
佐藤 公信

サトウ キミノブ  (KIMINOBU SATO)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート
博士(工学)(2001年9月 東京大学)



  • Hung-Yu Chen, Kiminobu Sato, Meng-Cong Zheng
    This study investigated the wayfinding strategy and efficiency. Experiments involving 44 participants (22 Japanese and 22 Taiwanese nationals) were conducted in Tamsui, Taiwan and Yokohama, Japan. Experimental tools included electronic and paper maps. Participants were in an unfamiliar environment, understood environmental information differently, and used different navigation tools. The researchers recorded the participants' walking time, path, and the number of turns from the starting point to the destination. SPSS statistical software was used to conduct one-way and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed the following. First, when navigating linear roads and being uncertain about the accessibility of map-presented roads, relative to local participants, foreign participants were more likely to choose roads that were at the exit of the MRT station and take more identifiable roads. Second, all participants used landmarks when navigating intersecting parallel roads, but participants who used paper maps were more likely to use obvious buildings as landmarks. Third, in the wayfinding process, participants who used both electronic and paper maps made more turns when wayfinding in a familiar environment than in an unfamiliar environment. Participants familiar with the navigation tool exhibited a lower walking time.
  • Ming Lun Li, Ming Shih Chen, Kiminobu Sato
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1256 AISC 55-65 2020年  
    This study investigates the influence of nationality, ages, and address systems on the use of digital maps in wayfinding. Examining how user—whether they are merely browsing maps or actively trying to find a destination—perceive and interact with their environments. Also, assessing the current problems is regarded digital maps, comparing user experiences of participants from different nationalities, age groups, and genders through a questionnaire. The subjects are Taiwanese and Japanese, and either in their 20s or above the age of 60. The crucial result is focusing on results of determined and undetermined destination how the users operate digital maps. In principal component analysis, age of 20s user have four factors influence digital map functions: (1) Orientation; (2) Advice Tip; (3) Decision Making, and (4) Atmosphere. But for user who are above 60s, they are categorized three factors: (1) Tourism Tip; (2) Orientation; and (3) Surrounding. When 20s go for traveling the orientation will be essential information, nevertheless user who is above 60 sees Tourism Tip as priority.
  • LI Ming Lun, CHEN Ming Shih, SATO Kiminobu
    Journal of the Science of Design 4(2) 2_67-2_74 2020年  
    <p>This study investigates the influence of nationality, ages, and address systems on the use of digital maps in wayfinding. The examination shows how user-whether they are merely browsing maps or actively trying to find a destination-perceive and interact with their environments. Also, assessing the current problems regarding digital maps. It compares user experiences of participants from different nationalities, age groups, and genders through a questionnaire. The subjects are from Taiwan and Japan, and either in their 20s or above the age of 60. Through a Chi-square test, some significant differences between nationality, age, and sex was revealed. For example, Taiwanese use street names, landmarks, and outward appearances of destinations to help them confirm their own position. When user above the age of 60 try to establish their location, they rely on three aids. In principal component analysis, four factors influence digital map functions: (1) Orientation; (2) Tourism Information; (3) Atmosphere; and (4) Checking Information. In these usability problems, especially three wayfinding aids and the factors of operating map, which means the map should not only be considerate as a tool that all kind of people can understand and how user interact among themselves, map and environment. And the order and wayfinding aids can be set as following the three wayfinding tasks for different kind of groups of users to have a more comfortable and usable map using experience.</p>
  • Hung-Yu Chen, Kiminobu Sato, Meng-Cong Zheng
    This study was conducted in the city of Yokohama, which has featured several charming tourist attractions such as China town and old Western-style historical buildings, as the place of study to investigate the difference between tourists using paper maps and those using digital maps in their movement behaviors. And both foreign and local participants were engaged in the study to explore the travel movement effects of participants with diverse experience and backgrounds. This study found that the paper map group traveled fewer repeated roads and had a higher circuitous movement rate in terms of walking distance. In terms of cognitive maps, the number of drafted attractions was larger in the paper map group than in the electronic map group. However, the attraction location accuracy as drafted by the electronic map group was higher than that of the paper map group. In the mirror-image discrimination test, the paper map group fully recognized more attraction photographs than did the electronic map group. The accuracy of the drafted attraction locations was higher for foreign participants than for local participants. The foreign participants had recognized more photographs than the local participants did.
