西垣知佳子, 天野孝太郎, 吉森智大, 中條清美
『千葉大学教育学部研究紀要』 59 235-240 2011年3月
近年,英文データベースであるコーパスと検索ソフトを組み合わせて,学習者自身が言語データを検索・観察して行うデータ駆動型学習 (data-driven learning : DDL) の効果が注目されている。一方でDDLは初級学習者への活用は難しいという指摘がある。その理由は,1)学習者の英語力が未発達で学習者による言語データの分析が難しい,2)検索される英文の難易度が高く,データ量が多い,3)いつでもコンピュータを利用できるわけではなく,検索ソフトの操作にも慣れる必要があるというものである。本研究では,DDLを中・高生学習者の指導に活用するために,独自に作成した日本・中国・韓国・台湾英語教科書コーパスを利用して,学習者の英語力レベルにあったコーパスを用い,さらに中・高生のためのDDLワークシートを開発して,中・高の通常授業でのDDLの導入を試みた。3回の指導実践の結果,中・高の授業にDDLによる語彙・文法指導を導入することが可能であることが確認された。Studies have shown that DDL, exploring a corpus or database of language with concordancing software, is effective for language learning. In spite of many potential benefits, however, some researchers urge caution in its application to beginner-level learners because (a) a limited vocabulary and knowledge of grammar is insufficient for recognizing or making sense of language patterns, (b) the authentic target language data in corpora are likely to be overwhelming in both volume and complexity, and (c) the need for computers can be a roadblock in accessibility and/or understanding of usage. To address these concerns and to expand the application of DDL, in this study we developed text analysis learning material for beginner-level junior and senior high school students. First, a corpus was created from English school textbooks used in Japan, Korea, China, and the Republic of China (Taiwan) so that the target language appearing in the concordancing lines would be more appropriate to the learners' language level. Second, we created paper-based learning material to be used in the classroom so that instructors and students would not have the added burden of learning to use the computer and software, and/or for classrooms without computer access. This material was used for junior high school students and senior high school students in Japan, and the effectiveness of the material and instruction was measured. The results gained from pre- and post-tests will be used for the continued development of DDL material for beginner-level learners.