
植田 憲

ウエダ アキラ  (Akira Ueda)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 教授




  • 孟 晗, 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    デザイン学研究作品集 28(1) 1_40-1_45 2023年7月31日  
  • 呉 竹雅, 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    デザイン学研究 69(4) 9-18 2023年3月31日  査読有り最終著者
    本研究は,明治時代における社会通念としての美術の形成過程を明らかにするために,計量テキスト分析を用い,新聞にみられる「美術」に関連した社会的出来事が,明治期の歴史的かつ社会的文脈でいかに当時の人びとに共有されたかについてそのプロセスを検証した。その結果,官製用語として誕生した「美術」に対する社会的認識の形成については,第一段階の明治10 年代までは実態,つまりものに重点を置き,第二段階の明治20~30年代においては価値観ないし価値体系を中心に,また第三段階の明治30 年代以降は概念,いわばジャンルを理解するといったプロセスで定着してきた。それは,エリート層を中心とする上流社会の人びとが概念からジャンルに,さらに価値観ないし価値体系という順序で「美術」を受け入れたのに対して,一般民衆はほぼ相反するプロセスに基づき美術を理解してきたといえる。また,明治政府が「美術」という概念を導入し,既存の絵画が「日本画」に統合されたことによって,日常生活における絵画の機能性・意味性は漸次に低下し,鑑賞対象となっていった。
  • Han MENG, Tie JI, Hironobu AOKI, Akira UEDA
    IASDR 2021 2021年12月  査読有り最終著者
  • Zhuya WU, Hironobu AOKI, Akira UEDA
    IASDR 2021 2021年12月  査読有り最終著者
  • 孟晗, 植田憲
    デザイン学研究 67(2) 11-20 2020年9月  査読有り最終著者
  • Meng Han, Ueda Akira
    International Journal of Community Currency Research 24 54-63 2020年9月  査読有り最終著者
  • Akira UEDA
  • UEDA Akira, OOGA Satoru
    デザイン学研究 57(1) 65-74 2010年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    In this paper, the goal will be to explore the Tokoname Region of Aichi Prefecture as one of the representative ceramic producing regions in Japan, in particular, examining its special characteristics and grappling with how the cultural concept of mottainai might appear as part of the identity of the region in question. This research is based on documentary literature, a field survey. As a result of Investigation, the author can summarize below the special cultural characteristics of mottainai as seen in the ceramic-producing region of the Tokoname in Aichi Prefecture. 1) The lifestyle principle of mottainai in the Tokoname Region is shared by residents through common modes of behavior and lifestyle, and it has transmitted and encouraged the thorough and optimal use of scrap and discarded pottery. 2) The special characteristics of symbiosis with the environment in the Tokoname Region are passed on as an expression of compassion toward people who live in harmony with their environment, people who evaluate the special characteristics of materials at hand and focus their knowledge subjectively. 3) Today, there are indications of actions designed to build regional identity based on an inheritance of a cultural lifestyle of traditional symbiosis with the environment while local people use tangible and intangible historical assets in a variety of ways.
  • UEDA Akira, MIYAZAKI Kiyoshi
    デザイン学研究 53(3) 41-48 2006年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    In this paper, the authors discuss the transition in people's world views caused by mechanization, as evidenced by the case of the production process of the rice cake. This research is based on documentary literature, a field survey, and other sources. Originally, the rice cake was made for special events, and people recognized it as one of the most important offerings to the gods. The traditional process of rice cake making required much time and effort and the use of many tools. In the 1950's, these tools were largely replaced by multi-functional machines. In the field survey, the process of rice cake making was observed: after choosing the best location, people made the traditional rice cake by relying on their senses and experience to use fire, steam, and other resources to careful and deliberate effect, then the finished cake was offered to the gods. As a result of our investigation, the following assertions can be made: (1) In the traditional process of rice cake making, people conceive of the medium of the rice cake as holy, and the process informs them about the stages of life. (2) During this process, the people are engaged in a direct sensuous experience, using their senses to learn more about the nature of their environment. This kind of experience affords people world views that spring from living interactively with the environment and within communities. (3) With the introduction of machines, the preparation process ceased to require direct experience. Concomitantly, the meaning and ceremony which the preparation of rice cakes had assumed socially and culturally gradually dissipated, and, subsequently, the people's world views shifted from a deeply ingrained and holistic foundation to a more superficial one.
