether to preserve or resect the common hepatic artery in the pancreas with consideration of the curability. If resected, whether to reconstruct it must also be determined. If reconstructed, the reconstruction method must be determined, and if not, it is important to perform preoperative coiling of the common hepatic artery and intraoperative measurement of the hepatic blood flow with a Doppler flow meter.
  • Isamu Hosokawa, Hiroaki Shimizu, Atsushi Kato, Katsunori Furukawa, Masaru Miyazaki
  • Isamu Hosokawa, Atsushi Kato, Hiroaki Shimizu, Katsunori Furukawa, Masaru Miyazaki
    Journal of medical case reports 6 198-198 2012年7月16日  
    INTRODUCTION: Malignant afferent loop obstruction following pancreaticoduodenectomy is a rare complication and may be fatal if suppurative cholangitis or obstructive jaundice develops. Effective and safe therapeutic strategies for malignant afferent loop obstruction following pancreaticoduodenectomy are scarce at present. CASE PRESENTATION: A 51-year-old Japanese man underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for carcinoma of the papilla of Vater. Seven months postoperatively, he developed a high-grade fever, jaundice, and right upper abdominal pain. Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed afferent loop obstruction and intrahepatic bile duct dilatation due to nodal recurrence. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage was performed, and a self-expanding metallic stent (WallFlex™ duodenal stent) was placed across the stricture using the transhepatic route. CONCLUSIONS: There are surgical and nonsurgical treatments for malignant afferent loop obstruction following pancreaticoduodenectomy. Nonsurgical treatments include either an endoscopic or percutaneous approach to the afferent loop. Of these methods, percutaneous transhepatic insertion of a self-expanding metallic stent is the preferred treatment for malignant afferent loop obstruction following pancreaticoduodenectomy because it is more prompt and less invasive.
  • S Oie, I Hosokawa, A Kamiya
    The Journal of hospital infection 51(2) 140-3 2002年6月  
    We investigated the contamination of room door handles by Staphylococcus aureus in wards of a university hospital. Door handles in 53 (27.0%) of 196 rooms were contaminated by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and/or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); MSSA was detected on door handles of 41 rooms (20.9%), MRSA on door handles of 17 rooms (8.7%), and MSSA and MRSA on the same door handles of five rooms (2.6%). The density of MSSA contamination was 1-2.6x10(4) colony forming units (cfu)/door handle, and that of MRSA was 1-6.0x10(3) cfu/door handle. The MRSA contamination rate on door handles of rooms with patients with MRSA was 19.0% (4/21 rooms) while that on door handles of rooms with patients without MRSA was 7.4% (13/175); the difference was not significant. These results suggest extensive contamination of MSSA and MRSA in the hospital environment.


  • 西野 仁惠, 高屋敷 吏, 高野 重紹, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 細川 勇, 三島 敬, 小西 孝宜, 鈴木 謙介, 仲田 真一郎, 永川 裕一, 大塚 将之
    消化器外科 47(6) 717-728 2024年6月  
  • 高屋敷 吏, 高野 重紹, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 細川 勇, 三島 敬, 小西 孝宜, 西野 仁惠, 鈴木 謙介, 仲田 真一郎, 大塚 将之
    胆と膵 45(6) 651-655 2024年6月  
    血行再建術を伴う肝門部領域胆管癌手術は,肝胆膵外科高度技能手術においてもっとも高難易度の手術であるが,一方で標準的な手技の一つとして安全に施行する技術を取得しておくことも胆道外科医にとって重要といえる。動脈再建時には,吻合血管の口径,長さ,再建時の屈曲の程度などを考慮して,再建動脈を選択する。原則としては端々吻合を行うが,再建距離が長く直接吻合が難しい場合や,吻合に緊張がかかる場合には,胃十二指腸動脈や右胃大網動脈などを用いて再建することもある。門脈再建においては,その切除長が長い場合にはグラフト間置による再建が必要になり,その種類には外腸骨静脈,外頸静脈,左腎静脈グラフトなどいくつかの種類がある。動脈再建などで協力をあおぐ他診療科(心臓血管外科,形成外科など)と再建方法のシミュレーションを十分に行っておくことも,安全な手術を完遂するために重要である。血管合併切除・再建術後の周術期対策として,ドップラーエコーによる定期的な血流の確認と,出血や血栓症を疑った場合の遅滞のないdynamic CT撮影が必要である。(著者抄録)
  • 細川 勇, 大野 達矢, 高屋敷 吏, 高野 重紹, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 三島 敬, 小西 孝宜, 西野 仁惠, 鈴木 謙介, 仲田 真一郎, 大塚 将之
    胆と膵 45(5) 499-504 2024年5月  
  • 酒井 望, 高屋敷 吏, 高野 重紹, 鈴木 大亮, 細川 勇, 三島 敬, 小西 孝宣, 鈴木 謙介, 西野 仁恵, 仲田 真一郎, 大塚 将之
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-3 2024年4月  
  • 小西 孝宜, 高野 重紹, 高屋敷 吏, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 細川 勇, 三島 敬, 鈴木 謙介, 西野 仁恵, 仲田 真一郎, 大塚 将之
    日本外科学会定期学術集会抄録集 124回 SF-2 2024年4月  

