
櫻田 大也

サクラダ トモヤ  (Tomoya Sakurada)


千葉大学 大学院薬学研究院臨床薬学研究部門先端実践薬学講座



  • 櫻田 大也, 本田 拓也, 石川 雅之, 内田 雅士, 佐藤 洋美, 鈴木 聡子, 東 顕二郎, 山口 憲孝, 鈴木 紀行, 小林 江梨子, 神崎 哲人, 関根 祐子, 佐藤 信範
    医薬品相互作用研究 46(2) 75-80 2022年  査読有り
  • Matsui Reiko, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori
    医薬品相互作用研究 43(2) 98-104 2019年  査読有り
  • Tairabune Tomohiko, Chiba Takeshi, Tomita Takashi, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori, Kudo Kenzo
    医薬品相互作用研究 43(1) 17-23 2019年  査読有り
  • Onodera Takayoshi, Maru Munetaka, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori
    医薬品相互作用研究 43(1) 25-31 2019年  査読有り
  • Takayoshi ONODERA, Munetaka MARU, Tomoya SAKURADA, Eriko KOBAYASHI, Nobunori SATOH
    Journal of Drug Interaction Research 43(1) 23-29 2019年  査読有り
  • 小林 江梨子, 池下 暁人, 孫 尚孝, 櫻田 大也, 佐藤 信範
    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 9(3) 141-150 2019年  査読有り
  • 石川 真由子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬剤師会学術大会講演要旨集 51回 P-03 2018年9月  
  • 小林 江梨子, 根本 由美子, 櫻田 大也, 佐藤 信範
    医薬品相互作用研究 42(2) 103-109 2018年6月  査読有り
  • 太田 若菜, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 平舩 寛彦, 千葉 健史, 富田 隆, 工藤 賢三, 佐藤 信範
    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 8(2) 95-102 2018年5月  査読有り
  • 太田 若菜, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 平舩 寛彦, 千葉 健史, 富田 隆, 工藤 賢三, 佐藤 信範
    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 8(2) 95-102 2018年5月  査読有り
  • 小野寺 隆芳, 丸 宗孝, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 138年会(4) 115-115 2018年3月  
  • 小塚 友美子, 境 隆一, 石田 大祐, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 神崎 哲人, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 138年会(4) 124-124 2018年3月  
  • Maru Munetaka, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori
    医薬品相互作用研究 42(1) 16-22 2018年2月  
  • 太田 若菜, 根本 由美子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    学校保健研究 59(Suppl.) 150-150 2017年11月  
  • 石川 真由子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    学校保健研究 59(Suppl.) 181-181 2017年11月  
  • 石川 幸奈, 石川 真由子, 藤岡 祐太, 土谷 豊, 濱田 秀子, 高柳 佐土美, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    学校保健研究 59(Suppl.) 181-181 2017年11月  
  • 太田 若菜, 丸 宗孝, 阿部 智美, 小野寺 隆芳, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    薬局薬学 9(2) 192-198 2017年11月  査読有り
  • 久保 朋恵, 西村 啓一, 河野 好子, 寺島 朝子, 櫻田 大也, 佐藤 信範, 堀 誠司, 室谷 典義
    ジェネリック研究 11(増刊号) 56-56 2017年5月  
  • 三浦 早央里, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 137年会(3) 212-212 2017年3月  
  • 松井 礼子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 山口 正和, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬学会年会要旨集 137年会(4) 110-110 2017年3月  
  • 堀合 拓貴, 中村 昇平, 高松 大騎, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    日本薬剤師会学術大会講演要旨集 49回 P-151 2016年10月  
  • 高安 芽衣子, 與那原 希, 松本 美奈子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 6(1) 11-20 2016年1月  査読有り
  • 雜賀 匡史, 眞鍋 知史, 石井 茂樹, 佐藤 信範, 櫻田 大也, 青山 隆夫, 小嶋 文良, 石野 良和, 福地 昌之, 千葉県薬剤師会在宅医療委員会
    日本薬剤師会学術大会講演要旨集 48回 200-200 2015年11月  
  • Miharu Suzuki, Tomoya Sakurada, Kazumi Gotoh, Satoshi Watanabe, Nobunori Satoh
    The American journal of hospice & palliative care 30(7) 712-6 2013年11月  査読有り
    Morphine and oxycodone are widely used in the therapy for cancer pain. Although some previous studies have reported that morphine induces immunosuppression and oxycodone does not, whether this is true for human infections is unclear. We performed a retrospective study on the correlation between the administration of morphine or oxycodone and the development of infections in patients with cancer pain. This study was undertaken in 841 inpatients receiving only 1 opioid continuously for more than 10 days. Development of infections was based on (1) antibiotic administration and (2) diagnosis of infections, positive microbial culture test, or increase in white blood cells or C-reactive protein. Liver, kidney, and hematological cancer, antineoplastic drugs, radiotherapy, steroid, immunosuppressive agents, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and thyroid inhibitors were defined as the exclusion criteria in consideration of influence on immune system or metabolism and excretion of morphine and oxycodone. A total of 60 morphine and 74 oxycodone cases were included, which resulted in 18 and 10 infection cases. Significantly more patients treated with morphine developed infections than those patients treated with oxycodone (odds ratio = 3.60, 95% confidence interval = 1.40-9.26). No significant differences were seen in the other variables analyzed. Although perhaps some confounding variables were included because this was an observational rather than randomized study, these results suggested that morphine's immunosuppressive effect may contribute to the development of infections in patients with cancer pain.
