
櫻井 清一

サ クライセイイチ  (Seiichi Sakurai)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院食と緑の健康創成学講座 教授
博士(学術)(2003年3月 千葉大学)






  • 櫻井清一, 椋田瑛梨佳
    農業市場研究 33(1) 29-35 2024年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 徳田祐子, 櫻井清一
    食と緑の科学 (78) 1-8 2024年3月  査読有り最終著者責任著者
  • Abebaw Assaye, Endeshaw Habte, Seiichi Sakurai
    Agriculture and Food Security 12(1) 9 2023年4月27日  査読有り最終著者
    Abstract Background The need for adopting improved rice technologies and practices has become more important in Ethiopia as the national self-sufficiency gap has increased. This article examines the adoption level and factors governing the adoption of improved rice technology packages and practices using data collected from 594 rice-producing household heads in Ethiopia. A multivariate probit (MVP) model involving a system of five equations was used to assess the determinant for the decision to adopt improved rice technologies and practices. Results The results showed that the adoption levels of improved rice varieties, row planting, recommended rate of urea fertilizer, recommended rate of DAP/NPS fertilizer, and recommended weeding frequency was 24.4%, 23.4%, 40.9%, 38.6%, and 52.4%, respectively. The model results attested that improved rice production technology packages are complementary. This finding implies that farm-level policies that affect the use of one improved agricultural technology can have a positive effect on the other technologies. The various demographic, socioeconomic, and institutional variables were found to influence the decisions to adopt different technologies of improved rice technology packages with different signs. Conclusions Therefore, the government should devise ways to ease the accessibility of improved seeds and fertilizers along with the introduction of labor-saving technologies to promote row planting and achieve wider adoption of the technologies. Policies and interventions that are informed about such factors are required to accelerate the adoption of improved rice technology packages in Ethiopia to realize green revolution and secure self-sufficiency of rice sustainably.
  • Yu TIAN, Seiichi SAKURAI
    Journal of Food System Research 29(4) 165-170 2023年4月  査読有り最終著者
  • Abebaw Assaye, Endeshaw Habte, Seiichi Sakurai, Dawit Alemu
    Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 10 100428-100428 2022年12月  査読有り
  • Erika Mukuta, Seiichi Sakurai
    開発学研究 33(1) 53-59 2022年7月  査読有り最終著者
  • 櫻井清一
    農業市場研究 29(3) 38-46 2021年12月  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 椋田瑛梨佳, 櫻井清一
    開発学研究 32(3) 17-22 2021年12月  査読有り最終著者
  • 椋田瑛梨佳, 櫻井清一
    農業経営研究 59(2) 91-96 2021年7月  査読有り
  • 櫻井清一
    農業経営研究 58(3) 39-44 2020年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 櫻井清一, 霜浦森平
    農業市場研究 29(1) 46-51 2020年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • 石田 貴士, 大江 靖雄, 櫻井 清一
    農業経済研究 = Journal of rural economics 92(1) 52-57 2020年6月  査読有り
  • Seiichi Sakurai, Shingo Teraoka
    Journal of Asian Rural Studies 4(1) 88-97 2020年1月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 椋田 瑛梨佳, 櫻井 清一
    開発学研究 = Journal of agricultural development studies 30(2) 77-82 2019年12月  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一, 寺岡 伸悟
    農業経営研究 57(2) 89-94 2019年  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一, 大浦 裕二, 山本 淳子
    農業市場研究 = Agricultural marketing journal of Japan 27(2) 30-37 2018年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 櫻井 清一, 大浦 裕二, 玉木 志穂, 山本 淳子
    食と緑の科学 = HortResearch (72) 29-37 2018年3月31日  査読有り
    [抄録] 本論では,簡素化した食行動記録調査で収集したデータを用いて,青果物消費水準に与えるソーシャル・キャピタル(SC)の影響を考察した.先行研究を参照して選んだ7つの設問への回答状況と,主成分分析により統合した指標を用いてSCの水準を測定した.青果物消費水準は回答者が食した料理に含まれる青果物の割合を基に作成した指標で把握した.分散分析および相関係数の結果から,SC水準の高い回答者は総じて青果物消費水準も高い傾向が確認された.複数の要因を考慮した重回帰分析の結果からも,SCの蓄積が青果物消費水準にポジティブな影響を及ぼしていることと,青果物消費に対し年齢に次ぐレベルの説明力があることが明らかになった.
