
中田 敏是

ナカタ トシユキ  (Toshiyuki Nakata)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 准教授



  • Toshiyuki Nakata, Daigo Terutsuki, Chihiro Fukui, Tomoya Uchida, Kohei Kanzaki, Taito Koeda, Sakito Koizumi, Yuta Murayama, Ryohei Kanzaki, Hao Liu
    Scientific reports 14(1) 17879-17879 2024年8月2日  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Odours used by insects for foraging and mating are carried by the air. Insects induce airflows around them by flapping their wings, and the distribution of these airflows may strongly influence odour source localisation. The flightless silkworm moth, Bombyx mori, has been a prominent insect model for olfactory research. However, although there have been numerous studies on antenna morphology and its fluid dynamics, neurophysiology, and localisation algorithms, the airflow manipulation of the B. mori by fanning has not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, we performed computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses of flapping B. mori to analyse this mechanism in depth. A three-dimensional simulation using reconstructed wing kinematics was used to investigate the effects of B. mori fanning on locomotion and pheromone capture. The fanning of the B. mori was found to generate an aerodynamic force on the scale of its weight through an aerodynamic mechanism similar to that of flying insects. Our simulations further indicate that the B. mori guides particles from its anterior direction within the ~ 60° horizontally by wing fanning. Hence, if it detects pheromones during fanning, the pheromone can be concluded to originate from the direction the head is pointing. The anisotropy in the sampling volume enables the B. mori to orient to the pheromone plume direction. These results provide new insights into insect behaviour and offer design guidelines for robots for odour source localisation.
  • Ryusuke Noda, Kotaro Hoshiba, Izumi Komatsuzaki, Toshiyuki Nakata, Hao Liu
    Drones 8(6) 265-265 2024年6月14日  査読有り責任著者
    With the rapid industrialization utilizing multi-rotor drones in recent years, an increase in urban flights is expected in the near future. This may potentially result in noise pollution due to the operation of drones. This study investigates the near- and far-field acoustic characteristics of low-noise propellers inspired by Gurney flaps. In addition, we examine the impact of these low-noise propellers on the sound source localization performance of drones equipped with a microphone array, which are expected to be used for rescuing people in disasters. Results from in-flight noise measurements indicate significant noise reduction mainly in frequency bands above 1 kHz in both the near- and far-field. An improvement in the success rate of sound source localization with low-noise propellers was also observed. However, the influence of the position of the microphone array with respect to the propellers is more pronounced than that of propeller shape manipulation, suggesting the importance of considering the positional relationships. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the flow field around the propellers suggests potential mechanisms for noise reduction in the developed low-noise propellers. The results obtained in this study hold potential for contributing to the development of integrated drones aimed at reducing noise and improving sound source localization performance.
  • Toshiyuki Nakata
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2023年12月15日  査読有り招待有り筆頭著者責任著者
  • Ryusuke Noda, Toshiyuki Nakata, Hao Liu
    Biomimetics 8(8) 578-578 2023年12月1日  査読有り責任著者
    Insects are able to fly stably in the complex environment of the various gusts that occur in nature. In addition, many insects suffer wing damage in their lives, but many species of insects are capable of flying without their hindwings. Here, we evaluated the effect of hindwings on aerodynamics using a Navier–Stokes-based numerical model, and then the passive dynamic stability was evaluated by coupling the equation of motion in three degrees of freedom with the aerodynamic forces estimated by the CFD solver under large and small perturbation conditions. In terms of aerodynamic effects, the presence of the hindwings slightly reduces the efficiency for lift generation but enhances the partial LEV circulation and increases the downwash around the wing root. In terms of thrust, increasing the wing area around the hindwing region increases the thrust, and the relationship is almost proportional at the cycle-averaged value. The passive dynamic stability was not clearly affected by the presence of the hindwings, but the stability was slightly improved depending on the perturbation direction. These results may be useful for the integrated design of wing geometry and flight control systems in the development of flapping-winged micro air vehicles.
