
森 恵美

Emi Mori


千葉大学 大学院看護学研究院 千葉大学大学院教授
master of nursing science
doctor of medical science(Yamagata University School of Medicine)





  • 森恵美
    更年期と加齢のヘルスケア学会・日本サプリメント学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集 15th-4th 28 2016年9月8日  
  • 土屋 雅子, 森 恵美, 岩田 裕子, 青木 恭子, 前原 邦江, 坂上 明子, 小澤 治美, 玉腰 浩司
    母性衛生 57(1) 90-97 2016年4月  査読有り
  • 岩田 裕子, 森 恵美, 坂上 明子, 前原 邦江, 小澤 治美, 青木 恭子, 土屋 雅子
    母性衛生 57(1) 138-146 2016年4月  査読有り
    This study examined the psychometric properties of a 13-item fatigue scale for postpartum mothers. Japanese mothers (n = 2026) from a cohort study completed questionnaires (e.g. fatigue scale, Japanese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, demographics) during their hospital stay after childbirth (baseline) and at 1, 2, 4 and 6 months postpartum. Initial factor analysis of baseline data revealed that the fatigue scale had three factors or subscales (physical, emotional and cognitive). Within-group analysis across each measurement time revealed the same three-factor structure with acceptable fit. Between-group analysis also showed longitudinal factorial invariance across time. The fatigue subscales had acceptable divergent and convergent validities with the depression scale. The subscale scores differed significantly based on participant background. The Japanese Fatigue Scale is a concise and informative tool for assessing aspects of fatigue in clinical settings and in the community.
    The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting maternal confidence and satisfaction in older Japanese primiparae during their postpartum hospital stay. Participants were Japanese primiparae (age >= 35) who delivered live singleton infants (n = 479). Questionnaires completed 1 day before discharge from hospital included the Postpartum Maternal Confidence Scale and the Postpartum Maternal Satisfaction Scale. Data were analysed using stepwise multiple regression for maternal confidence and stepwise logistic regression for maternal satisfaction, after controlling for delivery mode. Maternal confidence was negatively affected by feeling overwhelmed by postpartum routines, needing a longer time for feeding, and a pregnancy with complications. Satisfaction with the birth experience and a longer rooming-in period were related to greater maternal satisfaction. Lack of prior experiences with caring for babies and lack of communication with their partner about parenting role were also associated with lower confidence and satisfaction. These findings provide an important framework for nurses to teach and counsel older first-time mothers.
  • Qiongai Jin, MORI Emi, SAKAJO Akiko
    The purpose of this mixed-method design study was to examine factors contributing to depression among immigrant Chinese women (primipara and multipara) (n = 22) delivering a child for the first time in Japan. Data were obtained just after hospital discharge by using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the Social Support Scale, a new scale to measure cross-cultural stressors in the postpartum setting and a visual analogue scale for stress and a demographic survey. The average EPDS score was 9.0 (SD +/- 3.7) at 1-3weeks postpartum; yet, more than half of the subjects (n = 12; 54.5%) were high risk for depression (EPDS >= 10). Low household income and primiparous status were associated with depression scores. New mothers with depression also reported more general stress and more cross-cultural stress in the postpartum setting, although social support appeared to mediate cross-cultural stressors. Semi-structured interviews were held with two immigrant women at high risk for depression; these new mothers described additional stress because they could not follow Zuoyuezi, an important postpartum Chinese tradition, in the Japanese hospital. These findings suggest that immigrant Chinese women are at higher risk for postpartum depression when they give birth for the first time in Japan.