  • 雜賀 匡史, 丸 宗孝, 古山 二朗, 福地 昌之, 小嶋 文良, 青山 隆夫, 櫻田 大也, 佐藤 信範, 石井 茂樹, 眞鍋 知史, 高橋 眞生, 千葉県薬剤師会在宅医療委員会
    日本薬剤師会学術大会講演要旨集 46回 330-330 2013年9月  
  • 神田 藍, 川崎 淳史, 森田 理恵子, 武者 愛美, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    臨床薬理 44(4) 313-318 2013年7月  査読有り
  • 山下 槙子, 小野寺 隆芳, 清水 和夫, 丸 宗孝, 澤田 康裕, 小田長 晶子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    ホスピスケアと在宅ケア 21(2) 265-265 2013年6月  
  • Uchiyama Chika, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori
    医薬品相互作用研究 36(2) 126-136 2012年12月  
  • 秋山 和映, 吉良 美里, 福原 千津, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    医薬品相互作用研究 36(2) 120-124 2012年12月  査読有り
    フィーダーで回転する円盤上に分配する全自動分割分包方式機で、装備された円盤直径が異なる2種の自動散剤調剤分包機を用いて、顆粒剤と散剤、顆粒剤と細粒の混和調剤における分包精度を検討した。粒子径の異なる製剤として、粉末系散剤である日本薬局方乳糖水和物(乳糖)、細粒である日本薬局方酸化マグネシウム(Mg)及び顆粒剤であるベリチーム配合顆粒(ベリチーム)を対象製剤とした。予備試験は、大型円盤を装備した全自動分割分包方式機Duet GRAN-C(GRAN)、本試験は、GRAN及び小型円盤を装備したmiu CARREN(CARREN)を用いた。乳糖1日量0.9gの場合には、速度3、1日量3gの場合には速度4が最適速度であった。ベリチームについては、それぞれ速度3、速度4、Mgについては、いずれも速度4であった。GRANを用いた場合よりも、CARRENを用いた場合の方が総じてCVは小さい傾向がみられた。
  • Chikako Kurosawa, Chika Uchiyama, Tomoya Sakurada, Eriko Kobayashi, Nobunori Satoh
    Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 43(6) 381-386 2012年11月  査読有り
    Background : The guidelines for prescription drug labeling were developed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 1997. More than ten years have passed, and various problems have arisen in the use of the prescription drug labels in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to extract the problems regarding conditions for approval and to consider the measures for improvement. Methods : A questionnaire survey on the attitudes of hospital pharmacists, community pharmacists, and doctors towards the conditions for approval for prescription drug labeling was conducted. The conditions for approval regarding newly approved drugs from March 2009 to March 2011 were also surveyed. Results : In this survey, 43.3% of hospital pharmacists, 18.6% of community pharmacists, and 20.3% of doctors were aware that the conditions for approval are described in the prescription drug labels. Thirty-six of 131 newly approved drugs had 65 conditions for approvals, 60 (92.4%) of which concerned the appropriate use in clinical practice. Conclusion : In order to attract medical professionals' attention, the conditions for approval should be described in the first part of the label. In addition, the contents of the conditions for approval should be described in a user friendly manner for health care professionals. Since there are some differences in the frequency of using the labels between pharmacists and doctors, if pharmacists would have a good understanding of the conditions for approval and communicate the contents to doctors, this may contribute to improve doctor's recognition of the conditions for approval.