  • 塚本 千晶, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 63(3) 3_103-3_110 2016年  
    本稿では、育児における親子相互のよりよい関係をつくりだすきっかけとなる事物・行為の相互関連性、及び親子のコミュニケーションの促進に何が重要な役割として認識されていているのかレベルを示すために、ISM 法を用いて構造化を試みた。さらに、日常的に子どもが触れる既存の製品に着目し、子どもの発達に与える影響について、数量化Ⅲ類、及びクラスター分析を用いて類型化し特徴を明らかすることを試みた。その結果、触覚感は人とモノだけにとどまらず、人と人とのコミュニケーションの活性化につながる触媒として、重要な役割があり、触覚をコミュニケーションの形成要因としてデザインへ適用していくためには、1. 応答性の高い素材として触覚感を誘発し行動を促す。2. 遊びの行動を促し活動を展開できる場を形成する。3. コミュニケーションを活性化する触媒としての役割を持たせる。の3要因があることが示唆された。
  • YUYAMA Hiroko, HARA Hiromichi, SATO Kiminobu, SHIMIZU Tadao
    デザイン学研究 61(5) 5_29-5_34 2015年  
    The objective of the present study is to identify guidelines for the design of a raised bed for gardening activities conducted together by senior citizens. The experiment was planned assuming work in a standing posture. Circular raised beds with rims of three different widths and a height of 76 cm were prepared, and 38 subjects made 6 types of body movements imitating gardening work while in a standing posture. The following results were obtained. (1) It is thought to be desirable to install a rim with a variable width of up to 20cm. (2) Based on their average stature, a rough estimate of the distance up to which work is possible by senior citizens is thought to be about 60 cm from the front edge of the rim of the raised bed. (3) It is desirable to select a material for the rim of the raised bed that is suitable for supporting the body with the hands. Furthermore, the front edge of the rim needs to be shaped such that work can be done while the pelvis or thigh(s) are in contact with it without hurting the body.
  • 塚本 千晶, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 62(2) 2_63-2_72 2015年  
    本研究では、現代の親子をとりまくコミュニケーションと触覚との関係に着目し、発達に関わる触覚の役割を、心理学、教育学の領域から導き出した。結果に基づき、触覚をきっかけとする親子の読み聞かせに焦点をあてた空間を演出する諸々の器具である「環具」を提案した。モニター調査、及びアンケート調査を行ない「親子のやりとり」「絵本からの遊びへの発展」「ユニットによる五感の使われ方」「環具使用後の遊びへの発展」に焦点をあて考察を行なった。その結果、環具を介した遊びが行なわれると、親子は絵本から発展した共有のイメージの中でできる遊びに発展し、発話が増える傾向がみられた。特にユニットは遊びの継起、遊びの探索と2 つの効果を確認することができた。また環具使用後は、触覚をきっかけに外遊びへの発展に繋がる効果もみられた。以上のことから「環具」は、親子のコミュニケーションを誘発するのに有効であり、触覚による探索活動を促進するツールとしての可能性が示唆された。
  • ELASILY Nouran, SATO Kiminobu
    デザイン学研究 59(5) 5_99-5_106 2013年1月31日  
    Nowadays many museums provide electronic guides in order to improve visitors' experience. In this paper we are examining the usability of audio devices instead of the traditional guides. This was done by Comparing the experience, advantages and disadvantages of foreign visitors using audio device and visitors who don't. National Museum of Nature and Science was chosen as the case study according to its large size and high visiting rate of foreigners. Information was gathered through an experiment, questionnaires and interview with the subjects. These results obtained lead to a detailed analysis suggesting some recommendations for future versions of the device as well as some improvements in the exhibition space.