  • 太田 愛, 森 恵美, 坂上 明子
    日本母性看護学会誌 16(1) 9-16 2016年3月  査読有り
  • 小山田 梨紗, 森 恵美, 坂上 明子
    日本母性看護学会誌 16(1) 41-47 2016年3月  査読有り
    本研究の目的は、自閉スペクトラム症(Autism spectrum disorder:以下ASD)の子どもを第一子にもつ母親の家族計画に対する認識を明らかにし、看護への示唆を得ることである。ASDの子どもを第一にもち育てており、研究協力の同意が得られた母親10名に、半構成的面接法を行い、質的帰納的に分析した。その結果、ASDの子どもを第一子にもつ母親の家族計画に対する認識は、18のカテゴリーは抽出された。これらのカテゴリーの分析から、【混乱】、【迷い】、【焦り・苛立ち】、【予期的不安】、【願望】、【挑戦】、【納得】、【後悔】の8テーマが導かれた。以上より、ASDの子どもを第一子にもつ母親は、家族計画について混乱する可能性があるので、第一子のASDの疑いや診断時点で相談窓口を整え、不安や悩みを受け止めることや、今後の家族計画の見通しについて夫婦からアセスメントし、夫婦で家族計画について話し合えるように支える必要があるという看護への示唆が得られた。(著者抄録)
  • 前原 邦江, 森 恵美, 岩田 裕子, 坂上 明子, 玉腰 浩司
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (38) 21-29 2016年3月  査読有り
  • 岡田 忍, 西尾 淳子, 森 恵美, 石井 邦子, 日下 和代, 麻生 智子, 大滝 千智, 伊藤 眞知子, 新居 直美
    地域ケアリング 18(3) 88-90 2016年3月  査読有り
  • 森 恵美, 前原 邦江, 岩田 裕子, 土屋 雅子, 坂上 明子, 小澤 治美, 青木 恭子, 森田 亜希子, 望月 良美, 前川 智子
    母性衛生 56(4) 558-566 2016年1月  査読有り
  • IWATA Hiroko, MORI Emi, TSUCHIYA Miyako, SAKAJO Akiko, MAEHARA Kunie, OZAWA Harumi, MORITA Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko, AOKI Kyoko, TAMAKOSHI Koji
    JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE 13(1) 147-155 2016年1月  査読有り
    AimOlder maternal age has become more common in Japan. Studies suggest that older maternal age and primiparity are associated with post-partum depression. The present study aimed to identify predictors of post-partum depression in older Japanese primiparas at 1 month post-partum. MethodsParticipants were 479 primiparas aged 35 years and over, drawn from a prospective cohort study. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires. Depression was measured with the Japanese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Stepwise logistic regression analysis was conducted on binary outcome variables of depression at 1 month post-partum, along with a stratified analysis based on the risk status of depression. ResultsFive predictors were identified: (i) the depression score during hospital stay; (ii) financial burden; (iii) dissatisfaction with appraisal support; (iv) physical burden in daily life; and (v) concerns about infant caretaking. Stratified analysis identified dissatisfaction with instrumental support in the low-risk group, and the Child-care Value Scale score as unique predictors in the high-risk group. ConclusionThese results highlight the importance of early assessment of depressive symptoms and the provision of continuous care.
  • TSUCHIYA Miyako, MORI Emi, SAKAJO Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko, IWATA Hiroko, MAEHARA Kunie, MORITA Akiko, OZAWA Harumi, MOCHIZUKI Yoshimi, AOKI Kyoko, MAKAYA Miyuki, TAMAKOSHI Koji
    JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE 13(1) 83-94 2016年1月  査読有り
    AimPost-partum fatigue is a serious concern for mothers worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify age-specific determinants of self-perceived fatigue after childbirth among Japanese primiparous women. MethodsA multicenter prospective cohort study was conducted in Japan. The degree of fatigue was assessed using the Postnatal Accumulated Fatigue Scale during the hospital stay after childbirth. Associated factors were stratified into two age groups (<35 or 35years old); data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression. ResultsIn the younger group, significant determinants of post-partum fatigue included: anticipated difficulties in child-rearing after discharge; perception of inadequate sleep conditions; dissatisfaction with childbirth; shorter sleep and meal times; longer duration between feeding and infant bedtime; unemployment; and having hyperemesis gravidarum. In the older group, significant determinants of post-partum fatigue included: anticipated difficulties in child-rearing after discharge; perception of inadequate sleep conditions; shorter meal times; formula feeding; and dissatisfaction with childbirth. ConclusionPrimiparous mothers who anticipated new life with their infants to be difficult and who had an irregular lifestyle tended to report higher levels of fatigue during the post-partum hospital stay. Nurses and midwives should assess maternal sleep and eating conditions, providing support to ensure adequate maternal rest. Special efforts should be made to reduce anxiety about new life with infants among younger primiparous women who had experienced hyperemesis gravidarum.
