
樋口 孝之

ヒグチ タカユキ  (Takayuki Higuchi)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 教授
博士(学術)(2004年3月 千葉大学)





  • YANG Jinrong, HIGUCHI Takayuki
    Journal of the Science of Design 3(1) 1_1-1_10 2019年  
    In order to assist designers and managers in improving the aesthetic experience of cultural packaging, this study investigated the cultural Chinese liquor packaging (CCLP) from the perspective of cultural spatial levels. Using a questionnaire survey, it firstly investigated whether customer's aesthetic experience varied with outer and inner levels of cultural elements within CCLP. Additionally, it explored the interactions between cultural elements, design elements, and aesthetic experience within CCLP when it is equipped with two levels of cultural elements. The results showed that: (1) there was no significant difference between different levels of cultural elements in generating aesthetic experiences in CCLP, which indicated a certain spatial level of cultural elements do not have an inherent superiority in staging aesthetic experiences. And (2) according to the correspondence of design element's performance and evoked aesthetic experience, this study classified CCLP's design elements based on Kano's model. This classification can provide important reference for designers, as it implies multiple design elements' different priorities when staging aesthetic experience and guides designer's efforts, facilitates design work efficiency, and encourages effectiveness.
  • YANG Jinrong, HIGUCHI Takayuki
    Journal of the Science of Design 1(2) 51‐60 2017年11月30日  
  • INNELLA Giovanni, RODGERS Paul A, HIGUCHI Takayuki, MUXEL Andreas, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    デザイン学研究 (238) 21‐28 2016年11月30日  
  • INNELLA Giovanni, A. RODGERS Paul, HIGUCHI Takayuki, Muxel Andreas, PASKEVICIUS Algirdas
    デザイン学研究 63(4) 4_21-4_28 2016年  
    This paper chronicles and reflects upon the experiences gathered from a design workshop conducted at Chiba University, with students from Chiba University, Köln International School of Design and with the support of Fujitsu. During the workshop, participants were invited to continuously build and prototype their ideas, rather than following the conventional design process of idea generation, visualization and, only at a later stage, prototyping. Such a hands-on approach proved beneficial in the communication among participants as well as in simplifying the design process. In fact, by working on quick and approximate prototypes, participants could more easily express their ideas overcoming language barriers and visual representation skills. Furthermore, physical prototypes helped participants to identify the key aspects of their proposals and focus on those. Finally, those prototypes also served as useful props to enact the experience of using the proposed artefacts and services.
  • 樋口 孝之
    デザイン学研究 62(6) 6_69-6_78 2016年  


  • 尚 万里, 樋口 孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 64 2017年  
  • HIGUCHI Takayuki
    on-line journal in Import/Export:Postwar Design and Industry in East Asia・M+Matters 2014年  招待有り
  • Silvia Ferraris, Sara Colombo, Sara Bergamaschi, Takayuki Higuchi, Kei Tomioka
    Proceedings of 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation 1564-1572 2014年  査読有り
  • 畠山 真紀, アントニオ ロドリゲス, 樋口 孝之, 渡邉 誠
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 61 2014年  
    千葉大学では海外の大学とデザインに関するワークショップを行っている。本稿ではポルトガルのInstitute of Art, Design and Enterprise - Universityのロドリゲス教授指導の下行ったスケッチのワークショップの取組みについて記した。ワークショップではスケッチをしながら発想・展開するという方法を用いて行った。また、アイデアを考える際に様々な切り口から問題に取り組むということに重きをおいていた。この手法は各2時間の8フェーズに分けられており、フェーズごとにキーワードが与えられ、それに沿ってスケッチでアイデア展開を行った。この際、次のフェーズのキーワードは次のフェーズが始まるまで知らされない。ワークショップはこの手法に従って行われた。スケッチ対象はガーデンライトで、素材はラタンと鉄が指定された。日本人学生6人とポルトガル人学生12人で各国の学生が混ざるよう5グループに分け、五日間かけて行われた。基本的に作業は個人で行い、グループの中では意見交換を行った。<br>
  • GUO Quansheng, 植田憲, 宮崎清, 樋口孝之
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 55th(55) 244-245 2008年6月20日  
    Tang Tri-color is tri-colored glazed pottery which has been inherited as the traditional handicrafts in Luoyang. Through a field survey on the traditional Tang Tri-color industries, literature investigation and interview to the tradesmen and the handicraftsmen, the following points come to light in this study: 1) It is an undoubted fact that Luoyang is the birthplace of Tang Tri-color industry; 2) The actual conditions of Tang Tri-color industry is that both the modern technological processes and the traditional craft are being in use and adbanced at present; 3) To develop Tang Tri-color industry for daily life of the common as life culture is the the orientation of Tang Tri-color's future development.


  • 藤田, 治彦, Guth, Christine (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Solution and Service design in Japan)
    Bloomsbury Visual Arts 2020年 (ISBN: 9781350036475)
  • 日本デザイン学会 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:エスノグラフィー)
    丸善出版 2019年10月 (ISBN: 9784621303771)
  • 樋口 孝之 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:デザインと多様性科学,社会の科学)
    朝倉書店 2003年10月