  • UEDA Akira, MIYAZAKI Kiyoshi
    デザイン学研究 53(3) 59-66 2006年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Nowadays, in Japan, circumstances of "mono-dukuri (making objects)" are in a turning point, because of diversifying of life, advancing and enlarging the scale of "mono-dukuri (making objects)" itself, transfer of production base to foreign countries and an economic depression, etc.. Especially, in recent years, "disinterest in the technology" "disinterest in the science" of the younger generation are tend to grow, it is evermore necessary to engage them in the science & technology with nurture their inquisitiveness towards natures and expand their logical thinking and creative abilities. At the same time, the fact above-mentioned brings the necessity to consider design education fundamentally. In this paper, the authors discuss the significance of design in science education, through practice of "Design workshops -Mono-dukuri (Making objects) workshops" for elementary schoolchildren and junior high school students by the staff of the faculty of engineering of Chiba University. Through an investigation and a questionnaire survey, following assertion can be made: It was possible to cultivate elementary schoolchildren and junior high school students following important points: (1) there is a science in the background of "mono-dukuri (making objects)," (2) there is the pleasure with the creation can be learnt by accomplishing "mono-dukuri (making objects)," (3) there are various solutions in "mono-dukuri (making objects)."
  • 翁群儀, 植田憲, 宮崎清
    デザイン学研究 52(5) 35-44 2006年1月  査読有り
  • 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究 48(3) 77-86 2001年  査読有り筆頭著者


  • 王 海冬, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (53) 204-205 2006年6月20日  
    In this paper, the authors discussed the characteristics of birch-bark craftwork culture that inherited by the Elunchun people in the Da Hinggan Ling region of China. The research is based on documentary literature and a field survey. As a result of investigation, it can be said that characteristics of Birch-bark culture of Elunchun People are: (1) "resource recycling," (2) "utilize a thing to the full," (3) "co-evolution through existence and symbiosis," (4) "production for the needs within the community," (5) "the culture that handed down from generation to generation," (6) "culture of mutual aid," (7) "being inseparable from the climate of one's native place."
  • 正来 亮介, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (53) 378-379 2006年6月20日  
    In this study the authors tried to find out definite different use of traditional paint kakishibu, by re-recognizing the use of it. Nowadays in Japan, amount of used paper cuttings is increasing day by day because of spreading office automation apparatus, but reuse of this garbage seems little. In this study the authors focuses on making sitting tools by using used paper cuttings and kakishibu. In the study, it has been found that using kakishibu on paper makes it hard and enough strong. This study revealed that a good compatibility in combining of traditional paints kakishibu with used paper cuttings.
  • 翁 群儀, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53(53) 105-105 2006年  
  • 李 ヒョンゾン, 町長 香織, 宮崎 清, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53(53) 187-187 2006年  
    今日、日本においては、著しい高齢化が進行している。その対策として、これまでもさまざまな施策がとられてきたが、近年では、とりわけ、高齢者の精神的充足を図る、いわゆる「生きがい」づくりの必要性が認識されつつある。 一方、現在、旧来の社会形態が崩壊しつつある多くの地域社会では、新たな地域コミュニティのデザインが求められており、地域の高齢者は貴重な人的資源として着目されている。 本研究は、潜在的な地域資源である高齢者の参画と結びついた地域文化の構築ならびに地域振興方策の指針を導出することを目的とした。
  • 植田 憲, 高野 維斗, 神崎 広史, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 53(53) 188-188 2006年  筆頭著者
    今日、公共空間におけるごみの「ポイ捨て」が、大きな社会問題となっている。それは、千葉市においても例外ではない。「千葉市空き缶等の散乱の防止に関する条例」の施行後、散乱ごみは総じて減少したものの、一部でごみの「ポイ捨て」行為が散見され、都市景観の阻害などの問題が生じている。本研究は、繁華街および公園における現地調査に基づき、ごみの「ポイ捨て」行為の実態を把握するとともに、「ポイ捨て」の防止対策に関する具体的方策の提案を行うことを目的とした。 本研究では、文献調査ならびにフィールド調査に基づき、以下の提案を行った。(1) ごみが発生する「場」における対策a)「置き去り行為」による「ポイ捨て」に対する対策b)「置き捨て行為」「隠し捨てる行為」による「ポイ捨て」に対する対策(2) ごみとなる容器・包装等の「物体」そのものに対する対策(3) ごみとなる容器・包装等の「物体」を販売する「自動販売機」「店舗」における対策a) 自動販売機における対策b) 店舗における対策(4) 美化ボランティア活動の支援 ごみの「ポイ捨て」を啓発する方法としては、同世代からの電子音や録音メッセージやサインなど、多様な方法を提案した。このような技術的な工夫や、「人から人への呼びかけ」に基づき、社会として、モラルを向上してくことが求められる。本研究では、必ずしも罰則に頼るのではなく、関係者の協力や工夫によって、モラルを向上させ、社会全体として、ごみの「ポイ捨て」を解決していく方向性を示唆することができた。