  • 大江 靖雄, 石田 貴士, 櫻井 清一
    食と緑の科学 = HortResearch (72) 39-60 2018年3月31日  
    [抄録] 企業1,000社を対象にした食育活動に対するアンケート調査結果の一次集計から,食育活動の取り組み状況とその意識について考察した.その結果,回答企業の4割が,食育を実施している.講師の派遣や見学者の受け入れが,最も多い具体的活動である.食育開始の主な理由は,CSR活動と営業活動の一環の二つが挙げられる.連携先で多いのは,自治体が最も多く,次いで業界団体と小学校である.社会に対する食育の効果は,4割が肯定的な評価をしている.そのうち企業側に生じた具体的な効果として,新たな商品の創出や社員の仕事の効率向上などが一定程度評価されている.食育の課題については,社内で食育活動が評価・理解されないという点,食育に関する情報,実施の場,PRの機会が少ないという点が指摘されている.全体として,企業の食育活動全般に関する評価では,消費者の健全な食生活や企業活動にも好影響を与えるとする評価が大半を占めていた.最後に,企業による食育活動の支援策に関して,情報提供,事例紹介,実施のためのマニュアルなどが挙げられており,これらが支援策の主要項目として有効といえる.[ABSTRACT] This paper investigates attitudes towards, and behavior in response to, food education programs implemented as part of the corporate social responsibility(CSR)initiatives of private companies. For this paper, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 1,000 semi-randomly selected companies in Japan. The primary results revealed that 40% of respondent companies conduct food education programs, the most popular of which include sending instructors to school, as well as receiving visitors at factories and offices. The most frequent reasons given for implementing food education programs are as part of CSR efforts and as a marketing activity. The most common partners are local governments, followed by industry associations and elementary schools. About 40% of companies that conduct food education activities positively evaluated their activities. New product development and increased employee work efficiency were considered specific benefits. It was pointed out that some of the issues associated with food education activities included the poor recognition of food education programs internally at companies and a lack of information, venues, and PR relating to food education. Overall, the majority of private companies responded that the food education programs had a positive impact on the healthy dietary habits of consumers and on creating positive impressions of the company's activities. Finally, it was noted that the main support measures for companies' food education programs include providing information, best practice models, and operations manuals, which can be considered effective measures.
  • Kanungrat Kummanee, Am-On Aungsuratana, Chariensak Rojanaridpiched, Sontichai Chanprame, Kampanat Vijitsrikamol, Seiichi Sakurai
    Kohn Kaen Agriculture Journal 46(1) 171-180 2018年  査読有り
  • 玉木 志穂, 大浦 裕二, 山本 淳子, 八木 浩平, 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 56(2) 75-80 2018年  査読有り
  • 石田 貴士, 大江 靖雄, 櫻井 清一
    農業経済研究 89(4) 351-356 2018年  
    <p>This paper investigates how the food industry carriest out food-education activities and their effects on beneficiary families by focusing on the Kewpie Company's program. The data were collected by a questionnaire survey to the parents of school children who were the beneficiaries of this program conducted at school as "a delivery class". We employed an ordered probit model to analyze how the effect of the food-education program on the dietary habits of school children and the mothers' impressions of Kewpie varies according to the attributes of households.</p>
  • 栗原 伸一, 石田 貴士, 丸山 敦史, 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 = Japanese journal of farm management 55(2) 63-68 2017年7月  
  • 櫻井 清一, 石田 貴士, 大江 靖雄
    農業経営研究 = Japanese journal of farm management 55(2) 99-104 2017年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 坂井 美咲, 大江 靖雄, 石田 貴士, 櫻井 清一
    食と緑の科学 = HortResearch 71 17-27 2017年3月31日  
    [抄録] 本論では児童の平日と休日の昼食摂取状況を比較し,児童の食生活における学校給食の役割を解明した.データは松戸市内の小学校で実施した児童146名への質問紙調査と給食運営に関する資料より収集した.栄養素の視点からみると,休日は食塩が過剰である一方,カルシウム,ビタミンB1,食物繊維が不足していた.食品群の視点からみると,休日はパン,麺類,肉類が過剰である一方,牛乳,いも類,豆製品,種実類が著しく不足していた.また料理の皿数が多く,夕食を両親とそろって食べている児童は休日の昼食でより多く野菜を摂取していた.分析結果から,児童は平日には学校給食でバランスの良い昼食をとっているが,休日の食事バランスは相対的に良くないことが明らかになった[Abstract] This paper investigates the characteristics of children?s dietary intake by comparing the diet at lunch on weekdays and weekends at home and clarifies the role of school lunch in children?s dietary behavior. Data were collected by a questionnaire survey administered to 146 children in an elementary school and from documents on school lunch management in Matsudo city. The following results were obtained. On the nutritional level, on weekends children overconsumed salt while insufficient amounts of calcium, vitamin B1 and dietary fiber were consumed. Concerning the variety of food groups, children overconsumed bread, noodles and meat on weekends, but adequate consumption of milk, potatoes, bean products and seeds was lacking. Children who ate various types of dishes and ate dinner with parents consumed more vegetables at lunch on weekends. Those results imply that children are eating a well-balanced school lunch but an unbalanced lunch on weekends from the viewpoint of nutrition and food group variety.