  • 清水 忠男, 金澤 匠平, 湯山 博子, 佐藤 公信, 道見 遥奈, 岩満 恭大
    デザイン学研究作品集 18(1) 54-59 2013年  
  • 湯山 博子, 道見 遥奈, 原 寛道, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    デザイン学研究 58(6) 95-100 2012年3月31日  
    本研究は,通常の園芸活動が困難な高齢者のグループによる園芸活動を支援する園芸用設備のデザイン要件を抽出することを目的とした。そのために作業台とプランターを用いて,高齢者4名を対象とした園芸活動を実施し,その様子をビデオカメラで記録した。上記映像に基づき,実験設備により参加者および援助者の身体面への支援,また交流支援がなされているかを視点として,製品デザインの考え方を理解している者 4名により行動観察を行った。これにより参加者や援助者の身体的な負担を増加/軽減させる要因を抽出することができた。同時に実験設備が,参加者間の交流を支援する役割を果たすことや,援助者が参加者と交流しづらい状況を生じたことも確認できた。最後に改善のための具体案を示すとともに,園芸活動を支援する園芸用設備の具体的なデザイン要件を示した。
  • SATO Kiminobu, KON Yuichi, KUSHIDA Risa, IZUMISAWA Aya, TSUJI Nahoko
    デザイン学研究 57(5) 109-116 2011年  
    This paper carries out a classification of the existing interactive exhibits at a science museum. Various interactive exhibits are examined to identify their characteristics, which are used for evaluation purposes to create a matrix for evaluation of each exhibit. The Quantification Method III is used to elucidate the overall characteristics of the target exhibits. Cluster analysis is applied to these results so as to sort into groups. By plotting the target exhibits on 'the degree-of-freedom' and 'the development of understanding vs. the opportunities of learning' axes, it is possible to ascertain the characteristics of these exhibits. It is clear that six groups can be formed, each with different characteristics. Visitor interviews and video recordings are taken of visitors'utterances and behavior to examine how the visitors engage with the exhibits. From the data is compared to examine the relationship between the characteristics of the exhibits and the evaluations of the visitors, the popular exhibits tend to be 'physical entertainment' type exhibits where 'interaction between the exhibit and the visitor' and 'communication between visitors' occurred in more or less the same proportion. In other words, the exhibits that evoke interaction with the exhibit as well as communication between visitors in good balance are considered to be very enjoyable.
  • SATO Kiminobu, HARA Hiromichi, SUGIYAMA Fumino, MATSUMOTO Tomoko, SAITO Eri, MIKAMI Hiromi, KOBAYASHI Hroyuki
    デザイン学研究 57(6) 71-78 2011年  
    In this paper, the research targets are selected from 6 groups of interactive exhibits which are classified in 'Analysis on Interactive Exhibits at Science Museums-Part 1' from those found in many science museums. While observing these utterances of the visitors through the video-recorded behavior, the contents are examined and 13 categories of utterances are classified according to their meaning and intention. The result shows that the presence of other people surrounding the children and the way with which the children relate to them are especially important for child's education/development. The experience impresses the children that interacting with the exhibit is 'fun' and leaves a long lasting memory with it. Along this thought, the paper concludes that it becomes crucial to elaborate the specific ways to draw the attention of their parents, guardians and other surrounding people to have fun experiences together with the children (the visitors) and enjoy being with them. From the standpoint of the goal achievement of exhibition, it can further be suggested that the guardians should try to enjoy jointly with the children, rather than just let them do what they want. The appropriate implementation of interactive exhibits needs this parallel planning perspective.
  • ELASILY Nouran, SATO Kiminobu
    デザイン学研究 58(1) 41-48 2011年  
    Exhibition design and the guidance system available for visitors are always important issues in large museums. In this study, Edo-Tokyo museum was chosen as the case study according to its size and high visiting rate. Information was gathered through a questionnaire, an interview with museum's staff and an experiment to record visitors' behavior during their visit in the museum using the Think Aloud Method. The information clarified a number of problems foreign visitors face and recommendations were made to improve the current situation especially on information available on displays.
  • 金 潤秀, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 57(6) 19-24 2011年  
  • 小杉 ももこ, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 58(1) 77-84 2011年  
  • SUZUKI Naoto, SATO Kiminobu, TERAUCHI Fumio, HACHIMA Satoshi, KOYAMA Sinichi
    デザイン学研究 56(5) 97-106 2010年  
    "Hometown designer", as a profession, let alone as a terminology, has yet to folly bloom and become recognized in Japan. The academic program offered by Chiba University in Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture, intends to boost this recognition and its stature. The program offers an opportunity for students to work closely with residents and to develop their leadership skills, as well as improve their design and implementation capacities. Rhetorically connoting a medical prescription written by a home doctor to treat an illness, the academic program on "designing a living" reflects a careful diagnosis of the drastic changes to the cultural, social, environmental, and economic conditions particular to a region or town and the solutions thereof. With this acting as a rubric or new perception of a hometown designer's role, this paper analyzes the basic approaches that a hometown designer should apply and the key factors that assure sustainable regional promotion. Specifically, these refer to the academic program's features on identifying indigenous resources (treasures), identifying and screening nonproblem-solving-based ideas, and formulating visions. The concept of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) and the Flowering of the Total Person (Jinshin-no-hana) constitute the basic guiding principles of the work of a hometown designer.
