
北畑 裕之

キタハタ ヒロユキ  (Hiroyuki Kitahata)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院物理学研究部門 教授
博士(2006年3月 京都大学)

Researcher ID



  • Yosuke Mai, Yasuaki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Takashi Seo, Takuma Nohara, Sota Itamoto, Shoko Mai, Junichi Kumamoto, Masaharu Nagayama, Wataru Nishie, Hideyuki Ujiie, Ken Natsuga
    Life science alliance 7(9) 2024年9月  
    Epithelia consist of proliferating and differentiating cells that often display patterned arrangements. However, the mechanism regulating these spatial arrangements remains unclear. Here, we show that cell-cell adhesion dictates multicellular patterning in stratified epithelia. When cultured keratinocytes, a type of epithelial cell in the skin, are subjected to starvation, they spontaneously develop a pattern characterized by areas of high and low cell density. Pharmacological and knockout experiments show that adherens junctions are essential for patterning, whereas the mathematical model that only considers local cell-cell adhesion as a source of attractive interactions can form regions with high/low cell density. This phenomenon, called cell-cell adhesion-induced patterning (CAIP), influences cell differentiation and proliferation through Yes-associated protein modulation. Starvation, which induces CAIP, enhances the stratification of the epithelia. These findings highlight the intrinsic self-organizing property of epithelial cells.
  • Kota Ikeda, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Yuki Koyano
    Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2024年7月2日  
    Abstract The mechanism of self-propelled particle motion has attracted much interest in mathematical and physical understanding of the locomotion of living organisms. In a top-down approach, simple time-evolution equations are suitable for qualitatively analyzing the transition between the different types of solutions and the influence of the intrinsic symmetry of systems despite failing to quantitatively reproduce the phenomena. We aim to rigorously show the existence of the rotational, oscillatory, and quasi-periodic solutions and determine their stabilities regarding a canonical equation proposed by Koyano et al. (J Chem Phys 143(1):014117, 2015) for a self-propelled particle confined by a parabolic potential. In the proof, the original equation is reduced to a lower dimensional dynamical system by applying Fenichel’s theorem on the persistence of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds and the averaging method. Furthermore, the averaged system is identified with essentially a one-dimensional equation because the original equation is O(2)-symmetric.
  • Arnab Maiti, Yuki Koyano, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Krishna Kanti Dey
    Physical Review E 109 054607/1-054607/9 2024年5月23日  査読有り
  • Yuki Araya, Hiroaki Ito, Hiroyuki Kitahata
    Physical Review E 109(5) 2024年5月2日  
  • Michiko Shimokawa, Junma Arimitsu, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Hidetsugu Sakaguchi
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 93(3) 2024年3月15日  




  • Haruka Sugiura, Manami Ito, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Yoshihito Mori, Masahiro Takinoue, Masahiro Takinoue
    MicroTAS 2015 - 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2015年1月1日
    © 15CBMS-0001. We report a droplet-based microfluidic method that can control chemical fluxes into/out of a microreactor. Our method is inspired by the universal molecular transportation systems in cells based on vesicular fusion and fission, such as endo- and exo-cytotic processes. This method allowed precise control of chemical fluxes, resulting in successful control of chemical oscillation far from equilibrium. We believe that this system brings innovations in chemical and biomedical studies in terms of dynamical control of self-organized phenomena far from equilibrium.
  • Ikkyu Aihara, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Kenichi Yoshikawa, Kazuyuki Aihara, Kazuyuki Aihara
    Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotis, AROB 12th'07 2007年12月1日
    This paper theoretically describes calling behaviors of Japanese tree frogs Hyla japonica with a simple model of phase oscillators. Experimental analysis showed that while isolated single frogs called nearly periodically, a pair of interacting frogs called alternately. We model these phenomena as a system of coupled phase oscillators, where each isolated oscillator behaves periodically as a model of the calling of a single frog and two coupled oscillators shows antiphase synchronization, reflecting the alternately calling behavior of two interacting frogs. Then, we extend the model to a system of three oscillators corresponding to three interacting frogs and analyse the dynamics. We also discuss a biological meaning of the calling behaviors and its possible application to Artificial Life and Robotics. ©ISAROB 2007.
  • Ken Nagai, Yutaka Sumino, Hiroyuki Kitahata, Kenichi Yoshikawa
    Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 2006年6月28日
    An alcohol (pentanol) droplet exhibits spontaneous motion on an aqueous solution, driven by a solutal Marangoni effect. We found that the mode of such droplet motion changes depending on the temperature of the aqueous phase. When the temperature of the aqueous phase is 20°C, a droplet with a volume of 1 μl exhibits vectorial motion, whereas when the temperature is 25°C, the droplet exhibits irregular motion. We discuss the mode change in relation to the solubility of pentanol in water.

