
小西 孝宜

コニシ タカノリ  (Takanori Konishi)


千葉大学 医学部附属病院 助教
医学博士(2017年3月 千葉大学)



  • Takanori Konishi, Shigetsugu Takano, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Satoshi Kuboki, Daisuke Suzuki, Nozomu Sakai, Isamu Hosokawa, Takashi Mishima, Hitoe Nishino, Shinichiro Nakada, Masayuki Ohtsuka
    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 409(1) 11-11 2023年12月18日  
    PURPOSE: Systemic chemotherapy is generally used for metastatic pancreatic cancer; however, pulmonary resection may be a treatment option for lung oligometastases from pancreatic cancer. The current study aimed to clarify the oncological outcomes and clinical benefits of pulmonary resection for lung metastases. METHODS: Of 510 patients who underwent pancreatic resection for pancreatic cancer, 44 patients with recurrence of isolated lung metastases and one patient with simultaneous lung metastases were evaluated. RESULTS: Of the 45 patients, 20 patients were selected as candidates for pulmonary resection based on clinical factors such as recurrence-free interval (RFI) from pancreatectomy to lung metastases, number of lung metastases, and serum CA19-9 level. The post-recurrent survival of patients with pulmonary resection was significantly better than that of patients without pulmonary resection. Fourteen of the 20 patients with pulmonary resection developed tumor recurrence with a median disease-free survival (DFS) of 15 months. Univariate analyses revealed that an RFI from pancreatectomy to lung metastases of ≥28 months was associated with better DFS after pulmonary resection. Of the 14 patients with an RFI of ≥28 months, pulmonary resection resulted in prolonged chemotherapy-free interval in 12 patients. Furthermore, repeat pulmonary resection for recurrent tumors after pulmonary resection led to further cancer-free interval in some cases. CONCLUSIONS: Although many patients had tumor recurrence after pulmonary resection, pulmonary resection for lung metastases from pancreatic cancer may provide prolonged cancer-free interval without the need for chemotherapy. Pulmonary resection should be performed for the patients with a long RFI from pancreatectomy to lung metastases.
  • Takashi Mishima, Shigetsugu Takano, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Satoshi Kuboki, Daisuke Suzuki, Nozomu Sakai, Isamu Hosokawa, Takanori Konishi, Hitoe Nishino, Shinichiro Nakada, Yusuke Kouchi, Takashi Kishimoto, Masayuki Ohtsuka
    Pancreatology : official journal of the International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) ... [et al.] 2023年12月2日  
    BACKGROUND: The indication for surgical resection of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) is defined by imaging features, such as mural nodules. Although carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 was selected as a parameter for worrisome features, no serum biomarkers were considered when deciding on surgical indications in the latest international consensus guideline. In this study, we assessed whether clinical factors, imaging findings, and serum biomarkers are useful in predicting malignant IPMNs. METHODS: A total of 234 resected IPMN cases in Chiba University Hospital from July 2005 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Among the 234 patients with resected IPMNs diagnosed by preoperative imaging, 117 were diagnosed with malignant pathologies (high-grade dysplasia and invasive IPMNs) according to the histological classification. In the multivariate analysis, cyst diameter ≥30 mm; p = 0.035), enhancing mural nodules on multidetector computed tomography (≥5 mm; p = 0.018), and high serum elastase-1 (≥230 ng/dl; p = 0.0007) were identified as independent malignant predictors, while CA19-9 was not. Furthermore, based on the receiver operator characteristic curve analyses, elastase-1 was superior to CA19-9 for predicting malignant IPMNs. Additionally, high serum elastase-1 levels (≥230 ng/dl; p = 0.0093) were identified as independent predictors of malignant IPMNs in patients without mural nodules on multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: The serum elastase-1 level was found to be a potentially useful biomarker for predicting malignant IPMNs.
  • Kyoichi Okawa, Nozomu Sakai, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Satoshi Kuboki, Shigetsugu Takano, Daisuke Suzuki, Isamu Hosokawa, Takashi Mishima, Takanori Konishi, Hitoe Nishino, Shinichiro Nakada, Masayuki Otsuka
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50(13) 1962-1964 2023年12月  
    A 73-year-old female was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer, but the future liver remnant volume was deemed insufficient for curative resection. Consequently, transileocolic portal vein embolization was performed. During laparotomy, multiple nodules were palpable on the peritoneal surface of the pelvic floor. Subsequently, staging laparoscopy confirmed the pathological diagnosis of adenocarcinoma in the resected nodules, indicating peritoneal dissemination of gall bladder cancer. Due to this peritoneal dissemination, surgical resection was deemed inappropriate, and the patient was initiated on systemic chemotherapy consisting of gemcitabine and cisplatin. Following 22 courses of chemotherapy, contrast-enhanced computed tomography demonstrated no significant changes in the size of the primary tumor or its location relative to the main vessels, although a small metastatic lesion was identified in the gallbladder bed. At the second staging laparoscopy, any nodules suggesting peritoneal dissemination were observed. Based on these findings, we decided to perform curative resection. The surgical procedure involved right hepatectomy plus segment 4a resection, extrahepatic bile duct resection, and hepaticojejunostomy. Pathological examination revealed ypT3bN0M1(HEP), ypStage ⅣB, with the achievement of R0 resection. The patient survived with no recurrences for 40 months after surgery. These results suggest that aggressive therapeutic strategies, including conversion surgery following systemic chemotherapy, may be beneficial for patients initially deemed unresectable due to gallbladder cancer.
  • Kazushi Yamashita, Hitoe Nishino, Tsukasa Takayashiki, Shigetsugu Takano, Daisuke Suzuki, Nozomu Sakai, Isamu Hosokawa, Takashi Mishima, Takanori Konishi, Kensuke Suzuki, Shinichiro Nakada, Masayuki Otsuka
    Gan to kagaku ryoho. Cancer & chemotherapy 50(13) 1384-1386 2023年12月  
    Serial pancreatic juice aspiration cytological examination(SPACE)has been reported as a reliable preoperative diagnostic method for early pancreatic cancer, when combined with imaging findings suspecting early pancreatic cancer. Among 259 patients with suspected pancreatic cancer who underwent pancreatic resection at our hospital, SPACE was preoperatively performed in 14 cases(5.4%). Of these 14 cases, final pathological diagnosis was pancreatic cancer in 12 patients (86%), including 5 patients with Stage ⅠA pancreatic cancer(35.7%), all of whom had a mass on preoperative CT or EUS. On the other hand, in the other 2 cases(14.3%), CT/EUS detected no mass but focal pancreatic parenchymal atrophy and main pancreatic duct stenosis which were the imaging findings suspecting very early pancreatic cancer such as cancer in situ. Although preoperative SPACE results of these 2 cases were class Ⅳ, final pathological results of resected specimen were low-grade PanIN in both cases. SPACE was considered useful for preoperative diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in our study, however further study is needed to examine its diagnostic accuracy for early pancreatic cancer which does not appear as a mass in any imaging modality.
  • 小西 孝宜, 高野 重紹, 高屋敷 吏, 久保木 知, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 細川 勇, 三島 敬, 西野 仁恵, 仲田 真一郎, 大塚 将之
    膵臓 38(3) A155-A155 2023年7月  