  • Masanori Tatani, Takeshi Yamasaki, Hiroto Tanaka, Toshiyuki Nakata, Satoshi Chiba
    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2023年9月13日  査読有り
    Abstract Studies on the evolution of avian flight have failed to clarify why wing shape is weakly correlated with flight styles and phylogenetically constrained. Birds seem to have achieved their diverse flight styles owing to changes in the shapes of localized parts of the wing, despite a highly conserved wing outline. The alula, which stems from the first digit of the wing, is a part of the wing that might have enabled various flight styles to develop. To test this hypothesis, we measured alula length and width using museum specimens of 187 species from 21 orders of birds and used a phylogenetic comparative method to investigate the relationship between alula morphology and flight style, body mass, habitat and migratory distance. We found that: (1) phylogenetic signals were weak for the alula width and aspect ratio but moderate for length; (2) alula morphology exhibited an allometric relationship with body mass; and (3) fewer flapping birds had large alulae. Alula morphology might have evolved in response to changes in body mass and flight styles. Variations in the shape of localized wing parts, such as the alula, which modifies airflow around a wing, might be key to the evolution of the diverse flight styles of birds.


  • Saori Tanaka, Abner Asignacion, Toshiyuki Nakata, Satoshi Suzuki, Hao Liu
    Drones 6(11) 2022年11月  
    The utilization of small unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAVs), commonly known as drones, has increased drastically in various industries in the past decade. Commercial drones face challenges in terms of safety, durability, flight performance, and environmental effects such as the risk of collision and damage. Biomimetics, which is inspired by the sophisticated flying mechanisms in aerial animals, characterized by robustness and intelligence in aerodynamic performance, flight stability, and low environmental impact, may provide feasible solutions and innovativeness to drone design. In this paper, we review the recent advances in biomimetic approaches for drone development. The studies were extracted from several databases and we categorized the challenges by their purposes—namely, flight stability, flight efficiency, collision avoidance, damage mitigation, and grasping during flight. Furthermore, for each category, we summarized the achievements of current biomimetic systems and then identified their limitations. We also discuss future tasks on the research and development associated with biomimetic drones in terms of innovative design, flight control technologies, and biodiversity conservation. This paper can be used to explore new possibilities for developing biomimetic drones in industry and as a reference for necessary policy making.
  • Saori Tanaka, Abner Asignacion, Toshiyuki Nakata, Satoshi Suzuki, Hao Liu
    DRONES 6(11) 2022年11月  
    The utilization of small unmanned aerial vehicles (SUAVs), commonly known as drones, has increased drastically in various industries in the past decade. Commercial drones face challenges in terms of safety, durability, flight performance, and environmental effects such as the risk of collision and damage. Biomimetics, which is inspired by the sophisticated flying mechanisms in aerial animals, characterized by robustness and intelligence in aerodynamic performance, flight stability, and low environmental impact, may provide feasible solutions and innovativeness to drone design. In this paper, we review the recent advances in biomimetic approaches for drone development. The studies were extracted from several databases and we categorized the challenges by their purposes-namely, flight stability, flight efficiency, collision avoidance, damage mitigation, and grasping during flight. Furthermore, for each category, we summarized the achievements of current biomimetic systems and then identified their limitations. We also discuss future tasks on the research and development associated with biomimetic drones in terms of innovative design, flight control technologies, and biodiversity conservation. This paper can be used to explore new possibilities for developing biomimetic drones in industry and as a reference for necessary policy making.
