
岩永 光一

イワナガ コウイチ  (Koichi Iwanaga)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 教授 (博士(理学))





  • 下村 義弘, 井橋 恭子, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫
    AROMA RESEARCH 7(3) 71-75 2006年1月  査読有り
  • 吉野 智佳子, 西村 幸男, 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫
    作業療法 24(特別) 298-298 2005年5月  
  • 金 海燕, 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫, 杉浦 康司, 堀口 明伯
    人間工学 40 452-453 2004年  
  • 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫
    Design Symposium 2004 講演論文集 195-198 2004年1月  査読有り
  • Aoki K, 近藤 徳彦, Shimomura Y, Yokoi M, Iwanaga K, Harada H, Katsuura T
    Eur J Appl Physiol 86 388-393 2002年  査読有り
  • 渡邊 美帆, 勝浦 哲夫, 岩永 光一, 下村 義弘, 村上 恵子
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 48 108-109 2001年  
    It is needed to consider many different situations for designing. We examined vertical work-space for standing posture to propose a comfortable kitchen. In the experiment, 90 points were prepared in 3 sagittal planes including a median sagittal plane. Electromyograms(EMG) and joint angles were recorded during keeping a right hand on each point. After that, subjective ratings of fatigue were obtained. We analyzed these data, and computed mathematical models to adapt different stature. And we proposed a new design of kitchen which had two main fertures; face-to-face and different height of worktop.
  • 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫
    デザイン学研究 第48回研究発表大会概要集 48 98-99 2001年1月  査読有り
    Toys that are equipped with the electronic devices and high functional mechanisms are fundamentally designed to run the program with the interruptions of user input or internal / external environmental data basing on the simple autonomic function in itself. Although internal function has got very high ability, present user-interfaces still employ the voice recognizer or simple switches. These present interfaces are categorized as very general and normal method, therefore missing originality. In this viewpoint, we proposed a new interface system for toys using bioelectric signals (especially electromyogram) that method is often used in the field of ergonomics and we made a prototype of bioelectric-controlled robot as a new type of toy.
  • 下村 義弘, 加藤 竜巳, 岩永 光一, 勝浦 哲夫, 金丸 直史, 加藤 孝夫
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47 256-257 2000年  
    Although there are many kind of toothbrush handle. the design based on the objective viewpoint is almost nonexistent. In this study, ergonomic methodology including electromyogram and subjective ratings was employed as the evaluation tool of the handle. As a result, optimal thickness of the handle is approximately φ 17.5 mm for the lower part and lO mm at least, 12.5 mm or more for the upper part. The form of crosssection on the upper part is recommended to be nearly circular form and suggested that flat-iike element should be adopted 40 it for more handling stability. The result of this research will become one of an important guideline for designers in future.
  • 岩永 光一
    日本生理人類学会誌 4(2) 63-66 1999年  
    In this short communication, the recent trends of study in physiological anthropolgy are roughly reviewed as an introduction of the special issue. Physiological anthropology is originally one of the discipline-oriented sciences which treats of human beings living in modern societies. However, current topics of physiological anthropology are in accord with the needs of the times, since material prosperity was followed by a demand for an anthropocentric living enviroment. The author's coming interest about the study of human nature is presented here in brief.
  • 寺島 智子, 五木田 智夫, 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一, 原田 一, 勝浦 哲夫
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 45 118-119 1998年  
    An impotant consideration in cleaning tool design is the reduction of physical fatigue. A bathtub scrubbing hand tool (handle length=40cm, angle=20°, bestowed flexibility on cleaning part) was desinged to reduce physical fatigue. This scrubbing tool was then manufactured and evaluated by measuring electromyogaram and articular angle. This was compared with the one which is on the market, and another which doesn't have a handle. Under similar working conditions, results clearly showed that the designed hand tool reduced physical fatigue.
  • 岡安 謙, 岩永 光一, 原田 一, 勝浦 哲夫
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 45 122-123 1998年  
    Purpose of the study was to find out better key shapes as input devices with tactile detection of hand. Eight male students volunteered as subjects. They were right handed. Shapes of circle, square, triangle, sexangle, plus, and minus were randomly presented one by one. Subjects answer the detected shape as possible using only left hand. Size and thickness of circle, square and triangle keys were changed. As the results, key of minus shape was the best for tactile detection. Triangle key was better than square one. Regarding key size and thickness, minimum circumference of key was 18 mm, minimum thickness of key was 0.4 mm for circle, square and triangle keys.
  • 大箸 純也, 松林 英雄, 松田 和也, 吉武 良治, 岩永 光一, 佐藤 陽彦
    人間工学 21 220-221 1985年  
  • 大箸 純也, 吉武 良治, 島田 賢治, 岩永 光一, 佐藤 陽彦
    人間工学 20 218-219 1984年  
  • 吉武 良治, 松田 和也, 島田 賢治, 岩永 光一
    人間工学 20 118-119 1984年  
  • 岩永 光一, 成相 隆之, 木場 孝繁, 高見 到, 馬場 尚子
    The Annals of physiological anthropology 3(1) 31-37 1984年  
    The relationship between increase in rectal temperature and body build during submaximalwork was studied in 8 Japanese males.After resting at 28°C with 50% relative humidity for30min, subjects worked on a bicycle ergometer at load of 450kgm/min with pedaling frequency50rpm for 61min at 28°C or 45°C with 50% relative humidity.Rectal temperature, oxygenuptake and heart rate were measured at rest and during work.Relative work loads wereobtained from prediction of maximal oxygen uptake.Body weight, stature, skinfold thicknessand body density were measured.Body surface area, body fat % and mean skinfold thicknesswere caiuculated by prediction equations.The correlation coefficients between increase in rectal temperature and body build at 45°Cwere larger than those at 28°C.In the conditicn of 45°C, body surface area-to-mass ratio wascorrelated significantly with increase in rectal temperature, whereas the relationship was notsignificant at 28°C.In the condition of 28°C, sigmificant relationship between relative work loadand increase in rectal temperature was found.Body suriace area-to-mass ratio, which meansrelative heat exchange between human body and environment, affects the change in rectaltemperature at high ambient temperature.
  • H. Sato, S. Watanuki, K. Iwanaga, N. Baba
    Annals of Physiological Anthropology 3(2) 152-156 1984年  査読有り