  • 神崎 広史, 宮崎 清, 植田 憲
    廃棄物学会研究発表会講演論文集 17 7-7 2006年  
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 22-23 2005年5月30日  
    The purpose of this study is to answer following two questions : (1) How did people in a traditional village imagine space around them? There is no object in space, but space has meaning and worth which is imagined by people. This study aims to reveal what meanings are imagined in traditional villages. (2) How did people in a traditional village design environment of the village? In a traditional village, people's life was very much close to the soil and earth, and people designed the environment of villages harmonious with the soil. Today, natural environment is in a critical situation, taking this situation into consideration, it is important for us to reveal characteristics of traditional village environment that had natural harmony.
  • 植田 憲, 大谷 将好, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 26-27 2005年5月30日  
    In this paper, the authors discuss the structure of primal scene which the Japanese people own in common through analysis of words extracted from nursery rhymes. As the examples of nursery rhymes, "Nihon douyou shu (nursery rhymes of Japan)" was considered which contained 312 nursery rhymes made in 1918-1945. Results are as follows : (1) As the words which express primal scene, natural elements that can be seen from everywhere such as sun, sky, mountain etc. appear frequently, (2) Several elements make some groups such as (a) mountain and plants, trees, fruits, (b) sea and seashore, (c) rice fields and animals such as flogs and pond snails, (d) temples and sunset, (3) Primal scene is not fostered by scene itself, but with experience.
  • 李 熙周, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 206-207 2005年5月30日  
    This study clarifies the following points about the needlework done by Korean women from the late Choson Dynasty period by referring to written material of the "Kyubang-gasa" : (1) "Banujil" was playing the biggest role. Being able to make a garment only by herself was the condition for a full-fledged adult woman. (2) "Banujil" skills were passed on domestically from mothers to daughters, and through the needlework they inherited not only the techniques but they also were feeling each other's warmth and kindness. (3) Women showed their "Banujil" techniques to people to express themselves. Cloth was very precious at the time which made people to utilize the used cloths again and again by "fixing" and "reusing" them.
  • 深澤 琴絵, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 262-263 2005年5月30日  
    The Tsutsumi has been used to preserve, transport and protect articles of daily life. This study takes up the "culture of Tsutsumi" as the basis of Japanese living culture, to elucidate the original meaning through the concept of Tsutsumi in the Manyoshu. (1) Tsutsumi of Goods : It also implied ritual spirits, prayers and respects to others. One characteristic of wrapping of goods in the Manyo era is that it gives special meanings to wrapping materials and wrapped goods. (2) Tsutsumi of Space : Wrapping was also the sign of existence of self. Shimeno, or confined field, means the field surrounded by straw ropes as the symbol to separate the space. (3) The word "tsutsushimu, " which means suppressing or hiding one's feelings, instead of express them candidly, makes up a part of characteristics of Japanese, including how to express emotions, and is an important element of Japanese culture, and it suggests that it originates from wrapping.
  • 楊 紅, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (52) 208-209 2005年5月30日  
    The 21st Century is called a "Century of Tourism" worldwide. National development through tourism is also intended in Japan. Tourism development attracts attention all over the country, and becomes one of the main means of regional promotion in many municipalities. This study describes the importance of rediscovery and recognition of regional resources from the viewpoint of endogeneous development theory. It suggests that tourism development, which is based on the maximum utilization of regional resources, can become a great opportunity to improve local residents' endogeneous and autonomous intention, and promote regional endogeneous development.
