
手島 恵

テシマ メグミ  (Megumi Teshima)


千葉大学 大学院看護学研究院  教授





  • 宇野 光子, 下左近 寿美, 相馬 光代, 松田 美智代, 武村 雪絵, 手島 恵
    日本看護管理学会学術集会抄録集 27回 259-259 2023年7月  
  • Yaeko Watanabe, Sachiko Claus, Taiya Nakagawa, Shigeko Yasunami, Teshima Megumi
    JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN NURSING 26(1-2) 97-115 2021年3月  
    Background: To respond to calls for improvements in nursing education in Japan, a group of faculties of a baccalaureate nursing programme has made an initial attempt to incorporate quality and safety education for nurses safety competency into three related courses, two sophomore level courses and one senior level course.Aims: To evaluate the learning experiences in a senior level course on medical safety in order to identify learning outcomes in terms of areas of strengths and areas for further improvements of the course and a system-wide implementation of quality and safety education for nurses competencies in the future.Methods: Fourteen students who met the criteria had volunteered to participate in one of the two 40-minute focus group interviews. During the interviews, participants were asked questions as to what they have learned and how they may use that knowledge in the future. The sessions were tape recorded, the data were transcribed and analysed using the content analysis method according to Berelson.Results: Eight categories of learning related to medical safety were identified, including awareness of own risks for errors and plans to reduce such risks. These categories of learning were thought to have achieved the level equal to 75% of quality and safety education for nurses knowledge, skills and attitudes items.Conclusions: The current content and methods for this course identified strengths to be continued, with some areas of improvement for the future for further adoption of quality and safety education for nurses competencies into the entire curriculum.
  • 佐々木 菜名代, 井部 俊子, 倉岡 有美子, 笠松 由佳, 澤邉 綾子, 武村 雪絵, 吉田 千文, 手島 恵
    日本看護管理学会誌 25(1) 225-235 2021年  
  • 渡辺 八重子, クローズ 幸子, 夏目 隆史, 鈴木 真, 青木 久子, 丸山 祝子, 手島 恵
    医療と安全 = Healthcare and safety : 日本医療安全学会機関誌 (9) 17-27 2018年10月  
    患者安全の組織文化を醸成するためのツールとしてDOD(米国国防総省)とAHRQ(米国医療研究品質局)が開発したTeamSTEPPS(Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety:チームとしてのより良いパフォーマンスと患者安全を高めるためのツールと戦略)導入による安全文化の変化を明らかにすることを目的に、某総合病院の5病棟で働く職員(医師、看護師、理学療法士、病棟事務など)218名を対象にTeamSTEPPSを導入し、その効果を量的および質的に評価した。量的評価として、AHRQの医療安全文化(12因子)アンケート調査を実施し、質的評価として、各病棟の師長を対象に安全文化の変化とTeamSTEPPS導入の関係について半構成的面接を行った。その結果、5病棟のうち3病棟で安全文化の増大が認められ、3病棟で共通して増大が認められた安全文化因子として、「エラーに関するフィードバックとコミュニケーション」「患者安全の促進に関わる上司の考え方と行動」「組織的-継続的な改善」が明らかになった。
  • Harue Masaki, Nobuko Kawai, Keiko Matsumoto, Miyoko Kuwata, Sachiko Yoshioka, Midori Nishiyama, Ryoko Uchino, Hiroko Nagae, Megumi Teshima, Sayuri Sakai, Kazuko Endo
    International journal of nursing practice 23 Suppl 1 2017年6月  
    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Quality indicators for end-of-life care have been published; however, none have been developed specifically for nursing in the cultural and traditional context of Japan. This study aimed to develop and build a consensus of quality indicators for end-of-life care for elders in Japan from the perspective of nursing science. METHODS: To develop the quality indicators, we used a literature review, expert panel process, and the Delphi technique among clinical nurse specialists in geriatrics. RESULTS: Quality indicators were identified in 7 major areas: advance directives and surrogate continuity, ethical daily care, care preferences and decisions about life-sustaining treatment, assessment and management of pain and other symptoms, daily care for the dying, family care, and institutional systems for end-of-life care. CONCLUSIONS: These quality indicators represent the first attempt to develop a best practices approach toward improving the quality of elderly end-of-life care in nursing.