  • SATO Kiminobu, SUZUKI Naoto, TERAUCHI Fumio, HACHIMA Satoshi, KOYAMA Shinichi
    デザイン学研究 57(4) 77-86 2010年  
    When designing a living aims to enhance regional values through the employment of cultural resources and local indigenous resources (i.e., the local population, environment etc.), its sustainability should not be assessed in economic terms. Rather, it should be assessed through various social perspectives and reviewed from various macro perspectives as well as from micro design functions, which are closely related to cultural elements. Besides these perspectives, the nature and magnitude of the design goal should be integral criteria in the critical assessment of the rationality of the proposed "designing a living" program. The Integrated Design Engineering Project (IDEP) 2010 implemented by Chiba University in Isumi, Chiba Prefecture intends to show that the living conditions of a particular locale or region can be improved through the activation of positive social linkages and exchanges within the local population. This paper analyzes the sustainability of this idea from three dimensions and lays down specific evaluation guidelines. Evaluation for designing a living is a critical activity and is an integral function of hometown designers in their task of reinvigorating specific places. Learning the various features of evaluation is an indispensable skill that should be nurtured by a hometown designer.
  • 宗 迅, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    展示学 (48) 86-91 2010年  
  • Zheng Meng-Cong, Shimizu Tadao, Sato Kiminobu
    デザイン学研究 55(6) 39-48 2009年  
    We have learned from previous studies on long distance and short distance that subjects tend to be either of non-wandering priority or of wandering priority during their travel. So how underground limits affect users' wayfinding behavior between travels will be conducted in this study. Experiments on those with a non-wandering priority wayfinding with time constraint and wandering priority wayfinding without time constraint were then conducted to simulate the real situation of people travelling in an under-ground station. It is found that directional signs are used simply to make the users follow instructions and to direct people to move straight ahead, but the people had to see the sign before they could make a judgment. It only provides the information needed so that they can easily find and follow the path to their destination. Orientation signs force users to memorize the information shown on the map and confirm their memory while moving from one unfamiliar place to another. Under time stress, users require more functions from the information signs than what the system itself can actually provide.
  • Zheng Meng-Cong, Shimizu Tadao, Sato Kiminobu
    デザイン学研究 55(6) 1-10 2009年  
    The purpose of this study is to understand how information signs correspond to users' various wayfinding behavior and how the signs serve their needs such as safety, pleasure, and smooth passage when walking between above-ground train stations. In order to find out how information signs work in diverse situations, interchange routes were set up for the subjects in two wayfinding experiments: one long-distance and the other short-distance. The results of the experiments showed a variety of behavior, even though the subjects had no time constraints. On the long-distance routes, the subjects requested maps or signs showing the particulars along the routes. It is evident that the subjects were generally in a lighthearted mood wandering about and really caring about the effectiveness of self-orientation. On the other hand, directional signs were requested for the short-distance route. Unfortunately, few signs were provided between the train stations. The subjects had to keep making decisions along the routes, especially when they were at intersections, where the information signs should be enhanced by providing a great number of signs. For these reasons, user needs suggested by the subjects' wayfinding behavior should be considered when planning information signs.
  • 李 俐慧, 佐藤 公信, 原 寛道, 清水 忠男
    デザイン学研究 53(6) 1-10 2007年  
  • 李 永昌, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    デザイン学研究 54(4) 73-80 2007年  
  • 篠崎 正樹, 吉田 紗栄子, 沼田 恭子, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    デザイン学研究作品集 10(1) 2-5 2005年  
  • 一海 有里, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 51(1) 47-54 2004年  
  • 濱口 卓也, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    日本建築学会環境系論文集 69(582) 23-30 2004年  
    This study investigates the current status of overlapped auditory information given at railroad stations and the evaluation on provided auditory information at platforms. The experiment was performed by visually impaired persons and sighted individuals. The survey revealed that factors affecting hearing of audible information include (1) excessive noise caused by passing trains, and (2) superposition of provided auditory information. The impression evaluation in the experiment which is focusing on overlapped auditory information results that the ways of grasping which receives from each situation and valuation basis by different attribute will have great difference compare with the provided situation of different auditory information.
  • 濱口 卓也, 佐藤 公信, 清水 忠男
    デザイン学研究 50(3) 63-72 2003年  
  • UEDA Edilson Shindi, SHIMIZU Tadao, SATO Kiminobu
    デザイン学研究 48(6) 105-114 2002年  
    The purpose of this study is to research and analyze the attitude of users (consumers) toward environmental concern context. The questionnaires were answered by the users living in Chiba City. According to the Survey Results : users gave strong consideration to socio-cultural factor for solution of the present environmental issues. As consumers they showed a pro-environmental attitude and they gave attention to the environmental aspects during the purchase of a product. About a half of users affirmed that if company (ies) introduced new products with radical environmental aspects in marketing, the lifestyle of consumers could be changed. The majority of users express interest to receive environmental education in which the main topics are related with consumption of households products and waste.