  • 肖穎麗, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究、第52回研究発表大会概要集、2005 210-211 2005年  
    This research investigates the problems regarding the operation realities of the present legal system of design in China to construct an effective design system. It is based on two investigations that are, "Features of the present design legislation degree of China and its operation realities・E and "Attitude survey of a Chinese enterprise to the present design method・E Results are as follows, (1) the patent law, the design law in China, and the utility model laws are not as an independent legal system, and this factor creates difficulties in operation, (2) in China the system for the design approval is only done by examining of written information, (3) the design patent registration is not done with validity in China providing the first announcement to public, though it is well-known system in the foreign countries.
  • 菊池 利彦, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52(52) 119-119 2005年  
    空間という言葉の第一義は「ものがなくあいているところ」(三省堂「新字林」)であるが、われわれが空間を表象するとき、そこは決して「ものがなく」空虚な場ではない。たとえば、古来より日本において、北東が恐ろしい方位(鬼門)として捉えられたように、表象される空間は、意味や価値観が満ちた場であるといえる。<br> 村落における人々はどのように空間を表象してきたのであろうか。また、その空間に対していかなる働きかけをおこなってきたのであろうか。本研究は、伝統空間観念・伝統的空間演出の特質を導出し、これらについて考察を行うことを目的とする。<br> 前近代、村落は村人にとって生存基盤かつ精神的拠所であり、人々は村落の土地と密接に結びつきながら、秩序や調和を内包した村落環境を築きあげてきた。今日、さまざまな局面で自然環境や社会環境における調和の欠如が問題化している。調和を備えた村落環境に関する考察が導出する今日的知見は決して少なくないように思われる。
  • 肖 穎麗, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52 147-147 2005年  
  • 深澤 琴絵, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52(52) 167-167 2005年  
  • 李 煕周, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52(52) 169-169 2005年  
    本研究は、19世紀、朝鮮時代の後期の韓国女性において、針仕事がどのような環境のなかで行なわれ、生活のなかでどのように展開されてきたかなど、韓国女性と「針仕事:バヌジル」のかかわりを探るため、主に19世紀の韓国女性によって書かれた37編の「閨房歌辭」を用い、針仕事に関する描写を分類・分析した。まとめると、下記のように整理することができる。(1) 当時の女性は、一着の衣服が作れることが一人前の成人女性になれる条件であった。(2)「針仕事:バヌジル」は、主に家庭のなかで母から学ぶものであった。母と娘は、針仕事を通して、その技術の伝承するだけではなく、お互いの温もりや思いやりを感じていた。そこには、女性に対する厳しし社会環境のなかで女性同士の強い連帯感が込められていた。(3)公式の教育をうけることができなかった当時の女性にとって「針仕事:バヌジル」は、自分を表現する手段であった。(4)当時の女性たちは、結婚と同時に過酷な家事労働「シジプサリ」が強いられた。「針仕事:バヌジル」は、その家事労働の一部として実践された。「閨房歌辭」にあらわれた針仕事は、総じて「機織り」「染め」「衣服づくり」「仕上げ」「直し」「再生」の6つの項目に絞ることができた。
  • 植田 憲, 大谷 将好, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52(52) 127-127 2005年  
  • 大鋸 智, 樋口 孝之, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 52(52) 113-113 2005年  
    山梨県早川町雨畑地区には今日まで硯製作の伝統が継承されている。700年もの長きにわたって継承されてきた早川町雨畑地区の硯製作の伝統は、当該地域を特徴付ける文化として後世に伝えていくべきものである。しかし、当該地域における硯の生産は筆記用具の多様化などを要因として縮小を余儀なくされ、明治期には約90名もの職人を擁していたものの現在は高齢の職人が2名残るのみである。<br> そこで、筆者らは、新たな硯石活用の文化を展開することを目指し、硯製作の過程において廃棄されている副産物について、資源としての積極的な活用方法を考察した。<br> 本研究は一物全体活用の観点より、硯製作における副産物を利活用し、地産地消を促すことのできる生活日用品を提案することを目的とする。調査対象地域として山梨県早川町雨畑地区を選定し、地域資源のひとつである硯製作に対する地域の人びとの関心を高め、地域の人びと自らがその伝統・技術を伝承していく契機づくりとして提案を行う。<br> 地域の方々が用意に制作・使用できる生活日用品の一例として、ペンスタンド、CDスタンド、花瓶、ポーラータイ、大皿、カードスタンド等を制作した。
  • 植田 憲, 張 イキ, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (51) 86-87 2004年5月30日  筆頭著者
    The purpose of this study is to answer the following questions : what do the Taiwanese aborigines think about tourism? How were their understandings realized in reality? What would be the most appropriate form of tourism for an aborigine society? Through literature study and the comparison of ethnic tourism between the Amis aboriginal Tafalong and Fata'fan communities, the following conclusions are reached : this study suggests that, in order to revitalize the aborigine's culture and economics, to protect their natural environment, and to improve their quality of living, the development of tourism should be based on the endogenous participation of the local people. In addition, original tourism designs made by the locals should be particularly encouraged.