  • 園田至人, 高野重紹, 古川勝規, 高屋敷吏, 久保木知, 鈴木大亮, 酒井望, 三島敬, 小西孝宜, 西野仁恵, 大塚将之
    外科集談会プログラム・抄録集 861st 2021年  
  • 小西 孝宜, 吉富 秀幸, 高屋敷 吏, 久保木 知, 鈴木 大亮, 酒井 望, 賀川 真吾, 中台 英里, 大塚 将之
    肝臓 61(Suppl.1) A506-A506 2020年4月  
  • 高原 善博, 林 永規, 岡本 佳昭, 小西 孝宜
    臨床外科 69(8) 1008-1013 2014年8月  
    症例は71歳の男性で,当院にて下行結腸癌(中分化型腺癌,pSE,ly2,v2,pN2(4/10),H0,P0,M0,Stage IIIb)および直腸癌(高分化型腺癌,pSM,ly1,v0)に対し左側結腸切除および直腸低位前方切除を同時施行した.術後補助化学療法を1年間施行後,外来にて経過観察となっていたが,術後5年3ヵ月に黒色便を主訴に外来受診した.上下部内視鏡にて出血性病変を認めず,小腸カプセル内視鏡にて小腸腫瘍を認めたため診断および加療目的に小腸部分切除術を施行した.病理診断は腸間膜由来の中分化型腺癌であり,前回手術の下行結腸癌の組織型と酷似を認めたため腹膜再発の診断となった.大腸癌孤立性腹膜再発は稀であり,文献的考察を加えて報告する.(著者抄録)
  • 小西 孝宜, 高西 喜重郎, 森田 泰弘, 松本 潤, 宮崎 勝
    日本臨床外科学会雑誌 74(12) 3444-3448 2013年12月  
    IV-A型先天性胆道拡張症の手術では肝臓側胆管の切除範囲に一定の見解はない.今回,anterior transhepatic approach併施による胆管切除例を経験したので報告する.症例は37歳男性.皮膚黄染と上腹部痛の精査のCTで総胆管から左右肝管に最大径8cmの嚢胞状拡張を認め,右後区域胆管起始部に狭窄と2cm径の拡張を認めた.肝門部胆管拡張は著しく,左中肝静脈根部付近まで到達していた.また,総肝管に相対的狭窄を認めた.IV-A型先天性胆道拡張症の診断で,anterior transhepatic approachを併施し,肝外胆管切除・胆嚢摘出・肝管空腸吻合を施行した.術後1年経過し,吻合部狭窄や肝内結石や遺残胆管癌などの晩期合併症はない.本症例はanterior transhepatic approachにより,肝門から困難だった拡張胆管の広範囲切除と肝内胆管狭窄の切除・形成をしえた.(著者抄録)
  • 小西 孝宜, 滝口 伸浩, 早田 浩明, 永田 松夫, 鍋谷 圭宏, 池田 篤, 貝沼 修, 趙 明浩, 山本 宏, 宮崎 勝
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌 46(5) 317-324 2013年5月  
    目的:胃癌の胃切除後切除断端陽性例に対する追加切除の適応に一定の見解は得られていない.今回,切除断端陽性胃癌の治療の現況を検討し,適切な治療方針を考察した.方法:2000年1月から2010年9月までの胃癌術後切除断端陽性59例を臨床病理組織学的に分析した.結果:切除断端陽性例は全体の3.3%で,Stage IVで最も頻度が高かった.Stage Iは5例中3例が追加切除となり,2例に再切除標本内の癌遺残を認めた.Stage II・IIIの17例には,巨大腫瘍・リンパ節転移陽性・SE以深・未分化型腺癌の症例が有意に多く,2例に追加切除が,15例に化学療法が施行された.術後2年以内の遠隔再発はStage II 25%,Stage IIIA 57%,Stage IIIB 67%だった.Stage IVの37例は全例追加切除の対象とならなかった.結語:Stage Iは追加切除の適応であり,Stage IVは追加切除の適応とならなかった.Stage II・IIIは遠隔再発リスクの高い症例が多く,追加切除の適応は限定され化学療法が選択されることが多かった.これらの症例には病理組織学的検査結果をふまえて追加切除の適応を判断することが必要と考えられた.(著者抄録)