  • Ryusuke Noda, Toshiyuki Nakata 0002, Kei Senda, Hao Liu
    482-486 2021年  
  • 干場功太郎, 野田龍介, 中田敏是, 劉浩, 泉田啓, 中臺一博, 中臺一博, 公文誠, 奥乃博, 奥乃博
    日本ロボット学会学術講演会予稿集(CD-ROM) 38th 2020年  
  • Kenzo Nonami, Kotaro Hoshiba, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Makoto Kumon, Hiroshi G. Okuno, Yasutada Tanabe, Koichi Yonezawa, Hiroshi Tokutake, Satoshi Suzuki, Kohei Yamaguchi, Shigeru Sunada, Takeshi Takaki, Toshiyuki Nakata, Ryusuke Noda, Hao Liu, Satoshi Tadokoro
    Disaster Robotics - Results from the ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge 128 77-142 2019年1月  査読有り


  • Toshiyuki Nakata
    XXVII International Congress of Engomology (ICE2024) 2024年8月29日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    日本機械学会第36回バイオエンジニアリング講演会 2024年5月12日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    第1回新生聴覚よろずの会 2023年6月24日  招待有り
  • Toshiyuki Nakata
    International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS2022) 2022年11月28日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    第6回感覚フロンティア研究シンポジウム 2022年10月8日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    流れと澱みを語る会2022 2022年1月31日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    千葉大学インテリジェント飛行センターシンポジウム 2021年3月16日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    第58回飛行機シンポジウム 2020年11月26日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    エアロアクアバイオメカニズム学会第42回定例講演会 2020年10月30日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    千葉大学インテリジェント飛行センターキックオフシンポジウム 2019年10月11日  招待有り
  • 中田敏是
    第37回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会 オープンフォーラム“科研費新学術領域ソフトロボティクス” 2019年9月3日  招待有り
  • Toshiyuki Nakata
    Workshop on Bioinspired Flight Systems - Biomechanics, Sensing and Biomimetics – 2019年3月14日  招待有り
  • 中田 敏是
    2018年度 研究集会 「生物流体力学の展望」 2018年11月13日  招待有り
  • 中田 敏是
    Bio-frontier Symposium 2018 2018年10月25日  招待有り
  • 中田 敏是
    第38回エアロ・アクアバイオメカニズム学会講演会 2018年3月20日  招待有り
  • Anya R. Jones, Field Manar, Nathan Phillips, Toshiyuki Nakata, Richard, J. Bomphrey, Matthew Ringuette, Mustafa Percin, Bas van Oudheusden, Jennifer L. Palmer
    54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 2016年1月1日
    © 2016, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA . All rights reserved.The NATO RTO AVT-202 task group was a collaborative effort to study the fundamental unsteady low Reynolds number aerodynamics of lift production in highly separated flows. Experimental and numerical results are presented here, compiled from four different research groups, to describe the evolution of the flow around a rotating wing experiencing unsteady motion in either pitch or surge and the resulting unsteady lift force. There is excellent agreement, both qualitatively and quantitatively, between the research groups. It was found that wing pitch was the dominant contributor to lift production, and that the magnitude of wing acceleration in surge had relatively little effect. Notably, the introduction of rotational acceleration (as compared to strictly translational motion) did not have a significant effect on the force history. It did, however, result in a different flow topology, namely an attached leading-edge vortex.
  • 熊谷 恕, 野田 龍介, 中田 敏是, 劉 浩
    計算力学講演会講演論文集 2015年10月10日
  • 熊谷恕, 野田龍介, 中田敏是, LIU Hao
    日本機械学会計算力学講演会論文集(CD-ROM) 2015年10月9日
  • 鈴木 遥, 中田 敏是, 田中 博人, 劉 浩
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2013年1月8日
  • 橋本 拓也, 中田 敏是, 前田 将輝, 田中 博人, 劉 浩
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2013年1月8日
  • 鈴木遥, 中田敏是, 田中博人, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2013年1月8日
  • 橋本拓也, 中田敏是, 前田将輝, 田中博人, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2013年1月8日
  • Hao Liu, Xiaolan Wang, Toshiyuki Nakata, Kazuyuki Yoshida
    2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, CME 2012 Proceedings 2012年10月24日
    Inspired by novel mechanisms in insect and bird flights, in particular, the clap-and-fling mechanism associated with the aerodynamic force enhancement owing to the wing-wing interaction, we developed a prototype flapping micro air vehicle (fMAV), which is weighted 2.4 - 3.0 g, equipped with a X-type wing and a wingspan of 12 -15 cm. In this study, we carried out an integrated study of flexible wing aerodynamics and passive dynamic flight stability of the MAV by a combination of flexible wing kinematics and force measurements and computational approaches. We designed a high-speed camera filming system to measure the flexible wing kinematics and deformations and constructed the computational wing kinematic model. Together with the force measurements we investigated the wing stiffness effects on the force generation associated with the flexible wing deformation. We further used a biology-inspired, dynamic flight simulator to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of the flexible wing MAV. This simulator, by integrating the modeling of realistic wing-body morphology and realistic flapping-wing and body kinematics, provided an evaluation of the MAV's unsteady aerodynamics in terms of vortex and wake structures and their relationship with aerodynamic force generation. Our results show that the clap-and-fling mechanism is indeed realized by the prototype four-winged MAV and the flexible wing deformation even further enhance its effects. Furthermore, we employed a computational approach to analyze the passive dynamic flight stability of the MAV's forward flight. Results based on a linear theory indicated that the MAV is very likely of dynamical stability even with no active feedback control system. © 2012 IEEE.