  • 鎌田 あゆみ, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (51) 180-181 2004年5月30日  
    This research aims to clarify the formation process of Japan Design Concept influenced by school education. By observing the related data of Tokyo Koto Kogei Gakko that established in 1921, the design concept which aimed by this school staffs could be explained. Results are as follows : (1) The Kogei concept that turned into viewpoints of life started from the stage of school establishment, was putted into practice by school staffs ; (2) The beauty of Kogei has changed from the ornament beauty into the functional beauty ; (3) The idea of Kogei that aimed around Tokyo Koto Kogei Gakko was a concept which leads into today's design. The Kogei education of this school could be percept as the birth of industrial design education.
  • 大谷 未起生, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (51) 182-183 2004年5月30日  
    This paper aims to investigate the Boushu Round Fan as the one of National Designated Traditional Craft that is produced on Southern Chiba. By analyzing the history and present condition, this study tried to find the essential matters for future Industrial Promotion. This Boushu Round Fan Industry recently rapidly decrease and be done only by the aged people. Problems to discover the present values and the lack of bamboo as the basic material also caused the decreasing of the production activity of Bousho Round Fan. Based on field survey, by various perspectives this study concretely observed the promotion plan.
  • 町長 香織, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    デザイン学研究. 研究発表大会概要集 (51) 184-185 2004年5月30日  
    This paper aims to reveal an indicator in succession and creating a city based on the local identity in Urayasu-shi. The investigation data is taken based on the local museum in Urayasu. It revealed that succession of local culture is performed because the museum volunteer (elderly people of the area) interchanges with visitors (especially children of there). However, It was also understood that no place in this area could be use to practice what is experienced in the museum. As a conclusion, the indicator that the museum and the organ which closely-linked to the local life (i. e. a residents' association) should be cooperated in succession and creating the activity expressing a local identity should be performed in the whole area.
  • 大塚 康平, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 51(51) D02-D02 2004年  
    今日、わが国は、便利で豊かな時代を経験している。しかしながら、その反面、廃棄物の処理や資源の枯渇など実に多くの問題が発生し、深刻化の一途をたどっている。<br> わが国の歴史を振り返ると、日常生活から排出されるものを、再利用し、新たな命を吹き込み、再びものを徹底的に利用し尽くすことが、さまざまな形で実践されてきた文化を有していることがわかる。今日にみられる諸問題を解決する糸口として、このような考え方を改めて見直す必要があると思われる。<br> 本研究は、古布再生の生活技術として広く民間に流布していた「裂織り」の文化を対象とし、その制作技術、発生・展開の要因、地域的特質などを文献調査ならびに現地調査によって明らかにし、資源循環型文化としての「裂織り」の今日的価値評価とその再興に関する論述を展開したものである。
    デザイン学研究 50(2) 117-126 2003年7月31日  
  • 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清, 植田 憲
    工学・工業教育研究講演会講演論文集 2002 63-66 2002年  
  • 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 78-78 2002年  筆頭著者
    This paper discusses the guideline for preservation and promotion of traditional art and craft in Vietnam through surveying the project process of the traditional art and craft village, which is established at Ninh Binh Province. This research based on field surveys, documentary literature, and other sources. As a result of our investigation, the following statements are obtained: (l) The Inter-Regional Cooperation can be constructed by several points of view such as material, design and human as technique of regional resources. And it should be practiced in all over the country for preservation and promotion of traditional art and craft. (2) Regional Development is not always occurred spontaneously, but it is necessary occurring to establish suitable Inter-Regional Cooperation.
