
西田 紀貴

Noritaka Nishida


千葉大学 大学院薬学研究院 教授
博士(薬学)(2004年3月 東京大学)







  • Goro Nishide, Keesiang Lim, Maiki Tamura, Akiko Kobayashi, Qingci Zhao, Masaharu Hazawa, Toshio Ando, Noritaka Nishida, Richard W Wong
    The journal of physical chemistry letters 14(38) 8385-8396 2023年9月28日  
    Open reading frame 6 (ORF6), the accessory protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that suppresses host type-I interferon signaling, possesses amyloidogenic sequences. ORF6 amyloidogenic peptides self-assemble to produce cytotoxic amyloid fibrils. Currently, the molecular properties of the ORF6 remain elusive. Here, we investigate the structural dynamics of the full-length ORF6 protein in a near-physiological environment using high-speed atomic force microscopy. ORF6 oligomers were ellipsoidal and readily assembled into ORF6 protofilaments in either a circular or a linear pattern. The formation of ORF6 protofilaments was enhanced at higher temperatures or on a lipid substrate. ORF6 filaments were sensitive to aliphatic alcohols, urea, and SDS, indicating that the filaments were predominantly maintained by hydrophobic interactions. In summary, ORF6 self-assembly could be necessary to sequester host factors and causes collateral damage to cells via amyloid aggregates. Nanoscopic imaging unveiled the innate molecular behavior of ORF6 and provides insight into drug repurposing to treat amyloid-related coronavirus disease 2019 complications.
  • Qingci Zhao, Ryu Fujimiya, Satoshi Kubo, Christopher B Marshall, Mitsuhiko Ikura, Ichio Shimada, Noritaka Nishida
    Cell reports 32(8) 108074-108074 2020年8月25日  
    The small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) RAS serves as a molecular switch in signal transduction, and its mutation and aberrant activation are implicated in tumorigenesis. Here, we perform real-time, in-cell nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses of non-farnesylated RAS to measure time courses of the fraction of the active GTP-bound form (fGTP) within cytosol of live mammalian cells. The observed intracellular fGTP is significantly lower than that measured in vitro for wild-type RAS as well as oncogenic mutants, due to both decrease of the guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-GTP exchange rate (kex) and increase of GTP hydrolysis rate (khy). In vitro reconstitution experiments show that highly viscous environments promote a reduction of kex, whereas the increase of khy is stimulated by unidentified cytosolic proteins. This study demonstrates the power of in-cell NMR to directly detect the GTP-bound levels of RAS in mammalian cells, thereby revealing that the khy and kex of RAS are modulated by various intracellular factors.
  • Noritaka Nishida, Yuta Komori, Osamu Takarada, Atsushi Watanabe, Satoko Tamura, Satoshi Kubo, Ichio Shimada, Masahide Kikkawa
    Nature communications 11(1) 1038-1038 2020年2月25日  査読有り
    The movements of cytoplasmic dynein on microtubule (MT) tracks is achieved by two-way communication between the microtubule-binding domain (MTBD) and the ATPase domain via a coiled-coil stalk, but the structural basis of this communication remains elusive. Here, we regulate MTBD either in high-affinity or low-affinity states by introducing a disulfide bond to the stalk and analyze the resulting structures by NMR and cryo-EM. In the MT-unbound state, the affinity changes of MTBD are achieved by sliding of the stalk α-helix by a half-turn, which suggests that structural changes propagate from the ATPase-domain to MTBD. In addition, MT binding induces further sliding of the stalk α-helix even without the disulfide bond, suggesting how the MT-induced conformational changes propagate toward the ATPase domain. Based on differences in the MT-binding surface between the high- and low-affinity states, we propose a potential mechanism for the directional bias of dynein movement on MT tracks.
  • Noritaka Nishida, Yutaka Ito, Ichio Shimada
    Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects 1864(2) 129364-129364 2020年2月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: Accumulating evidence from the experimental and computational studies indicated that the functional properties of proteins are different between in vitro and living cells, raising the necessity to examine the protein structure under the native intracellular milieu. To gain structural information of the proteins inside the living cells at an atomic resolution, in-cell NMR method has been developed for the past two decades. SCOPE OF REVIEW: In this review, we will overview the recent progress in the methodological developments and the biological applications of in-cell NMR, and discuss the advances and challenges in this filed. MAJOR CONCLUSIONS: A number of methods were developed to enrich the isotope-labeled proteins inside the cells, enabling the in-cell NMR observation of bacterial cells as well as eukaryotic cells. In-cell NMR has been applied to various biological systems, including de novo structure determinations, protein/protein or protein/drug interactions, and monitoring of chemical reactions exerted by the endogenous enzymes. The bioreactor system, in which the cells in the NMR tube are perfused by fresh culture medium, enabled the long-term in-cell NMR measurements, and the real-time observations of intracellular responses upon external stimuli. GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: In-cell NMR has become a unique technology for its ability to obtain the function-related structural information of the target proteins under the physiological or pathological cellular environments, which cannot be reconstituted in vitro.
  • Noritaka Nishida, Tomoya Tsukazaki, Daisuke Kohda
    Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects 1864(2) 129421-129421 2020年2月  査読有り