  • 橋本 拓也, 中田 敏是, 前田 将輝, 田中 博人, 劉 浩
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012年9月9日
    In this study we investigated the effect of wing deformation on numerical simulation of aerodynamics of ornithopters. The ornithopter we used had a pair of wings and a tail wing, and is capable to perform forward flight. The wing consisted of a rigid leading edge bars and a polymer film membrane. We measured the wing deformation with three high-speed video cameras in three different conditions: free flight, tethered flight, and "semi-tethered flight" in which the ornithopter was mounted on a linear actuator and moved forward constantly. Then, measured wing deformations were applied to a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)-based simulation in which the ornithopter was fixed in a steady flow. As a result, the wing deformation measured in the free flight and the semi-tethered cases caused larger vertical force than that with the wing deformation of the tethered case. It was also found that the wing deformation of the free flight case resulted in smaller horizontal force than that of the the other cases at the latter half of downstroke. On the contrary, at the middle of upstroke, the wing deformation of the free flight case caused larger drag than that of the other cases. These results suggest that it is desirable to use a free flight model when time variation of aerodynamic forces is considered.
  • 鈴木 遥, 中田 敏是, 劉 浩
    年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan 2012年9月9日
    Research and development of Micro air vehicles (MAVs) with a maximal dimension less than 15 cm have been a very hot topic in the last decade. MAVs are desired to be capable of performing missions such as environmental monitoring, surveillance, and assessment in dangerous environments. Currently most Bio-inspired MAVs have four wings, while many insects and birds can fly by two wings. In this study, especially focusing on the wing structure and in-flight deformation of flapping wings, we evaluated the aerodynamic performance of single flapping wing which has a semi-elliptic planform and is made of a polyethylene film, a carbon rod at leading edge and aluminum rod at wing base. The mean thrust forces by the flapping wings were measured by attaching the wings onto the newly developed measurement system. The aerodynamic performances of the flapping wings in terms of flexible wing kinematics and vortex structures and their relationship with aerodynamic force generation were further investigated by combining the reconstruction of three-dimensional wing kinematics and the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method. The flexible wing kinematics, and the force generation by flexible flapping wings accordingly, was found to be strongly affected by the flapping frequency, wing beat amplitude and wing structure which suggest that the optimum wing structure for flapping MAV is dependent on the wing kinematics at wing base.
  • 橋本拓也, 中田敏是, 前田将輝, 田中博人, LIU Hao
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2012年9月8日
  • 鈴木遥, 中田敏是, LIU Hao
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集(CD-ROM) 2012年9月8日
  • 小澤周平, 前田将輝, 中田敏是, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2012年1月6日
  • 野田龍介, 中田敏是, 前田将輝, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2012年1月6日
  • 田村連, 中田敏是, 前田将輝, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2012年1月6日
  • Masateru Maeda, Toshiyuki Nakata, Hao Liu
    ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, AJK 2011 2011年12月1日
    Aiming at establishing an effective computational framework to accurately predict free-flying dynamics and aerodynamics we here present a comprehensive investigation on some issues associated with the modelling of free flight. Free flight modelling/simulation is essential for some types of flights e.g. falling leaves or auto-rotating seeds for plants; unsteady manoeuvres such as take-off, turning, or landing for animals. In addition to acquiring the deeper understanding of the flight biomechanics of those natural organisms, revealing the sophisticated aerodynamic force generation mechanisms employed by them may be useful in designing man-made flying-machines such as rotary or flapping micro air vehicles (MAVs). The simulations have been conducted using the coupling of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and rigid body dynamics, thus achieving the free flight. The flow field is computed with a three-dimensional unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes solver using pseudo-compressibility and overset gird technique. The aerodynamic forces acting on the flyer are calculated by integrating the forces on the surfaces. Similarly, the aerodynamic torque around the flyer's centre of mass is obtained. The forces and moments are then introduced into a six degrees-of-freedom rigid body dynamics solver which utilises unit quaternions for attitude description in order to avoid singular attitude. Results are presented of a single body model and some insect-like multi-body models with flapping wings, which point to the importance of free-flight modelling in systematic analyses of flying aerodynamics and manoeuvrability. Furthermore, a comprehensive investigation indicates that the framework is capable to predict the aerodynamic performance of free-flying or even free-swimming animals in an intermediate range of Reynolds numbers (< 105). Copyright © 2011 by ASME.