  • 佐藤 公信
    展示学 (33) 2-13 2002年  
  • ウエダ シンジ, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 47(2) 57-66 2000年  
    日本の中小企業及び大企業において, それぞれの環境方針への関与が「受動的」あるいは「能動的」な製品デザイナーが, 製品開発プロセス上, どのような役割を担っているかをアンケートによって調査し, 環境を考慮した製品の開発やエコデザインに対する彼らの姿勢について考察した。調査の結果, 現在の製品開発プロセスにおいては, 環境を考慮した製品の開発に対する「受動的」なアプローチが主流となっていることがうかがえた。また, 大企業に勤めるデザイナーに比べると, 中小企業に勤めるデザイナーの方が環境を考慮した製品開発に対して「能動的」な姿勢を示していた。使用時に環境を左右する度合いの高い製品の開発に携わっているデザイナーの大部分は, 自社の環境方針に責任を持つ特別なグループを設置した企業に属していたが, その活動に関与しているのは, 積極的なタイプの製品デザイナーよりも消極的なタイプのデザイナーであることが判明した。
  • 陳 明石, 清水 忠男一, 佐藤 公信, 一海 有里
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 65(528) 171-178 2000年  
    This study aims at getting an idea which explains the usage and function of Gi-lou spaces through close examination of identification of the temporary elements and the changes in kind and number of elements involved in these spaces with the change of time. As a result, it was found out that the kind and number of these elements increase remarkably in the afternoon to evening of Saturday and Sunday compared to a weekday in keeping with the increase of the traffic. It seems that the spaces are deeply incorporated into the lifestyle of city people in Taiwan.
  • 陳 明石, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信, 一海 有里
    デザイン学研究 46(2) 7-12 1999年  
    商店街の「公有私用型」歩行者空間の例として, 千葉県千葉市の商店街を対象に調査を行った。対象地域の歩行者空間には, 日中, 様々な仮設的要素が路上に観察された。店舗からはみ出している商品や広告物に関しては, 商店側は歩行者の通行阻害になるのを認識しつつ意図的に路上に置く傾向がある。歩行者はそれら仮設的要素を「街の活気が感じられる」「歩きながら店の様子を知ることができる」「気軽に商品を見られる」と肯定的に評価する一方, 十分に歩行者の目を楽しませる魅力がないことについて否定的に評価している。また, 放置自転車については, 歩行者・商店側共に否定的な評価であり, 路上に設置された店舗側からの日除けの支持物についても, 歩行者側は否定的である。これらのことから, 商業地域の歩行者空間に見られる仮設的要素に関する人々の評価は, その種類や置かれ方及び評価する人の立場によって異なり, 相反することもあるといえる。従って, 商店街に活性化を促したり, 人々の利便性や楽しみを生み出すためには, 路上の仮設的要素を一律的に規制するのではなく, 多様な要求を念頭においた制御の仕方が求められる。
  • 陳 明石, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信, 一海 有里
    デザイン学研究 46(2) 13-18 1999年  
    調査対象となった岐阜県高山市の商店街路は, 私有地と公有地とを取り込み, 同じ舗装を施し, 一体感や広がり感を作り出している屋根付きの歩行者空間である。ここには, 平日, 週末を問わず, 店舗の営業時間に呼応して, 様々な仮設的要素が路上に置かれているのが観察された。それら仮設的要素の置かれ方は商店街の協定に基づいているため, 広い通行空間がほぼ確保され, 歩行者は歩きながら商品を楽しみ, 店内の様子をうかがうことが可能である。この点はアンケート調査においても肯定的に受けとめられていた。この空間は, 行政と商店側が双方の所有地を共同で計画, より幅広い歩行者空間としてデザインし作り上げた公私融合型歩行者空間ということができる。このようななりたちの歩行者空間は, 立場の異る様々な人々の多様な活動を支援し, コミュニケーションを促進する場となり, 商店街を活性化させる一つの有効なあり方を示している。
  • 一海 有里, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信, 陳 明石
    日本建築学会計画系論文集 64(526) 215-222 1999年  
    This paper focuses on the physical elements found in public-private partitioning of space in residential area. And their psychological effect on the formation of the streetscape image are examined. The results of this study are as follows; 1) People prefer the physical elements which consist of natural elements such as flowers, plants and trees. These elements are useful for streetscape designs and public-private partitioning of space, because they bring people good impressions. 2) The streetscape design involves the important factor to make people active, and its good effect is expected. 3) In residential areas, streetscape designs and public-private partitioning of space have the potential to form a good regional community and image.