  • IWATA Hiroko, MORI Emi, TSUCHIYA Miyako, SAKAJO Akiko, MAEHARA Kunie, OZAWA Harumi, MORITA Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko, AOKI Kyoko, MAKAYA Miyuki, TAMAKOSHI Koji
    JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE 12(4) 297-308 2015年10月  査読有り
    AimThe number of older primiparas is increasing in Japan. These women have been shown to be more vulnerable to post-partum depression. This study aimed to identify factors for predicting post-partum depressive symptoms during hospitalization after childbirth in Japanese primiparas aged 35 years and over. MethodsThe present authors used the data of 479 primiparas aged 35 years and over from a prospective cohort study. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires on the day before hospital discharge. The questionnaire consisted of: demographics and background information; depressive symptoms; fatigue; maternal confidence and maternal satisfaction; child-care values; physical symptoms; perceptions of daily life during hospitalization; concerns about child care and daily life; and infant feeding. Additionally, vital records data were obtained from the hospitals. A stepwise logistic regression analysis was performed on the binary outcome variable of depressive symptoms, measured by the Japanese version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women who scored 9 or more were considered to be at high risk for post-partum depression. The authors obtained informed consent from all participants and institutional ethics approvals before initiating the study. ResultsThe following six variables reliably predicted the risk of post-partum depression: emergency cesarean section, lower satisfaction with birth experience, higher physical burden in daily life, long-term complications with the newborn, more concerns about newborn caretaking after discharge, and more concerns about one's own life after discharge. ConclusionRecognition of women with these factors will help nurses to identify those at risk for developing post-partum depression and to provide appropriate care during hospitalization after childbirth.
  • 坂上 明子, 森 恵美, 小澤 治美, 森田 亜希子, 青木 恭子, 土屋 雅子, 前川 智子, 前原 邦江, 岩田 裕子, 佐伯 章子, 望月 良美, 眞茅 みゆき, 玉腰 浩司
    医療の広場 55(8) 18-21 2015年8月  
  • 前原 邦江, 森 恵美, 土屋 雅子
    母性衛生 56(2) 264-272 2015年7月  査読有り
  • 前原邦江, 森恵美, 岩田裕子, 坂上明子, 小澤治美, 青木恭子, 森田亜希子, 前川智子
    日本生殖看護学会誌 12(1) 5-14 2015年6月15日  査読有り
  • TSUCHIYA Miyako, MORI Emi, IWATA Hiroko, SAKAJO Akiko, MAEHARA Kunie, OZAWA Harumi, MORITA Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko, SAEKI Akiko
    NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES 17(1) 71-76 2015年3月  査読有り
    The objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the associations among sleep characteristics, feeding variables, and fatigue among older Japanese primiparas (35 years old) during hospitalization after childbirth. A convenience sample of 16 participants who had given birth to a single newborn were recruited from maternity wards, and before discharge they completed a sleep assessment and questionnaires. Sleep characteristics were assessed using actigraphs. Diaries of daily activities recorded infant caregiving and subjective hours of sleep. The degree of fatigue was assessed using self-administered questionnaires. Although participants' sleep was found to be significantly fragmented by the average number of feeds per night, sleep loss in this sample was not severe compared with previous actigraph studies of young Japanese mothers. Lower percentages of sleep efficiency (percentage of sleep between going to bed and waking up) and parameters of fragmented sleep were significantly correlated with higher degrees of fatigue. Nurses and other healthcare providers should observe mothers' sleep and assess levels of fatigue. Assistance should be offered to mothers who are tired, so that they can have less fragmented sleep during the night.
  • IWATA Hiroko, MORI Emi, TSUCHIYA Miyako, SAKAJO Akiko, SAEKI Akiko, MAEHARA Kunie, OZAWA Harumi, MORITA Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko
    This longitudinal study was designed to examine objective sleep parameters of older primiparous Japanese women during the first 4 months postpartum using actigraphy. The participants were 18 older primiparae (Mean (SD)=37.06 (2.62) years, range 35-44 years) who gave birth to healthy neonates at one of three urban Japanese hospitals. Objective sleep quality was measured using actigraphy for 48h at 1, 2 and 4 months postpartum. The Friedman test was used to test for differences in sleep parameters across time. Sleep duration (SMIN) increased significantly from 2 months (Mean (M)=301.94min) to 4 months (M=372.78min). Sleep efficiency (SE) increased significantly from 1 month (73.52%) to 2 (86.66%) and 4 months (89.05%). Waking after sleep onset (WASO) decreased significantly from 1 month (M=114.64min) to 2 (M=40.18min) and 4 months (M=38.36min) and long waking episodes (LWEP) significantly decreased from 1 month (4.67) to 2 (2.69) and 4 months (3.12). Persistent postpartum sleep problems can be a sign of postpartum depression as well as health problems among infants.
