
髙橋 秀幸

タカハシ ヒデユキ  (Hideyuki Takahashi)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院 宇宙園芸研究センター 特任教授 (センター長)






  • Lei Pang, Akie Kobayashi, Yuka Atsumi, Yutaka Miyazawa, Nobuharu Fujii, Daniela Dietrich, Malcolm J Bennett, Hideyuki Takahashi
    Journal of Experimental Botany 2023年5月23日  査読有り
    Abstract In response to unilateral blue light illumination, roots of some plant species such as Arabidopsis thaliana exhibit negative phototropism (bending away from light), which is important for light avoidance in nature. MIZU-KUSSEI1 (MIZ1) and GNOM/MIZ2 are essential for positive hydrotropism (i.e. in the presence of a moisture gradient, root bending towards greater water availability). Intriguingly, mutations in these genes also cause a substantial reduction in phototropism. Here, we examined whether the same tissue-specific sites of expression required for MIZ1- and GNOM/MIZ2-regulated hydrotropism in Arabidopsis roots are also required for phototropism. The attenuated phototropic response of miz1 roots was completely restored when a functional MIZ1–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion was expressed in the cortex of the root elongation zone but not in other tissues such as root cap, meristem, epidermis, or endodermis. The hydrotropic defect and reduced phototropism of miz2 roots were restored by GNOM/MIZ2 expression in either the epidermis, cortex, or stele, but not in the root cap or endodermis. Thus, the sites in root tissues that are involved in the regulation of MIZ1- and GNOM/MIZ2-dependent hydrotropism also regulate phototropism. These results suggest that MIZ1- and GNOM/MIZ2-mediated pathways are, at least in part, shared by hydrotropic and phototropic responses in Arabidopsis roots.
  • Boyuan Mao, Hiroki Takahashi, Hideyuki Takahashi, Nobuharu Fujii
    Journal of Plant Research 135(6) 799-808 2022年9月23日  査読有り
    Abstract Root gravitropism affects root hydrotropism. The interference intensity of root gravitropism with root hydrotropism differs among plant species. However, these differences have not been well compared within a single plant species. In this study, we compared root hydrotropism in various natural variants of Arabidopsis under stationary conditions. As a result, we detected a range of root hydrotropism under stationary conditions among natural Arabidopsis variants. Comparison of root gravitropism and root hydrotropism among several Arabidopsis natural variants classified natural variants that decreased root hydrotropism into two types; namely one type that expresses root gravitropism and root hydrotropism weaker than Col-0, and the other type that expresses weaker root hydrotropism than Col-0 but expresses similar root gravitropism with Col-0. However, root hydrotropism of all examined Arabidopsis natural variants was facilitated by clinorotation. These results suggested that the interference of root gravitropism with root hydrotropism is conserved among Arabidopsis natural variants, although the intensity of root gravitropism interference with root hydrotropism differs.
  • Miyazawa Y, Takahashi H
    Journal of Plant Research 2019年12月4日  査読有り招待有り
  • Tanaka-Takada N, Kobayashi A, Takahashi H, Kamiya T, Kinoshita T, Maeshima M
    Plant, Cell and Physiology 60(6) DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcz042/536909-1341 2019年  査読有り
  • Kobayashi A, Kim H-J, Tomita Y, Miyazawa Y, Fujii N, Yano S, Yamazaki C, Kamada M, Kasahara H, Miyabayashi S, Shimazu T, Fusejima Y, Takahashi H
    Physiologia Plantarum 165 464-475 2019年  査読有り


  • 高橋 秀幸
    生体の科学 69(2) 162-167 2018年4月  招待有り
  • 高橋 秀幸, 日出間 純, 北宅 善昭, 保尊 隆享, 唐原 一郎, 矢野 幸子
    Int. J. Microgravity Sci. Appl. 34(2) 340202-340202 2017年6月  招待有り
    Green plants produce carbohydrate as an energy for all organisms by photosynthesis. It is therefore considered that plant cultivation is necessary for life support not only on Earth but also in space. To inhabit the space for a long duration, human needs to be closed in the life support system in which plants provide them with foods and a stress-relief circumstance. During evolution, on the other hand, plants developed various strategies to survive terrestrial environment on Earth because of their sessile nature. Plant responses to gravity and lights are examples of such strategy to avoid or mitigate stressful environment they come across. Now, space environment is available for biological studies to understand how plants respond to gravity and how plants are influenced by microgravity and/or space radiation. We extend such studies to understand the effects of space environment on plant growth and development in the seed-to-seed or the generation-to-generation experiments. To explore the deeper space or inhabit planets such as the moon or Mars, we next need to establish a sustainable recycling-oriented life support system with plant cultivation and environmental control facilities. Here, we show our research scenario of the space-utilizing plant science to achieve such objective, which is important to efficiently cultivate plants and develop the life support system in space. We believe our approach, in cooperation with various communities of the related fields, enables us to further reveal the biological systems required for not only colonizing to space but also conserving or improving the living Earth.
  • 小林啓恵, 冨田優太, 金慧正, 藤井伸治, 宮沢豊, 矢野幸子, 山崎千秋, 鎌田源司, 笠原春夫, 嶋津徹, 伏島康男, 高橋秀幸
    日本植物学会大会研究発表記録 80th 202 2016年9月1日  
  • 小林啓恵, 冨田優太, 金慧正, 藤井伸治, 宮沢豊, 矢野幸子, 山崎千秋, 鎌田源司, 笠原春夫, 嶋津徹, 嶋津徹, 伏島康男, 高橋秀幸
    日本宇宙航空環境医学会大会プログラム・予稿集 62nd 103 2016年  
  • 北宅 善昭, 東谷 篤志, 唐原 一郎, 高橋 秀幸, 保尊 隆享, 平井 宏昭, 矢野 幸子, Kitaya Yoshiaki, Higashitani Atsushi, Karahara Ichiro, Takahashi Hideyuki, Hoson Takayuki, Hirai Hiroaki, Yano Sachiko
    宇宙環境利用シンポジウム 第29回: 平成26年度 = Space Utilization Research, Vol. 29 2014: Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth Space Utilization Symposium (29) 27-28 2015年1月  
    第29回宇宙環境利用シンポジウム (2015年1月24日-25日. 宇宙航空研究開発機構宇宙科学研究所(JAXA)(ISAS)), 相模原市, 神奈川県資料番号: SA6000035014












  • 2005年5月 - 2005年5月
  • 2004年10月 - 2004年10月
  • 2004年4月 - 2004年4月