
木下 剛

キノシタ タケシ  (Takeshi Kinoshita)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院 教授



  • プロデューサー, 附属図書館, 竹内比呂也, キャンパス整備企画室, 上野武, ディレクター, 株式会社佐藤総合計画, 渡辺猛, 施設環境部, 園芸学部, 松岡延浩, 小林達明, デザイナー, 株式会社佐藤総合計画, 牛込具之, 飯塚麻人, 園芸学部, 木下勇, 木下剛, 萩野一彦, 三谷徹, 丘の上事務所, 酒匂克之, 横山天香


  • Hongyu Li, Takeshi Kinoshita, Jie Chen, Jing Xie, Shixian Luo, Daer Su
    Sustainable Cities and Society 102 105213-105213 2024年3月  査読有り
  • Jie Chen, Hongyu Li, Shixian Luo, Daer Su, Jing Xie, Tongguang Zang, Takeshi Kinoshita
    Science of The Total Environment 908 168265-168265 2024年1月  査読有り最終著者
  • Jie Chen, Takeshi Kinoshita, Hongyu Li, Shixian Luo, Daer Su
    Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 91 128178-128178 2024年1月  査読有り
  • Hongyu Li, Jie Chen, Konomi Ikebe, Takeshi Kinoshita
    Land 12(11) 2058-2058 2023年11月12日  査読有り最終著者
    The adaptive reuse of cultural heritage (ARCH) is an innovative, sustainable approach to architectural heritage conservation; however, current research on the subject lacks public awareness surveys from the bottom-up, and the non-use value of ARCH buildings has not been clarified. We investigated the willingness to pay for ARCH among 1460 residents of the Nara Prefecture using a contingent valuation method and clarified the factors affecting the willingness to pay through an ordered logistic regression model. The results of this study showed that 75.1% of the respondents were willing to pay for ARCH projects, which were valued at JPY 6036.13 (USD 41.15) per person per year excluding zero payments and JPY 4531.23 (USD 30.89), including zero payments. In addition, residents’ attitudes toward ARCH and heritage awareness positively influenced both the willingness to pay and its magnitude, while the degree of place attachment was a positive predictor of willingness to pay. This study demonstrates the role of public participation in cultural heritage conservation, emphasizes the importance of heritage awareness, and provides a reference point for policy makers in promoting public participation in ARCH buildings, which contributes to the implementation of a recycling approach to heritage conservation in a sustainable context.
  • Tongguang Zang, Jun Jiang, Konomi Ikebe, Takeshi Kinoshita
    Sustainability 15(10) 7796-7796 2023年5月10日  査読有り最終著者
    In the post-pandemic era, cities are facing new demands and challenges. Both telecommuting and dense development require communities to provide more public space to meet people’s psychological and physical needs. The insufficient space currently left in the city calls for stock development. The Japanese public libraries affected by COVID-19 are part of this stock. We aimed to determine and propose strategies for using the external space of libraries to enhance the sustainability of cities. Ultimately, we expect to achieve a synergy between public libraries and cities in terms of sustainability. We found that the most dominant element in the exterior space of Japanese public libraries is parking lots, which have the potential to be flexibly utilized in the post-pandemic era. We also summarized the current patterns of external space for public libraries in Japan. Finally, we proposed six strategies to enhance the sustainability of libraries and cities. These strategies can simultaneously enhance the sustainability of cities and public libraries from multiple perspectives, especially in the post-pandemic era. Our proposal will not only help to build or renew public libraries in the future, but also fills a gap in the urban perspective of Japanese public libraries and their external spaces.


  • グリーンインフラ研究会, 三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング, 日経コンストラクション編, 木下剛 (担当:共著, 範囲:ロンドングリーングリッド計画:241-251)
    日経BP社 2017年
  • 宮城俊作, 木下剛 (担当:共著, 範囲:第4章 団地造園の理論と実践の系譜:185-221)
    都市基盤整備公団『街とみどりの歩み』編集委員会 2002年
  • landscape network 901*編, 木下剛 (担当:共著, 範囲:理念としての原地形―地形デザインの近代―,公園―遺伝子型と表現型―,高層高密化がもたらしたもの―緑地計画批判序説―,多目的広場論―非公共性、あるいは責任放棄―,土地のソシオロジー―アナロジーとしての生態学―,模景論―プラモデルから大名庭園、テーマパークまで―,動物園、植物園、水族館―実体化されるエデン―(芮京禄との共著),風景としてのセキュリティ―閉じる都市―,『ランドスケープ批評宣言 増補改訂版』:78-81,122-125,134-137,154-156,294-297,370-371,378-379)
    INAX 出版 2002年
  • 田畑貞寿編著 (担当:共著, 範囲:敷地利用の変容と緑景観の継承,小規模オープンスペースからみた市街地の防火安全性,法制度の空間イメージ―風致地区とランドスケープマネジメント―,環境資産の形成と公園緑地:35-60,89-102,103-130,131-150)
    技報堂出版 1999年
  • 木下剛 (担当:共著, 範囲:オープンスペース整備技術の体系:45-59)
    住宅・都市整備公団 都市開発事業部 1999年