  • MORI Emi, MAEHARA Kunie, IWATA Hiroko, SAKAJO Akiko, TSUCHIYA Miyako, OZAWA Harumi, MORITA Akiko, MAEKAWA Tomoko, SAEKI Akiko
    This cohort study of primiparae was conducted to answer the following questions: Do older (35 years) and younger (20-29 years) Japanese primiparous mothers differ when comparing biomarkers of stress and measures of fatigue and depression? Are there changes in fatigue, depression and stress biomarkers when comparing older and younger mothers during the postpartum period? The Postnatal Accumulated Fatigue Scale and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale were administered in a time-series method four times: shortly after birth and monthly afterwards. Assays to measure biomarkers of stress, urinary 17-ketosteroids, urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids and salivary chromogranin-A, were collected shortly after delivery and at 1 month postpartum in both groups and a third time in older mothers at the 4th month. Statistical testing showed very little difference in fatigue, depression or stress biomarkers between older and younger mothers shortly after birth or 1 month later. Accumulated fatigue and depression scores of older mothers were highest 1 month after delivery. Additional cohort studies are required to characterize physical/psychological well-being of older Japanese primiparae.
  • 森 恵美, 土屋 雅子, 岩田 裕子, 坂上 明子, 前原 邦江, 青木 恭子, 小澤 治美, 森田 亜希子, 前川 智子, 望月 良美, 佐伯 章子
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (37) 37-45 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 前原 邦江, 森 恵美, 土屋 雅子, 坂上 明子, 岩田 裕子, 小澤 治美, 前川 智子, 森田 亜希子, 望月 良美, 佐伯 章子, 青木 恭子, 玉腰 浩司
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (37) 27-35 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 小澤 治美, 坂上 明子, 森 恵美, 前原 邦江, 前川 智子, 森田 亜希子, 土屋 雅子, 岩田 裕子, 青木 恭子, 望月 良美, 佐伯 章子
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (37) 17-26 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 岩田 裕子, 森 恵美, 土屋 雅子, 青木 恭子, 坂上 明子, 佐伯 章子, 望月 良美, 前原 邦江, 小澤 治美, 森田 亜希子, 前川 智子
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (37) 1-10 2015年3月  査読有り
    症例は35歳以上の日本人初産婦で、産後一ヵ月に陥る産後鬱病(PPD)を予防するための、看護介入の実施可能性について検討した。MEDLINE、PubMed、CINAHL、Cochrane、Database of Systematic Reviews、Cochrane central Register of Controlled Trials、PsychInfo、医中誌Webから、「ランダム化比較試験」、「準ランダム化比較試験」、「メタアナリシス」、「比較研究」、「診療ガイドライン」、「産後」、「産褥」、「看護」、「援助」、「支援」、「ケア」、「鬱」、「鬱病」および、その英語対応語を検索語として邦文および英語文献を検索した。その結果、1998〜2009年に発表された8文献がヒットした(n=4946)。8文献ともランダム化比較試験に関する英語文献で、4試験がオーストラリア、3試験が英国、1試験がカナダで実施されていた。八つの研究内容は、体験報告会(3文献、2776名)、カウンセリング(1文献、103名)、専門家または非専門家による家庭訪問(2文献、723名)、ピアサポーターによる電話訪問(1文献、612名)、グループや小冊子によるサポート(1文献、732名)の5カテゴリーに分類された。以上の分析により、PPDの予防のためには、出産体験の振り返りを含むカウンセリングと家庭訪問や電話を介した社会的サポートの2タイプの看護介入が実践的かつ有益であると考えられた。但し、全てが海外の試験例であるため、国内の実情に合わせた対応が必要である。
  • 小坂 麻衣, 森 恵美, 坂上 明子
    日本母性看護学会誌 15(1) 10-17 2015年3月  査読有り
  • 土屋 雅子, 森 恵美, 坂上 明子, 小澤 治美
    女性心身医学 20(2) 207-214 2015年  査読有り
  • Akiko Sakajo, Emi Mori, Kunie Maehara, Tomoko Maekawa, Harumi Ozawa, Akiko Morita, Kyoko Aoki, Hiroko Iwata
    The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the postpartum experiences of older primiparas at the time of their postpartum hospital stay. Participants were Japanese primiparas aged 35-44 years who gave birth, without abnormalities for either the mother or child. Data were obtained using a semi-structured interview with 22 participants. Thirteen themes emerged through content analysis. We found that there were distinctive experiences, which included the health and growth of the baby: relief and continued anxiety', awareness of strengths and of concerns of primiparas', meaning of the pregnancy and childbirth experience' and developing one's own child-care approach'. Findings suggest that nursing care during the post-delivery hospital stay should use the unique strengths of older primiparas to enable their smooth transition to maternal role attainment.
