
松香 敏彦

マツカ トシヒコ  (Matsuka Toshihiko)


千葉大学 大学院人文科学研究院 / 融合理工学府 教授
Ph. D.(コロンビア大学)





  • Kuangzhe Xu, Toshihiko Matsuka
    PloS one 18(10) e0291735 2023年  
    The present study investigated (1) how well humans can recognize facial expressions represented by a small set of landmarks, a commonly used technique in facial recognition in machine learning and (2) differences in conscious observational behaviors to recognized different types of expressions. Our video stimuli consisted of facial expression represented by 68 landmark points. Conscious observational behaviors were measured by movements of the mouse cursor where a small area around it was only visible to participants. We constructed Bayesian models to analyze how personality traits and observational behaviors influenced how participants recognized different facial expressions. We found that humans could recognize positive expressions with high accuracy, similar to machine learning, even when faces were represented by a small set of landmarks. Although humans fared better than machine learning, recognition of negative expressions was not as high as positives. Our results also showed that personality traits and conscious observational behaviors significantly influenced recognizing facial expressions. For example, people with high agreeableness could correctly recognize faces expressing happiness by observing several areas among faces without focusing on any specific part for very long. These results suggest a mechanism whereby personality traits lead to different conscious observational behaviors and recognitions of facial expressions are based on information obtained through those observational behaviors.
  • 白砂大, 本田秀仁, 松香敏彦, 植田一博
    認知科学 29(3) 404-414 2022年9月  査読有り
  • 白砂大, 本田秀仁, 松香敏彦, 植田一博
    認知科学 29(1) 136-138 2022年3月  招待有り
  • Yoshiko Kawabata, Toshihiko Matsuka
    2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2021 - Proceedings 380-385 2021年  査読有り
    A back-channel is a short utterance made by non-primary speakers. In the Japanese language back-channel is called 'Aizuchi, ' Aizuchi has long been considered as a positive reaction to the primary speaker showing agreement or appraisal and or giving the right to continue speaking. Togashi argues that, in contrast to the conventional view, the essence of aizuchi is a sign of internal information processing in the mind of the one who uses aizuchi. The present study examined the usage of aizuchi as a non-primary speaker's internal information processing using Japanese map task dialogue. The result of our analysis showed that aizuchi often occurred when the primary speakers introduced an object known by the non-primary speakers into the conversation as predicted by Togashi's view of aizuchi. It was also suggested that the presence/absence of aizuchi was not necessarily a clear sign indicating the non-primary speakers have knowledge about the target object but rough but useful information to predict the knowledge state of the non-primary speakers.
  • Kuangzhe Xu, Noriko Nagata, Toshihiko Matsuka
    2021 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference, APSIPA ASC 2021 - Proceedings 359-365 2021年  査読有り
    Previous studies indicated that how people look at others' faces depends on observers' characteristics. A vast majority of these studies used aggregated data, treating gaze data in a static manner and often neglected dynamics of observational behaviors. The present study, on the other hand, examined the relationship between observers' personality traits and observational behaviors (i.e., which areas of face were looked at) using time-series eye movement data. In particular, we collected gaze data using a smile judgments task, asking participants to judge whether smiley faces were genuine or not. Observational behav-iors were analyzed using a hidden Markov model. The results showed that participants with different patterns of personality traits exhibited different transition patterns. In addition, there were also significant interactions between personality traits and the number of hidden states each participant had. Furthermore, there were significant relationships between participants' person-ality traits and the result of judgments.


  • 松香 敏彦
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 JSAI2015 4B1CS1-4B1CS1 2015年  
    The present paper introduces some key theories and phenomena about “ concept ” known among cognitive scientists to researchers in Artificial Intelligence. First, how natural categories are internally represented in our mind is discussed. It may sound counterintuitive, but many behavioral and modeling studies indicate that categories are represented by collection of unsorted exemplars, but not rules nor prototypes. Second, the hierarchical structure of categories is discussed. Although people generally can use taxonomic relations in inferences and reasoning, there are some evidences that category hierarchy is not stored in our memory, but is computed during inferences and reasoning. Third, two theories about symbol systems, namely amodal symbol systems (ASS) and perceptual symbol systems (PSS) are discussed. While a modular and amodal semantic memory is the main vehicle of knowledge in ASS, multi-modal perception, action, and affection in the brain ’s sensory-motor system is the key vehicle in PSS. Although, many theories on categorization and concept in cognitive science are built on the basis of ASS, its limitation and PSS ’s potential advantages are discussed.
  • 松香 敏彦
    人工知能学会全国大会論文集 JSAI2014 1D31-1D31 2014年  
  • 遠藤 一樹, Xu Kuangzhe, 松香 敏彦
    JCSS Japanese Congnitive Science Society 398-402 2014年  
  • 松香 敏彦
    学習と対話 - 2-5 2012年  
  • Hidehito Honda, Toshihiko Matsuka
    COGNITION IN FLUX 772-777 2010年  査読有り
    Previous studies have discussed how speakers select a frame (e.g., "half full," or "half empty"), and have proposed a hypothesis such as reference point hypothesis (e.g., Sher & McKenzie, 2006, 2008). In this paper, we propose a new hypothesis, frame choice based on information about rarity. This hypothesis predicts that speakers tend to select a frame denoting a rare event. Four studies provide evidence that speakers' choice of frame is consistent with the prediction from our hypothesis. Furthermore, our hypothesis is reconciled with the positive bias in frame choice, which cannot be accounted for by the reference point hypothesis. We discuss the possibility that linguistic behaviors are widely explained from people's sensitivity to rarity information.