  • 吉野 智佳子, 下村 義弘, 岩永 光一
    日本作業療法研究学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of occupational therapy research 17(1) 1-6 2014年  
  • Minhyeok Kim, Keita Ishibashi, Koichi Iwanaga
    I-PERCEPTION 5(4) 378-378 2014年  
  • Ishibashi Keita, Maeda Takafumi, Higuchi Shigekazu, Iwanaga Koichi, Yasukouchi Akira
    人間-生活環境系シンポジウム報告集 2011 72-72 2011年10月3日  
  • 李 花子, 勝浦 哲夫, 岩永 光一, 下村 義弘, 東 洋邦, 一條 隆
    人間と生活環境 15(1) 21-27 2008年5月  
    光は,ヒトの急性な生理的反応や覚醒反応を引き起こす。最近,夜間の光反応に対する波長の依存性が報告されたがこれらの研究は,ほとんどメラトニン抑制や位相変位に関するものである。ヒトの昼間の覚醒水準に及ぼす影響を明確に示した研究はまだ少ない。本研究では,脳波と瞳孔径を測定して昼間の覚醒水準と瞳孔の反応に関する波長の効果を検討した。実験は,男子大学生10名について行なった(23±2.9歳)。単波長光条件は,420,458, 500, 550, 610, 670 nmにピークをもつ6つの干渉フィルタを使用して設定した。AAC(α波減衰係数)は, 240, 550, 610, 670nmより458nmの単波長光においてのAAC変化量が高いことが示された。このことから,昼間の458nmの単波長光暴露時の覚醒水準が高いことが示唆される。瞳孔径は,波長と時間経過の有意な交互作用(p=0.0014)が認められた。そこで,時間経過の区間毎に瞳孔径の変化を比較した結果,単波長光条件暴露16分後に,670nm単波長光暴露時の瞳孔径は458, 500, 550, 610nmのより大きくなることが示された。
  • SHIMOMURA Yoshihiro, OSAWA Takeaki, IWANAGA Koichi, KATSUURA Tetsuo
    Journal of physiological anthropology 27(4) 217-218 2008年  