  • 石田 貴士, 大江 靖雄, 櫻井 清一
    食と緑の科学 = HortResearch 71 29-35 2017年3月31日  
    [抄録] 本稿では,食品企業の行う食育活動のあるべき姿を探るために,児童の保護者に対し,アンケート調査を行った.調査票を集計した結果,以下のことが明らかになった.保護者の食育への関心は高いものの,家庭での食の外部化や孤食,欠食がみられるなど,すべての家庭で十分に食育が行われているわけではない.そのため,食品企業の行う食育には,食育に十分取組めていない家庭の食育を補完する役割が求められる.食品企業が行う食育に対し,「商品の宣伝をしている」や「企業のイメージ向上を狙っている」と感じている保護者はいるものの,食品企業が食育活動に参加することに対する期待は非常に高い.また,食品企業による食育の効果は,児童の食生活を改善させるだけでなく,食品企業に対する保護者からの印象を良くする.[Abstract] In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey on dietary education by a food company addressed to parents of children in an elementary school. (1) 79.1% of parents indicated that they were highly in favor of dietary education but skipping a meal and eating alone were observed in 7-8% of the families. Therefore, dietary education by a food company is required to play a role in supplementing the lack of dietary education at home. (2) About 30-40% of responded parents felt that the food company aimed at advertising its own products and enhanced its reputation through providing the dietary education, but 96.7% of parents expected food companies to join food education activity. (3) In summary, we found that the dietary education activity by a food company not only improved the eating habits of children but also improved the reputation of the company.
  • 栗原 伸一, 石田 貴士, 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 = Japanese journal of farm management 54(3) 79-84 2016年10月  
  • 櫻井 清一, 栗原 伸一, 石田 貴士
    農業経営研究 54(2) 73-78 2016年  
  • 久保 雄生, 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 54(1) 91-104 2016年  査読有り
    <p>This study analyzes the morale of employees who work in a group participation system within women lead business organizations in Yamaguchi prefecture. It makes use of a desire-provision system morale survey that analyzes four factors : policy, job, relatedness and compensation. This methodology is based on Herzberg's motivation hygiene theory, wherein policy and job factors are considered motivators. The results of the analysis shows that the morale of employees in women lead business organizations is based on the management policies of the organization, as well as the degree of unity. As a result of arranged relations between the administrative results and the questionnaire survey of the women lead business organizations, factors such as policy, job, relatedness and compensation were close to the administrative results of each organization relation. This revealed that the improvement of labor circumstances in organizations is important. The empirical object of this study is only one corporation, so this analysis includes some problems, but we want to push forward with a future study to contribute to administration improvement of all women company organizations.</p>
  • 嘎納斯, 櫻井 清一
    農業市場研究 24(1) 1-11 2015年  査読有り
    This research focuses on the current development status, operating mechanism, organizational structure, existing problems and operating status of Y and S specialized farmers cooperatives and their member households in an area of Inner Mongolia in order to illustrate the future development of specialized farmers cooperatives. From the research result, it can be seen that the specialized farmers' cooperative is a relatively new farming operation method in Inner Mongolia, but the cooperative is still at the beginning stage of development. Since the establishment of Y and S specialized farmers' cooperatives, they have realized a profit in the last three years and this has helped to increase the income of their members. However, there are also problems as follow. Firstly, for Y specialized farmers' cooperatives, it limited its member's income and its assets accumulation and business expansion by operation of 'investment in kind.' Secondly, member households are not provided with all the essential elements available to farmers' cooperatives, which limits the ability of farmers' cooperatives to increase farmer's income. Thirdly, Y and S specialized farmers' cooperatives are both involved in farming processing; expanding of specialized farmers' cooperatives business requires an integration of other farming elements. Finally, these two specialized farmers' cooperatives, Y and S, have not integrated the grassland which should be under proper management and use, therefore those specialized farmers' cooperative do not perform well in protecting the environment of grassland.