  • 黒沢 智佳子, 内山 知香, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    臨床薬理 43(6) 381-386 2012年11月  査読有り
  • 須永 雅彦, 笠松 厚志, 内堀 和也, 櫻田 大也, 吉川 正治, 上田 志朗, 佐藤 信範, 丹沢 秀樹
    日本癌治療学会誌 47(3) 2380-2380 2012年10月  査読有り
  • Karikomi Hiroshi, Sakurada Tomoya, Ohde Sachiko, Gotoh Kazumi, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori
    医薬品相互作用研究 36(1) 39-46 2012年8月  
  • 櫻田 大也, 小嶋 文良, 長谷川 哲也, 佐藤 信範
    医薬品相互作用研究 36(1) 21-27 2012年8月  査読有り
  • Kazuya Uchibori, Atsushi Kasamatsu, Masahiko Sunaga, Satoshi Yokota, Tomoya Sakurada, Eriko Kobayashi, Masaharu Yoshikawa, Katsuhiro Uzawa, Shiro Ueda, Hideki Tanzawa, Nobunori Sato
    International journal of oncology 40(4) 1005-10 2012年4月  査読有り
    5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) chemotherapy is the first choice treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and resistance is the major obstacle to successful treatment. Recent studies have reported that epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is associated with chemoresistance in cancers. We speculated that EMT and 5-FU metabolism are related to the mechanism of 5-FU resistance. First, two 5-FU-resistant cell lines, HLF-R4 and HLF-R10, were established from the HLF undifferentiated human HCC cell line. Whereas cell growth was similar in the HLF and HLF-R cell lines, HLF-Rs are about 4- and 10-fold more resistant compared with the HLF cells; thus, we named these cell lines HLF-R4 and HLF-R10, respectively. The terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling assay also showed a dramatically decreased number of apoptotic cells in the HLF-Rs after treatment with 5-FU. We next assessed the characteristics of the HLF, HLF-R4 and HLF-R10 cells. Consistent with our hypothesis, the HLF-Rs had typical morphologic phenotypes of EMT, loss of cell-cell adhesion, spindle-shaped morphology and increased formation of pseudopodia. Real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction data showed downregulated E-cadherin and upregulated Twist-1 and also indicated that EMT changes occurred in the HLF-Rs. We also found decreased ribonucleotide reductase and increased multidrug resistance protein 5 genes in the HLF-R cells. Our results suggested that the metabolism of EMT and 5-FU has important roles in 5-FU chemoresistance in the HLF-R cells, and that the HLF-R cells would be useful in vitro models for understanding the 5-FU-resistant mechanisms in HCC.
  • 飯嶋 久志, 櫻田 大也, 大澄 朋香, 麻生 忠男, 佐藤 信範
    千葉県薬剤師会雑誌 58(3) 171-174 2012年3月  
  • 高橋 由佳, 内山 知香, 田中 恵未, 平井 麻衣子, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範
    医薬品相互作用研究 35(1) 23-32 2011年8月  
  • Eriko Kobayashi, Tomoya Sakurada, Shiro Ueda, Nobunori Satoh
    Cell and tissue banking 12(2) 71-80 2011年5月  査読有り
    To assess the attitude of Japanese patients towards pharmacogenomics research and a DNA bank for identifying genomic markers associated with adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and their willingness to donate DNA samples, we conducted a survey of 550 male and female patients. The majority of the respondents showed a positive attitude towards pharmacogenomics research (87.6%) and a DNA bank (75.1%). The willingness to donate DNA samples when experiencing severe ADRs (55.8%) was higher than when taking medications (40.4%). Positive attitudes towards a DNA bank and organ donation were significantly associated with an increased willingness to donate. Though the level of positive attitude in the patient population was higher than that in the general public in our former study (81.0 and 70.4%, respectively), the level of the willingness of patients to donate was 40.4% when taking medications and 55.8% when experiencing severe ADRs which was lower than that of the general public in our former study (45.3 and 61.7%). The results suggested that the level of true willingness in the patient population was lower than that of the general public considering the fictitious situation presented to the public (to suppose that they were patients receiving medication). It is important to assess the willingness of patients who are true potential donors, not the general public.