  • 翁 群儀, 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 79-79 2002年  
    This research conducts to clarify the historical background and the design characteristics of Perng-Lai (Taiwan Lacquer-ware), and aims to investigate the identity of craft industry in Taiwan. The design characteristics of Perng-Lai are as follow: (1) The real scenery of Taiwan is represented as a motif; (2) The vitality of Taiwan is expressed by various original colors; (3) The life and climate of Taiwan is expressed by forcible carving. Perng-Lai can be said as a lacquer design that is most utilizing the identities of Taiwan, and as the basic of design characteristics it has been developed the lacquer-ware culture of Taiwan for future. There are the problems to investigate and enforce the program of recognizing the Perng-Lai for the craftsmen, and to apply for future Taiwan Lacquer-ware lndustry.
  • 岩田 彩子, 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 84-84 2002年  
    This paper discusses Kitaoji Rosanjin (1883-1959) who managed the Hoshigaoka-Saryo (Japanese restaurant) at Tokyo and Osaka since 1924 to 1936 as &ldquo;SPACE PRODUCER&rdquo;. This research analyzes and investigates a book about Rosanjin and his Hoshigaoka-Saryo. This research is tried to read the meaning of his behavior and an ideology. As the result, it found his idea of &ldquo;to coordinate a space&rdquo;, &ldquo;to entertain a guest&rdquo; and &ldquo;the fusion tradition and modern&rdquo;. He respected Japanese tradition based on the mind of a tea ceremony, and made much of &ldquo;the mind to entertain person&rdquo;. And as that means, he adopted a foreign culture. It found that Kitaoji Rosanjin did &ldquo;The space coordination which made &lsquo;food&rsquo; a nucleus and synthetic producing with the mind to entertain person&rdquo; and &ldquo;Traditional spirits and technology is taken over, and it makes use of it in the present day&rdquo; in the Hoshigaoka-Saryo.
  • 深澤 琴絵, 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 85-85 2002年  
    This paper describes The Furoshiki (Japanese wrapping cloths) and its development. The Emakimono (Japanese picture scrolls) and some remains are regarded on the designs including functions, forms, and ways of utilizations as living tools. It is obtained: (1) The Furoshiki was initiated in the late 6th century, the Asuka period. Two kinds of design are found in the remains of the prince Shotoku. (2) The Emakimono in Nara until Muromachi era, contains varieties of designs which were tightly connected to social backgrounds and temporal rules. Beyond the difference of sexes, generations, and social positions, it has been used widely to represent feelings of prey, respect with utilities of package, transportation and ceremonies.
  • 朴 燦一, 熊谷 雅良, 植田 憲, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 204-204 2002年  
    This research is aimed to propose an effective using method of the non-utilized &ldquo;Wara&rdquo; (straw) that largely produced in human daily-life every year. As the direction of effective use, Wara with its characteristics (containing the felling of quality of material, functionally shape of intensity, natural material that taken advantage of environment, etc.) has been explored of its possibility as a structure component. Moreover, this research decided to use the &ldquo;Warabo&rdquo; (straw stick) material proposed by earlier study as the method. As the result of real product, in the dome by diameter of about 3m and about 1.75m height, transformation was not seen by work of drag of joint. It was verified that Warabo material (l=50cm, t=8cm) could sufficiently use as structure material by this experiment and work.
  • 大塚 康平, 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 205-205 2002年  
    Our country has too many problems. One of them is resources drain problem. Now, by this report, it is derived and thought that the necessity of improving the view of remaking a thing and newly reusing of used thing and the thrown-away thing has come out. This report take &ldquo;Sakiori (Weaving Rugs)&rdquo; which tears and finishes weaving old clothes as an example of reuse of the cloth seen in old textile culture. It shows clearly how old clothes circulated reference investigation and interview, based on an antique background on enforcement and its knowledge. It aims to get thing as recycling of resources for which it tears and the possibility of present worth of textile is explored.
  • 植田 憲, 金 順姫, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 49(49) 206-206 2002年  筆頭著者
    This paper describes traditional clothes and its wearing of Chinese Korean inhabitants in YANBIAN. The temporal status and evaluation of CHIMA & CHOGORI, as traditional clothes, studied based on interview and reviewing papers. It is obtained: (1) The designs are classified into four groups: historical, liberation, life elusion, and life revolving ages. The designs proved the social systems, consciousness of the race. The forms and way of usages were varied through the materials and temporal environment. (2) The form and the way of utilization are expected to be from a ceremonial wear to a wear of daily life for preservation, creation and enhancement of the pride of the race.