  • Emi Mori, Hiroko Iwata, Akiko Sakajo, Kunie Maehara, Harumi Ozawa, Tomoko Maekawa, Akiko Morita, Akiko Saeki
    This study aimed to describe the postpartum experiences of older Japanese primiparas during the first month after childbirth. The participants were 21 primiparous women over 35 years of age who gave birth to a healthy child at three urban hospitals. Data were collected from July 2011 to April 2012 through a semi-structured interview about postpartum experiences after discharge. Data were analysed using content analysis. We obtained Institutional Review Boards' approval and written informed consent from all participants prior to study initiation. Thirteen themes of postpartum experiences were extracted. The findings revealed that the mothers' experiences varied greatly and were highly personal. Also, participants described common experiences, unique child-care support needs and the strengths of older primiparas. Understanding the postpartum experiences of older primiparas assists health-care professionals to identify better ways to provide appropriate support.
  • 森恵美, 坂上明子, 小澤治美
    先端研究助成基金助成金(最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム)報告書 2014年3月  
  • 森恵美, 坂上明子, 小澤治美
    平成22~25年度先端研究助成基金助成金(最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム)(課題番号:LS022)報告書 1-73 2014年3月  
  • 佐伯 章子, 森 恵美, 土屋 雅子, 岩田 裕子, 前原 邦江, 坂上 明子, 小澤 治美, 森田 亜希子, 前川 智子
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (36) 1-9 2014年3月  
  • Emi Mori, Chunyan Liu, Eliko Otsuki, Yoshimi Mochizuki, Eiko Kashiwabara
    The purpose of this project was to identify parental child-care values in Japan and China. Participants were 667 parents (432 Japanese and 235 Chinese) of newborn babies. A questionnaire, the Child-care Value Scale, was used to collect the data. Japanese parents' mean scores were significantly higher (indicating more agreement) for parental responsibilities listed in the subscale Views about parental role than those for Chinese parents. The mean scores for Negative impressions of child-care and Need for support from others in the parents' environment subscales for Japanese fathers were significantly lower than for Chinese fathers. Japanese parents believed that mothers were responsible for taking care of their children. This was an obstacle to getting support from people outside the family. Chinese couples believed that parents should share housekeeping and child-care, and obtained public and private support from their community. Findings suggest that parents of infants need community and health-care support.
  • Hiroko Iwata, Emi Mori, Akiko Morita, Akiko Sakajo, Tomoko Maekawa, Harumi Ozawa, Kunie Maehara
    This study evaluated the effectiveness of a 2 day training course for a nursing intervention programme to promote maternal role attainment in pregnant Japanese women who have undergone assisted reproductive technology. Participants were 12 Japanese nurses with more than 3 years of clinical experience at reproductive institutions. The effectiveness of the training course was evaluated by assessing the following: (i) understanding of the nursing intervention programme; (ii) attitudes of nurses towards women who are pregnant following assisted reproductive technology; and (iii) self-efficacy for implementing the programme. The training course was effective in increasing basic understanding of the programme and in assisting self-evaluation of the attitudes of participants towards pregnant women. However, acquisition of effective interview skills and changes to make the programme clinically feasible are still needed. Findings suggest that researchers who use this training programme may need to evaluate and include training of nurses in interview skills suitable for their working environments.