  • 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信, 権 寧徳
    デザイン学研究 43(4) 63-70 1996年  
  • 近藤 朗, 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 41(3) 31-40 1994年  
  • 久保 光徳, 宮崎 清, 佐藤 公信 [他]
    千葉大学環境科学研究報告 18 18-25 1993年3月  
  • 玉垣 庸一, 宮崎 紀郎, 佐藤 公信
    デザイン学研究 1991(87) 154-154 1991年  
  • 佐藤 公信, 森 崇
    デザイン学研究 1987(60) 12-12 1987年  


  • 李 銘倫, 佐藤 公信
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 67 162-162 2020年  
    <p>高齢社会において、高齢者の孤独死をはじめ、他者との繋がりが希薄になることに起因する問題が注目されており、その解決のひとつとして、他者と直接的にコミュニケーションを得る機会の創出が重要であると言われている。本研究は、他者との直接的コミュニケーションを得る機会として、高齢者の外出意欲に着目し、意欲を高める方法について、行動のきっかけと影響要因を整理することによって、行動モデルを構築し、デザインがアプローチできる観点を明らかにすることを目的としている。このモデルでは、1. 情報、2.個人因子、3.阻害要因、4.外出意欲、5.行動の5つの要素に着目しており、4種類の行動パターンを設定した。これらのモデルの妥当性や行動パターンにおけるデザイン支援の可能性をあきらかにするため、高齢者に対するアンケート調査を行い、ユーザ属性の違いを考慮した検証実験を行う予定である。</p>
  • 清水 忠男, 佐藤 公信, 今泉 博子, 齋藤 瑞枝
    デザイン学研究特集号 28(2) 48-53 2020年  
  • 塚本 千晶, 佐藤 公信
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 64 348-348 2017年  
    これまでの親子を対象にした行動観察手法によるコミュニケーションの評価は、子どもの行動・情動に焦点を当てられてきたが、母親の行動・情動にも対して相互の応答行為にも焦点をあてて詳細に分析することが必要だと考えられる。<br> 本研究は、母親の行動・情動、親子のコミュニケーションに着目したカテゴリー表を新たに作成することを目的としたものである。分析の対象として、触覚感から誘発される遊びを題材にしたクリック感の有るデザインと無いデザインを検討モデルとして制作し、行動観察を行ない新たなカテゴリー表を用いて検討をおこなった。その結果、子どもの行動・情動だけの要因だけでなく母親の行動・情動、親子のコミュニケーションのカテゴリー項目を増やすことで<br>1.複数のカテゴリーが同時に生起する重なり合いを示すこと<br>2.時間軸を加える事で他との行動カテゴリーとの関連性を見いだすこと<br>を示すことができた。<br> 以上のことから新たなカテゴリー表の適用は、親子のコミュニケーションの深浅のレベルを分析するのに役立ち行動カテゴリー表の使用は有効であることが示唆された。
  • 塚本 千晶, 佐藤 公信
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 63 144-144 2016年  


  • 日本デザイン学会, 松岡 由幸, 佐藤公信 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第II部デザイン方法 ラダーリング法)
    丸善出版 2020年1月 (ISBN: 9784621303771)
  • 日本展示学会
    丸善出版 2019年1月 (ISBN: 9784621303597)
  • 海保, 博之, 日比野, 治雄, 小山, 慎一, 木村, 英司, 赤瀬, 達三, 北岡, 明佳, 寺内, 文雄, 佐藤, 公信, 小田, 浩一, 新井, 善浩, 高橋, 徹, 泉澤, 惠, 緑川, 晶, 八馬, 智
    朝倉書店 2013年11月 (ISBN: 9784254526837)
  • 日本展示学会, 日本展示学会出版事業委員会 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:7章 音とデザイン)
    雄山閣 2010年7月 (ISBN: 9784639021490)
  • 音の百科事典編集委員会, 岩宮眞一郎, 大里, 俊晴, 酒井博之, 佐藤公信, 清水富弘, 城生佰太郎, 田中宗隆, 田中優子, 彦坂裕, 渡辺裕
    丸善 2006年1月 (ISBN: 9784621076606)