  • Hirano Yasuko, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori, Ueda Shiro
    医薬品相互作用研究 34(3) 131-134 2011年4月  
  • Noriko Takeuchi, Emi Takenoshita, Fumino Kato, Tomoko Terajima, Makoto Ogawa, Satoshi Suzuki, Takayuki Fujii, Eriko Kobayashi, Tomoya Sakurada, Nobunori Satoh, Shiro Ueda
    Clinical and experimental nephrology 15(1) 100-7 2011年2月  査読有り
    BACKGROUND: The evaluation of the progression of renal insufficiency, or decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), has been approached more simply and precisely by converting measured serum creatinine value into the reciprocal of serum creatinine, estimated GFR, or other parameters. Doubling of serum creatinine (simple doubling) is conveniently used as a surrogate endpoint for progression of renal disease but is thought to be biased unfairly by the initial value of serum creatinine (Scr(Int)). We proposed the definite decline in the reciprocal of serum creatinine (2-4 doubling) as a surrogate endpoint, comparing simple doubling with this new endpoint to verify the effect of Scr(Int) on the endpoint. METHODS: For the purpose of comparison between endpoints, 194 patients in a historical cohort of chronic glomerulonephritis were investigated. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed with the composite endpoint of need for dialysis and either simple doubling or 2-4 doubling. Then, the distribution of Scr(Int) was compared between total patients and patients developing each endpoint. RESULTS: The endpoint value of serum creatinine (Scr(End)) with 2-4 doubling was lower than that with simple doubling at Scr(Int) <2.00 mg/dl, and the difference of Scr(End) between simple doubling and 2-4 doubling was larger, as Scr(Int) became lower. In patients reaching simple doubling, Scr(Int) was higher than that of the total patients (1.66 vs. 1.07 mg/dl in median, respectively; p < 0.001). In patients reaching 2-4 doubling, there was no significant difference in Scr(Int). CONCLUSION: Patients with low serum creatinine concentration at baseline had a tendency of prolonged development into simple doubling. In contrast, with 2-4 doubling, there was no bias of Scr(Int).
  • Eriko Kobayashi, Hiroshi Karigome, Tomoya Sakurada, Nobunori Satoh, Shiro Ueda
    Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 99(1) 60-5 2011年1月  査読有り
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the understanding and attitude of Japanese patients towards generic drug substitutions. METHOD: The subjects were male and female patients, who purchased their prescription medications at a pharmacy. A questionnaire was created to assess their attitudes towards generic drugs. RESULTS: Of 1215 respondents, 68.4% knew the term "generic drugs." The majority of them had the correct understanding only on the following two points: generic drugs are less expensive than the brand name drugs (86.0%) and generic drugs contain the same active ingredients as brand name drugs (71.1%). However, their understanding was poor in other aspects of generic substitution: the availability and accessibility of generic drugs, etc. Only the experience of a previous generic drug substitution was significantly associated with the increased willingness for generic substitution (OR=2.93, CI 1.93-4.44). The main reasons for accepting generic substitutions were recommendations by physicians (48.6%) and by pharmacists (33.1%). CONCLUSION: The public awareness program on generic drugs should be expanded to include more detailed information so that patients obtain the correct understanding of generic substitution. It is critical that physicians and pharmacists have the proper understanding of generic drug substitution and provide the correct information to patients.
  • Tomoya Sakurada, Shinya Takada, Hisae Eguchi, Keishiro Izumi, Nobunori Satoh, Shiro Ueda
    Pharmacy World and Science 32(6) 737-743 2010年12月  査読有り
    Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the plasma concentration of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide and pain in cancer patients receiving oral morphine. Methods: The trough value of plasma concentrations of morphine and its metabolites were measured by high performance liquid chromatography using an ultraviolet detector. Using this assay system, the plasma concentrations of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine-6-glucuronide in 26 cancer pain patients were measured and compared with pain intensity. The pain intensity was assessed at the time of blood sampling using the visual analog scale. Results: The trough value of morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide did not show a significant correlation with pain intensity by visual analog scale assessment, but morphine-3-glucuronide and the ratio of morphine-3-glucuronide/morphine showed a significantly positive correlation (r = 0.528, P = 0.006 and r = 0.671, P < 0.001, respectively). By dividing the group according to low (≤ median value) or high (> median value) VAS scores a significant difference was found between the two groups in morphine-3-glucuronide and the ratio of morphine-3-glucuronide/morphine (P = 0.045 and P = 0.007, respectively). Conclusion: These results indicated that the level of morphine-3-glucuronide is related to the patient's perception of morphine effect, and the plasma concentration of morphine-3-glucuronide and the ratio of morphine-3-glucuronide/ morphine indicated potency to assess clinical effect. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
  • Tomoya Sakurada, Masaharu Yoshikawa, Masahiko Sunaga, Eriko Kobayashi, Nobunori Satoh, Osamu Yokosuka, Shiro Ueda
    Pharmaceutics 2(3) 300-312 2010年9月  査読有り
    This study investigated gene expression of drug resistance factors in biopsy tissue samples from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients undergoing chemotherapy by platinum complex. Liver biopsy was performed to collect tissue from the tumor site (T) and the non-tumor site (NT) prior to the start of treatment. For drug-resistant factors, drug excretion transporters cMOAT and MDR-1, intracellular metal binding protein MT2, DNA repair enzyme ERCC-l and inter-nucleic cell transport protein MVP, were investigated. The comparison of the expression between T and NT indicated a significant decrease of MT2 and MDR-1 in T while a significant increase in ERCC-1 was noted in T. Further, expression was compared between the response cases and non-response cases using the ratios of expression in T to those in NT. The response rate was significantly low in the high expression group when the cutoff value of cMOAT and MT2 was set at 1.5 and 1.0, respectively. Furthermore, when the patients were classified into A group (cMOAT ≧ 1.5 or MT2 ≧ 1.0) and B group (cMOAT < 1.5 and MT2 < 1.0), the response rate of A group was significantly lower than B group when we combined the cutoff values of cMOAT and MT2. It is considered possible to estimate the therapeutic effect of platinum complex at a high probability by combining the expression condition of these two genes. © 2010 by the authors.