  • 櫻井 清一
    農業市場研究 24(1) 12-18 2015年  査読有り
    In 2006, a positive list system related to agrochemicals was enforced in Japan. This system is affecting the usage of agrochemicals in Japanese farm operation. In this paper, the author investigates the usage and awareness of agrochemicals by farmers in an urban area, based on opinions and data collected by semi-structured interviews with responding farmers. Unban farmers have to use agrochemicals while paying attention to various stakeholders. The agro-cooperative has great importance on the distribution and information access of agrochemicals. Customers have an interest in whether the farm uses the chemicals or not, but most customers also assent to the explanation by the farm sector concerning the chemical usage. The minor crop issue is imposing a strong restriction to the farmers trying to introduce new varieties.
  • 久保 雄生, 櫻井 清一
    農村計画学会誌 33 275-280 2014年  
  • 嘎納斯, 櫻井 清一
    農業市場研究 23(1) 51-58 2014年  査読有り
    In this paper, three areas of Damaoqi, in Inner Mongolia, China, are presented in order to evaluate the influences of a comprehensive grazing policy on the management of animal husbandry and the lifestyle that result. The impact of this policy on the lifestyle of herdsmen and future perspectives is also discussed. The main results are as follows. Owing to the decrease of husbandry income, already deflated net incomes in 2010 became lower than those of 1990. Common to the three areas is that more than half of the herdsmen's incomes now originate from sources and enterprises, including subsidies, other than husbandry. Third, the settlement policy has influenced the husbandry practices and employment of herdsmen by virture of the fact that the herdsmen who migrated to the industrialized area keep a dramatically decreased number of livestock. This results in both an increase in animal operating costs and a lack of industrialization in management and operations of husbandry practices. However, herder consciousness about life satisfaction and the practice of working away from home by migration reveals a difference between the three regions, brought about by the decreased scale of livestock management and the feasibility of continuing animal husbandry. In the future, independent living skills without the government's subsidy should be cultivated for those migrated herdsmen.
  • 新開 章司, 西 和盛, 横山 繁樹, 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 51(2) 67-71 2013年9月25日  査読有り
    CSAとは,Community Supported Agricultureの略で,1980年代中頃に米国北東部の2つの農家で始まった,農業者と消費者の連携の形態である。近年その数は増加し,米国の2007年農業センサスによると,全米に12,549件のCSAがあるされているが,実際にはその半分くらいとの指摘もあり,統計的な把握は十分にできていない。CSAの把握が難しい背景には,そもそも定義がゆるやかで,農業者と消費者の連携の形態もさまざまだという事情がある。そのためか,いくつかの日本語訳も試みられているが,定着しきれていない。CSAの創始者たちが,80年代の草創期に抱いていた所期の理念としては,(1)消費者と農業者相互の貢献,(2)リスクの分担(シェア),(3)環境と小規模農業の保護,などが目指されていたといえよう。そのため,CSAの仕組みとしては,(1)消費者(メンバー)に作付け前に収穫物の代金(+農業者の報酬)を前払いすることにより,リスクを分担(シェア)し,(2)収穫期には,農業者は収穫物をメンバーに分配する(メンバーは量や品目は指定できない),ことが一般的であるとされてきた。また,(3)一定時間の労働参画や意思決定への参画などの貢献を求めるなど,メンバーには積極的な関与が期待されることが特徴であった。そのようなCSAも,消費者のニーズ,そして社会環境も変化する中で,その運営方法に変化が起きていると考えられる。そこで本稿は,事例調査によってCSAの変容と新たな展開を明らかにし,それにより今後のダイレクト・マーケティングへの示唆を得ることを目的とする。なお,事例調査は,米国で最初にCSAに取り組んだ二つの経営を含む北東部のいわば老舗CSAの事例と,後発で,近年増加が目覚ましいカリフォルニア州のCSAを対象とする。
  • 櫻井 清一, 横山 繁樹
    農業市場研究 22(1) 52-58 2013年  査読有り
    This paper investigates the structure of marketing routes for herbal plants (jamu ingredients) and the performance of traders in Central Jawa, Indonesia. The marketing structure is composed of diversified and multi-staged channels. Transactions between traders belonging to the same distributional stage can be observed as improving the assortment of herbal plants available. Many wholesalers are small-scale traders and deal with various kinds of ingredients, while field assembly traders are relatively large-scale traders and are responsible for many functions such as preprocessing. storage, and transportation. Jamu peddlers usually sell traditional liquid jamu in the urban area. Modern jamu factories prefer long-term transaction of ingredients with larger production lot.