  • 前原 邦江, 森 恵美, 小澤 治美, 前川 智子, 森田 亜希子, 岩田 裕子, 坂上 明子
    千葉大学大学院看護学研究科紀要 (34) 1-8 2012年3月  
    生殖補助医療(ART)により妊娠した女性の母性不安と胎児感情および母親役割への適応の関連を明らかにすることを目的に、ARTにより妊娠した妊婦44名を対象に、妊娠初期(7〜14週)および妊娠末期(36週頃)の2回、花沢の「胎児感情評定尺度」、岡山らの日本語版Prenatal Self-Evaluation Questionnaireの「母親役割の同一化」下位スケールを用いたアンケート調査を行った。その結果、ARTを受けて妊娠した女性の多くが、妊娠初期に流産に対する不安をもち、妊娠末期に胎児への回避感情が高く、母親役割への適応が遅れる可能性が示唆された。
  • Hiroko Iwata, Emi Mori, Tomoko Maekawa, Kunie Maehara, Akiko Sakajo, Harumi Ozawa, Akiko Morita
    JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE 9(2) 122-126 2012年  査読有り
    Aim: The purpose of this study was to develop the Maternity Portfolio to promote maternal role attainment in women who underwent artificial reproductive treatment. Methods: The following procedures were undertaken to develop the Maternity Portfolio: (i) a literature review was conducted to identify studies and articles related to maternal diary or portfolio usage; (ii) the research members discussed objectives and usages of the Maternity Portfolio; (iii) a trial product was developed in collaboration with two pregnant women (one following artificial reproductive treatment and one infertility patient) and seven nurses, and after feedback was completed, the product was revised; and (iv) the final product of the Maternity Portfolio was patented. Results: The final Maternity Portfolio product consisted of a 40-page booklet; it contained an information section and a patient comments section. Following artificial reproductive treatment, this booklet can be provided to women during the first trimester. Women would then be instructed to bring the Maternity Portfolio to their prenatal checkups, where a nursing intervention program would be conducted by certified nurses. Through this program and the Maternity Portfolio, participating women are expected to obtain necessary information and maternal role attainment. Conclusions: The Maternity Portfolio was developed to promote maternal role attainment for women who have undergone artificial reproductive treatment. The intervention study with the Maternity Portfolio is a work in progress; therefore, a future evaluation of the study will clarify both positive and negative aspects, which should facilitate refinement of the functions and qualities of the Maternity Portfolio.
  • 森 恵美, 岩田 裕子, 前川 智子, 小澤 治美, 森田 亜希子, 坂上 明子
    日本看護科学学会学術集会講演集 30回 343-343 2010年12月  
  • 渡邊 葉月, 森 恵美, 森田 亜希子
    母性衛生 50(3) 170-170 2009年9月  
  • 黒田 久美子, 石井 邦子, 柏原 英子, 高島 えり子, 森 恵美, 細野 陽子, 根本 敬子
    糖尿病と妊娠 8(2) S-63 2008年10月  
  • 森田 亜希子, 森 恵美, 石井 邦子
    母性衛生 49(3) 190-190 2008年10月  
  • 前原 邦江, 大月 恵理子, 林 ひろみ, 井出 成美, 佐藤 奈保, 小澤 治美, 佐藤 紀子, 荒木 暁子, 石井 邦子, 森 恵美
    千葉看護学会会誌 13(2) 10-18 2007年12月  
  • 前原 邦江, 森 恵美
    千葉大学看護学部紀要 (29) 9-14 2007年3月  
  • 大月 恵理子, 陳 東, 望月 良美, 安藤 みか, 柏原 英子, 森 恵美, オオツキ エリコ, モチヅキ ヨシミ, アンドウ ミカ, カシワバラ エイコ, モリ エミ, OTSUKI Eliko, CHEN Dong, MOCHIZUKI Yoshimi, ANDO Mika, KASHIWABARA Eiko, MORI Emi
    千葉大学看護学部紀要 28 29-34 2006年3月  
    本研究の目的は,独自に開発した不妊治療中の女性ヘの看護介入ガイドラインを実践できる看護職者を育成するために,不妊看護研修会を企画・運営し,その成果を評価し,検討することである.不妊看護研修会は,現在不妊治療を行っている施設に勤務する,臨床経験3年以上の看護師・助産師を対象として,日本不妊看護学会などでの参加募集とあわせて研究協力依頼を行った.研修会参加に応募し,研究参加ヘの同意をした5名に対し,この看護介入ガイドラインを行うための知識と技術を修得することを目的とし,2回にわたり研修会を実施した.研修会の評価は,研修会の目的・目標に照らし,不妊看護における専門的価値と,看護介入ガイドラインの理解度,看護介入ガイドライン実施の自己効力感および基礎的情報について,データを収集した.データ収集方法は,文章完成法やvisual analog scaleを中心とする自記式質問紙法および参加観察法ならびにビデオ撮影・ICレコーダー録音を用いた.本報告では,自記式質問紙法の結果を中心に報告する.その結果,研修会参加者の専門的価値における「不妊看護実践における価値観」に関して,受身的な姿勢から対象者の認知にも積極的に働きかけようという変化が認められた.また,看護介入ガイドラインの実践についての自己効力感はVAS値で1回目研修会終了時を振り返ったものと2回目の研修終了時を比較すると平均35.8(28〜50)上昇した.以上より,研修会は,一定の成果が認められた.しかし,参加者のレディネスなどによって,専門的価値や,ガイドラインの理解度には個人差が多く認められ,今後の研修会運営上,配慮が必要である.