  • 向本 知香, 簾 貴士, 井上 真理, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範, 上田 志朗
    医薬品相互作用研究 33(2) 53-58 2010年1月  査読有り
  • Akiyama Kazuteru, Kaneshige Chinatsu, Sakurada Tomoya, Kobayashi Eriko, Satoh Nobunori, Irie Yasuhumi, Ueda Shiro
    医薬品相互作用研究 33(1) 20-25 2009年9月  
  • 長田 和士, 簾 貴士, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範, 上田 志朗
    医薬品相互作用研究 32(1) 5-9 2008年7月  査読有り
  • 長田 和士, 簾 貴士, 櫻田 大也, 小林 江梨子, 佐藤 信範, 上田 志朗
    医薬品相互作用研究 32(1) 11-14 2008年7月  査読有り
    薬物動態学的特徴を迅速に把握でき、患者・医師及び看護師などに対する薬剤情報提供が可能なツールを作成する目的で、薬物動態のビジュアル表現を組み込んだデータベース(DB)を構築した。使用機種はDELL Inspiron 4000で、DBソフトとしてはMicrosoft Access 2000を使用した。DBは薬剤基本情報、模式図情報、チトクロームP450情報、添付文書情報、インタビューフォーム情報及び文献情報の六つで構成した。このDBは薬物動態の面から医薬品を検索でき、DB内の視覚的情報により、薬物排泄の特徴、腎・肝機能低下及びCYPの阻害・誘導などによる血中濃度への影響の程度などを迅速に把握できることが分かった。
  • Shinichi Watanabe, Takashi Misu, Teruko Kurihara, Satoko Suzuki, Tomoya Sakurada, Nobunori Satoh, Shiro Ueda
    Yakushigaku zasshi 43(2) 175-80 2008年  査読有り
    The information about a drug interaction is specified as a section which should be printed on the package insert in Japan, the U.S. and the U.K. In Japan, the information on drug metabolizing enzymes is described in the precautions for use in the package insert of many pharmaceutical agents following the incidence of the harmful effects of sorivudine. Since many elderly people suffer from two or more diseases as a result of aging and multiple pharmaceuticals are prescribed for them, the risk of drug interactions is increased. The therapeutic category where the most statements regarding drug metabolizing enzyme were in the package inserts, is hypnotics and sedatives, and anxiolytics; 100 out of 306 drugs include a statement about drug metabolizing enzymes. In the elderly aged 75 and over, regardless of whether the medicine is received in the hospital or by pharmacy preparation, in about 70 percent of the patients, three or more types of pharmaceutical agents are prescribed. Thus, although the information about the drug metabolizing enzyme is provided to the medical staff, in order to properly utilize the information, it is necessary to check whether the information about the same drug metabolizing enzyme is described in the package insert of the other pharmaceuticals that the patient is concurrently receiving. A means by which to quickly and easily retrieve the information about the drug metabolizing enzyme printed in the package is necessary and such a tool will be developed in the near future.
  • Suzuki Satoko, Kurihara Teruko, Haruna Chizuko, Kaneko Takatoshi, Misu Takashi, Sakurada Tomoya, Satoh Nobunori, Ueda Shiro
    医薬品情報学 9(2) 131-136 2007年8月  

