
中田 敏是

ナカタ トシユキ  (Toshiyuki Nakata)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授



  • Toshiyuki Nakata, Daigo Terutsuki, Chihiro Fukui, Tomoya Uchida, Kohei Kanzaki, Taito Koeda, Sakito Koizumi, Yuta Murayama, Ryohei Kanzaki, Hao Liu
    Scientific reports 14(1) 17879-17879 2024年8月2日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Odours used by insects for foraging and mating are carried by the air. Insects induce airflows around them by flapping their wings, and the distribution of these airflows may strongly influence odour source localisation. The flightless silkworm moth, Bombyx mori, has been a prominent insect model for olfactory research. However, although there have been numerous studies on antenna morphology and its fluid dynamics, neurophysiology, and localisation algorithms, the airflow manipulation of the B. mori by fanning has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we performed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses of flapping B. mori to analyse this mechanism in depth. A three-dimensional simulation using reconstructed wing kinematics was used to investigate the effects of B. mori fanning on locomotion and pheromone capture. The fanning of the B. mori was found to generate an aerodynamic force on the scale of its weight through an aerodynamic mechanism similar to that of flying insects. Our simulations further indicate that the B. mori guides particles from its anterior direction within the ~ 60° horizontally by wing fanning. Hence, if it detects pheromones during fanning, the pheromone can be concluded to originate from the direction the head is pointing. The anisotropy in the sampling volume enables the B. mori to orient to the pheromone plume direction. These results provide new insights into insect behaviour and offer design guidelines for robots for odour source localisation.
  • Ryusuke Noda, Kotaro Hoshiba, Izumi Komatsuzaki, Toshiyuki Nakata, Hao Liu
    Drones 8(6) 265-265 2024年6月14日  査読有り責任著者
    With the rapid industrialization utilizing multi-rotor drones in recent years, an increase in urban flights is expected in the near future. This may potentially result in noise pollution due to the operation of drones. This study investigates the near- and far-field acoustic characteristics of low-noise propellers inspired by Gurney flaps. In addition, we examine the impact of these low-noise propellers on the sound source localization performance of drones equipped with a microphone array, which are expected to be used for rescuing people in disasters. Results from in-flight noise measurements indicate significant noise reduction mainly in frequency bands above 1 kHz in both the near- and far-field. An improvement in the success rate of sound source localization with low-noise propellers was also observed. However, the influence of the position of the microphone array with respect to the propellers is more pronounced than that of propeller shape manipulation, suggesting the importance of considering the positional relationships. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the flow field around the propellers suggests potential mechanisms for noise reduction in the developed low-noise propellers. The results obtained in this study hold potential for contributing to the development of integrated drones aimed at reducing noise and improving sound source localization performance.
  • Toshiyuki Nakata
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023年12月15日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Ryusuke Noda, Toshiyuki Nakata, Hao Liu
    Biomimetics 8(8) 578-578 2023年12月1日  査読有り責任著者
    Insects are able to fly stably in the complex environment of the various gusts that occur in nature. In addition, many insects suffer wing damage in their lives, but many species of insects are capable of flying without their hindwings. Here, we evaluated the effect of hindwings on aerodynamics using a Navier–Stokes-based numerical model, and then the passive dynamic stability was evaluated by coupling the equation of motion in three degrees of freedom with the aerodynamic forces estimated by the CFD solver under large and small perturbation conditions. In terms of aerodynamic effects, the presence of the hindwings slightly reduces the efficiency for lift generation but enhances the partial LEV circulation and increases the downwash around the wing root. In terms of thrust, increasing the wing area around the hindwing region increases the thrust, and the relationship is almost proportional at the cycle-averaged value. The passive dynamic stability was not clearly affected by the presence of the hindwings, but the stability was slightly improved depending on the perturbation direction. These results may be useful for the integrated design of wing geometry and flight control systems in the development of flapping-winged micro air vehicles.
  • Masanori Tatani, Takeshi Yamasaki, Hiroto Tanaka, Toshiyuki Nakata, Satoshi Chiba
    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2023年9月13日  査読有り
    Abstract Studies on the evolution of avian flight have failed to clarify why wing shape is weakly correlated with flight styles and phylogenetically constrained. Birds seem to have achieved their diverse flight styles owing to changes in the shapes of localized parts of the wing, despite a highly conserved wing outline. The alula, which stems from the first digit of the wing, is a part of the wing that might have enabled various flight styles to develop. To test this hypothesis, we measured alula length and width using museum specimens of 187 species from 21 orders of birds and used a phylogenetic comparative method to investigate the relationship between alula morphology and flight style, body mass, habitat and migratory distance. We found that: (1) phylogenetic signals were weak for the alula width and aspect ratio but moderate for length; (2) alula morphology exhibited an allometric relationship with body mass; and (3) fewer flapping birds had large alulae. Alula morphology might have evolved in response to changes in body mass and flight styles. Variations in the shape of localized wing parts, such as the alula, which modifies airflow around a wing, might be key to the evolution of the diverse flight styles of birds.