  • Kanno Y, Aoki S, Mochizuki M, Mori E, Nakahama T, Inouye Y
    Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 28(11) 2058-2062 2005年11月  査読有り
    The mammalian constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is a transcription factor that participates in controlling the expression of xenobiotic metabolizing and transporting genes in response to xenobiotics in an organ-specific manner. In addition to the wild-type CAR (CAR WT) mRNA, mRNAs for five splice variants (SVs) could be detected in the liver of 7-week-old male Wistar rats by RT-PCR using primer pairs covering a full-length mRNA derived from 9 exons; insertion of 18 bp at the 5'-end of intron 8 with or without deletion of 3 bp from the 5'-end of exon 7 (CAR SV1 or SV2), deletion of 4 bp from the 5'-end of exon 8 (CAR SV3), insertion of 195 bp intron 7 (CAR SV4), and insertion of 91 bp intron 6 (CAR SV5). In contrast, only CAR SV5 was detected in lung. Due to the introduction of novel stop codons, all the SVs were considered to code for premature proteins. The liver homogenate gave two protein bands in the vicinity of 37 kDa on Western blotting. They were attributable to CAR WT and SV-complex, respectively, based on their putative molecular weights in descending order. Upon cotransfection with the reporter plasmid, only the cells transfected with the CAR SV4-expression plasmid showed enhanced luciferase activity similar to the WT-transfected cells, for which the further splicing of the remaining intron 7 seemed to be responsible. The transactivation-defective SVs downregulated CAR WT-induced luciferase activity to some extent in the cotransfection experiments.
  • 高谷 嘉枝, 中西 睦子, 南 裕子, 川村 佐和子, 片田 範子, 安藤 広子, 太田 喜久子, 岡谷 恵子, 勝田 仁美, 土居 洋子, 堀井 理司, 森 恵美
    日本看護科学会誌 20(1) 36-43 2000年3月31日  
  • 堀井 理司, 高谷 嘉枝, 森 恵美, 安藤 広子, 太田 喜久子, 岡谷 恵子, 片田 範子, 勝田 仁美, 川村 佐和子, 土居 洋子, 中西 睦子, 南 裕子
    日本看護科学会誌 17(4) 69-75 1997年12月1日  
  • 勝田 仁美, 南 裕子, 安藤 広子, 太田 喜久子, 岡谷 恵子, 片田 範子, 高谷 嘉枝, 中西 睦子, 堀井 理司, 森 恵美
    日本看護科学会誌 17(2) 79-84 1997年6月30日  
  • 村田 亜美, 生地 新, 灘岡 壽英, 森岡 由起子, 千葉 ヒロ子, 村岡 義明, 林 博史, 森 恵美, 十束 支朗
    心身医学 36 153-153 1996年  
  • 森 恵美, 前原 澄子, 森岡 由起子, 生地 新, 十束 支朗
    心身医学 34 173-173 1994年  
  • 森 恵美, 前原 澄子, 十束 支朗, 灘岡 壽英
    心身医学 32 206-206 1992年  