  • 植田 憲, 磯部 康一, 末岡 正章, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 48(48) 334-335 2001年  筆頭著者
    In this paper, we discussed the planning of area cooperation based on the endogenous development theory on the field of Kuroisocity, Nasu-town and Kurobane-town in the northeast of Tochigi prefecture. According to the opinion of residents for area development and using regional resources, this district can be considered "the water cycling country".Besides that, it is possible to be divided into three parts, such as "yielding part", "collecting part", "streaming part"by geographical features, and extracted activities that will be done by residents of each part. As the result, it can be assert that the area cooperation is to be based on the endogenous development theory, and by organizing the proper concept, that is also effective on the sustainability of the world.
  • 磯部 康一, 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47(47) 408-409 2000年  
    The aim of this study is proposition precept of regional planning in Higashi Yamanashi Hokubu area. I extract eight concepts for regional planning. 1) making scenery based on preservation and creation. 2) making village make use of traditional house. 3) making village make use of sericulture. 4) making hearty community. 5) making forest of stone image of Buddha. 6)making article and village make use of natural resources. 7)making campus experiences nature. 8)making village make use of wisdom of old age and craftsman. I propose program along concept (1). This program is composed of aims, means, and concrete practices. I classify the subject ofactivity into three types""people" "administration" and "regional organization". I set up checklist for the relationship between concrete practices and subject of activity.
  • 植田 憲, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47(47) 410-411 2000年  筆頭著者
    In this paper, the authors discuss the fundamental roles and the principles for the traditional art and craft village which is established at Ninh Binh Province in Vietnam. This research is based on field surveys, documentary literature, and other sources. As a result of our investigation, the following assertions can be made : (1) The village should be the base for the preservation and the promotion of art and craft industries in Ninh Binh Province at the beginning, such as embroidery, rush products, bamboo products and stone sculpture. (2) The village should be the base of transmission, excavation and creation of art and craft technology, and the base of interchange between legions and various industries, as well, (3) In accordance with the nature of traditional art and craft this institute should be managed ecologically and aim at the total usage of regional resources.
  • 若林 晶子, 末岡 正章, 植田 憲, 金 起範, 翁 群儀, 黄 世輝, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47(47) 430-431 2000年  
    As for this plan, it thought how it was important whether to make a "YI ZHEN museum" function as a "medium" which connected YI-ZHEN culture with the human being. Three of the following are the basic concepts of the plan. 1) By the exhibition device which could be transformed and which was made a unit, try so that it can cope with the change of the permanent exhibition flexibly. 2) By piling up project exhibition of announcing the information which accumulated always, keep the possibility that it becomes a museum to grow naturally. 3) By making the most of multimedia to the full, aim at the space-making which a feeling the new YI-ZHEN world.
  • 末岡 正章, 金 起範, 植田 憲, 若林 晶子, 翁 群儀, 朴 燦一, 宮崎 清, 黄 世輝
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 47(47) 432-433 2000年  
    The Study tried to extract the guideline in planning the "Taiwan Folk Performance Museum" through the urvey to the inhabitants, because of the necessity for the Museum being planned as the place where they could hand down their traditional folk performance "I-zhen" by themselves. The research could be distinguished in two ways. One was the interview to the people being engaged in I-zhen, and the other was the questionnaire conducted on 521 local residents. Analyzing on the result of the research, three guidelines below were extracted. 1)Museum as the place of the encounter between people and I-zhen, 2)Museum as the information base of I-zhen, 3)Museum as the place for people to comunicate.
  • 植田 憲, 板野 一郎, 朴 燦一, 田中 みなみ, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46(46) 84-85 1999年  
    In this paper, the authors discuss a waste dumping condition by leisure in a campsite around Yourou river in Chiba prefecture. This research is based on a field survey and a questionnaire survey for visitors and inhabitants. As a result of our analysis, the following assertions can be made : (1) Only 15% of visitors can dispose their waste properly, and they tend to participate in community activities such as a recycling and ecological movement. (2) Most of the inhabitants are not conscious of recycling and ecological concept, but they have the environmental consciousness. (3) Considering that the visitors have close relation to the inhabitants, this field can serve as an area for education and environmental improvement.