  • 櫻井 清一, 大浦 裕二, 山本 淳子
    農業経営研究 50(1) 88-93 2012年6月25日  査読有り
  • 立川 雅司, 松尾 真紀子, 櫻井 清一
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2011 170-177 2011年12月15日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一
    野菜情報 88 30-36 2011年7月  
  • 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 48(4) 68-68 2011年3月25日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一
    農業市場研究 19(4) 62-67 2011年  査読有り
    This paper investigates the characteristics of the first stage of a governmental program for agriculture, commerce and industry collaboration, identifying issues to be solved. The author surveys the situation of 364 plans approved by the government for enhancing the collaboration between agriculture, commerce and industry. In many plans, firms are linked on single network and try developing new food products by utilizing local agricultural products. But most representative firms belong to the industrial sector, and the agricultural sector's involvement is relatively weak. Supporting activities by the research sector lack clarity compared to the project for enhancing industrial clusters. The paper concludes that the agricultural sector should try developing partnerships with other sectors on an equal basis. The diversification of farm enterprise itself also should be taken into consideration.
  • 櫻井 清一
    農業市場研究 19(3) 56-56 2010年12月31日  査読有り
  • 伊藤 史朗, 櫻井 清一, 佐藤 和憲, 小田 哲郎
    農業経営研究 48(3) 66-71 2010年12月25日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一
    農業経営研究 47(1) 106-110 2009年6月25日  
  • 横山 繁樹, 櫻井 清一
    経済地理学年報 55(2) 137-149 2009年  査読有り
  • 櫻井 武司, 芝原 真紀, 櫻井 清一
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2007 141-148 2007年12月31日  査読有り
  • 芝原 真紀, 櫻井 武司, 櫻井 清一
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2007 149-156 2007年12月31日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一, 横山 繁樹
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2007 188-195 2007年12月31日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一, 横山 繁樹, 霜浦 森平
    農業経済研究. 別冊, 日本農業経済学会論文集 2006 1-8 2006年12月31日  査読有り
  • 櫻井 清一, 横山 繁樹, 小野 洋, 唐崎 卓也, 霜浦 森平, 松下 秀介
    農業経営研究 44(1) 100-104 2006年6月25日  査読有り




  • 小原, 均 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:果実の流通と経営改善(櫻井清一:p241-252))
    実教出版 2024年1月 (ISBN: 9784407205336)
  • 木立真直 坂爪浩史 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:地産地消運動の現段階と農産物直売所の果たす役割(櫻井清一:p162-179))
    筑波書房 2022年7月 (ISBN: 9784811906300)
  • 大浦, 裕二, 佐藤, 和憲 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:農業のビジネス化(櫻井清一 pp.111-122))
    ミネルヴァ書房 2021年5月 (ISBN: 9784623091164)
  • 日本農業経済学会 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:市民農園・体験農園・コミュニティガーデン(櫻井清一:pp.538-539))
    丸善出版 2019年12月 (ISBN: 9784621304570)
  • 日本農業経済学会 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:農業・農村の外部効果(櫻井清一:pp.45-46))
    丸善出版 2019年12月 (ISBN: 9784621304570)









