野村 純, 馬場 智子, 飯塚 正明, 板倉 嘉哉, 加藤 徹也, 木下 龍, 下永田 修二, 白川 健, 杉田 克生, 高木 啓, 辻 耕治, 吉田 恭子, 林 英子, ホーン ベヴァリー, 大和 政秀, 米田 千恵, 山野 芳昭, 山下 修一, 鶴岡 義彦, 藤田 剛志, 小宮山 伴与志, 大嶌 竜午, アシャディアント サプト
科学教育研究 41(2) 141-149 2017年 査読有り
<p>The TWINCLE program is a teacher internship program which aims to enhance mutual understanding of foreign cultures and to develop students' ability to succeed in overseas internships. In this study, reports written by students who participated in the program were analyzed by a text mining method to evaluate the changes in their ideas about the development and practice of the teaching materials. The results indicate that the students' attitudes towards science classes changed from 'simple lecture oriented classes' to 'problem-solving learning oriented classes'. Therefore, participating in the TWINCLE program is an effective way to change the students' image of the science class.</p>