  • 植田 憲, 堀内 美穂, 朴 燦一, 田中 みなみ, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 46(46) 260-261 1999年  筆頭著者
    The shitamachi -a historic downtown area of Tokyo- is usually described with nostalgic images. However, the typical scenery of Shitamachi seems to disappear rapidly today. In this paper, the authors discuss the transition of Shitamachi through the MDA-OR analysis based on the data taken from scenery survey. As a result of our investigation, the following assertions can be made : (1) The "scene of daily life" remains to be the center of images towards Shitamachi either at the past or present time. (2) The "tasteful" and the "festivals and events" are included in the "traditional scenery" in present. (3) The "basic living", the "festivals and events" and the "specified factors" remain to be prevalence until the present time. (4) The "landscape of early Showa" is suitable contemporary Shitamachi.
  • Third Asia Design Conference Proceeding VolumeⅠ 591-598 1998年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • Third Asia Design Conference Proceeding VolumeⅠ 591-598 1998年  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 植田 憲, 本田 光輝, 宮崎 清
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 44(44) 172-172 1997年  筆頭著者
  • 井原 恵子, 田中 みなみ, 石倉 正, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 44(44) 174-174 1997年  


  • 呉 竹雅, 張 淑怡, 沈 恵園, 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2022年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • 陳 祉佑, 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2022年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
    近年の生活の変容を要因として、多くの歴史資産が急速に潜在化する傾向にある。この状況は、千葉県市原市においても例外ではない。当該地域は、養老川がもたらした肥沃な土地と緑豊かな山々に恵まれ、古くから、有形・無形のさまざまな資産が創出・継承されてきた。こうした地域にある大切な資源を再発見するとともに、後世へつなぐネットワークを構築することを目指して、2015(平成27)年、「市原歴史博物館」事業が始められた。同博物館においては、近年急速に発展・普及しつつあるデジタル造形技術をいかに導入するかの検討がなされている。 本研究は、市原歴史博物館事業における試行に基づき、地域博物館におけるデジタル造形技術の導入の可能性を見出すとともにそのあり方を明確化することを目的としたものである。 具体的事例として、実物が残されていない藤原式揚水機を取り上げ、さまざまな文献資料に基づきデジタル再現し、実験・検証を繰り返し、動作モデルを制作した。このプロセスの記述を通じて、以下の各点を明らかにした。 (1)デジタルデータは修正し易いことから、比較的柔軟に「復元」「保存」へのアプローチが可能である。その場合、頻繁に出力し検証するなど、学芸員らとの密な情報共有が重要である。(2)デジタルデータは共有し易いことから、地域資源を「共有」する有効な手段になり得る。(3)デジタルデータを出力するなどの「活用」を通して、実物が残されていない歴史資産の価値を高めることが可能である。なお、本研究においては、上述した知見に基づき、教育キットの提供を行い、その効果を確かめた。
  • 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2022年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
    地域社会の自立・自律が求められる今日において、いかにして地域の文化を伝達・共有していくかは喫緊の課題である。本稿は、地域の生活者が参与可能な、デジタル時代における地域文化の発信・共有の場としての地域博物館の構築を目指す研究の一環である。 とりわけ本稿では地域博物館におけるデジタル造形機器を活用した展示器具の制作の事例を取り上げ、一連の活動から得られた知見ならびに課題を報告した。聞き取り調査・現地調査に基づき、地域の博物館における展示器具の不足に伴う展示の限界、収納庫のひっ迫等の課題を把握したのち、デジタル造形機器を活用した3点の展示器具の制作を行った。それらは、上記の課題に応えるものであったが、未だ①展示対象の大きさや重量における強度の限界の検証、②制作過程において放出される汚染物質量の検証等の必要性、③レーザー加工機をはじめとした一般的なデジタル造形機器で制作可能な仕様の検討等取り組むべき課題は少なくない。今後はこうした課題に取り組みつつ、本稿で制作したデジタルデータをはじめ、得られた知見を地域内で蓄積、共有するためのデジタル造形機器活用事例のアーカイブの構築等も視野に入れ、活動を展開したい。
  • 宮田 佳美, 李 月, 都 宥林, 沈 恵園, 青木 宏展, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2022年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • 土屋篤生, 青木宏展, 植田憲
    アジアデザイン文化学会 第15回国際研究発表大会 概要論文集 2021年10月