  • 金沢力, 中田敏是, 稲田喜信, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2011年1月7日
  • 稲田喜信, 中田敏是, 金沢力, 劉浩, 加藤裕之
    流体力学講演会/航空宇宙数値シミュレーション技術シンポジウム講演集(CD-ROM) 2011年
  • 金沢力, 中田敏是, 稲田喜信, 加藤裕之, LIU Hao
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2010年9月4日
  • 佐藤彰訓, 中田敏是, LIU Hao
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2010年9月4日
  • 金沢 力, 中田 敏是, 稲田 喜信, 加藤 裕之, 劉 浩
    年次大会講演論文集 2010年 一般社団法人日本機械学会
    Research and development of Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs) aiming at the investigation and the information gathering in the hazard area is now an active field. Flapping flight of insects and birds that are capable to perform precise hovering flight and to make rapid turn and maneuver steadily in sudden gust has been attracting specific attentions in the last decades. In this study, in order to validate a biology-inspired dynamic flight simulator that is designed to model realistic flapping-wing flights and to evaluate novel mechanisms in bio-flights, we conducted measurements and analysis of low Reynolds number unsetady flows around a flapping-wing robot "MOTH-1" by utilizing PIV techniques in a wind tunnel (JAXA). Our PIV results have thereby confirmed the strong leading-edge vortices and the vortex rings as predicted in our previous simulation study.
  • 佐藤 彰訓, 中田 敏是, 劉 浩
    年次大会講演論文集 2010年 一般社団法人日本機械学会
    This paper describes the evaluation of aerodynamic performance of insect-inspired flapping wings for MAVs design. The insect-inspired wings are made of stiff leading edges and flexible membranes so as to employ the passive wing deformations due to inertial and aerodynamic forces in terms of feathering and camber. In this study, the effect of wing stiffness on the aerodynamic performance of flapping micro air vehicle is investigated. The wing stiffness is realized by attaching ribs on the wing surface and tape on the trailing edge of the wings. The wings are attached to a prototype MAV, which is designed to employ the "clap and fling" mechanism with four wings cross between. The thrust force on the flapping wings is further measured to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of the MAV. The experimental results indicate that the wing stiffness to achieve the maximum thrust depends on the flapping frequency. When the flapping frequency is high, the thrust force increase with the wing stiffness. In experimental range of this study, the wings that have higher stiffness showed high performance at more than 18Hz. This result shows that the stiffness of flapping wing is an important factor for the design of MAV.
  • 中田敏是, LIU Hao
    バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集 2009年1月22日
  • 中田敏是, 木部光尋, 浅沼博
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2008年8月2日
  • 木部光尋, 足立裕太, 中田敏是, 浅沼博
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2008年8月2日
  • 足立裕太, 中田敏是, 木部光尋, 浅沼博
    軽金属学会大会講演概要 2007年10月10日
  • 中田敏是, 浅沼博
    軽金属学会大会講演概要 2007年10月10日
  • 中田敏是, 浅沼博
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2007年9月7日
  • 浅沼博, 足立裕太, 中田敏是
    日本機械学会年次大会講演論文集 2007年9月7日
  • 浅沼博, 中田敏是, 田中利明, 足立裕太
    軽金属学会大会講演概要 2007年4月11日
  • 中田 敏是, 浅沼 博
    年次大会講演論文集 2007年 一般社団法人日本機械学会
    This paper describes fabrication and characterization of high performance, that is, large deformation and high output force type active laminate using elastomer. The conventional and single active laminate was made by hot-pressing of an aluminum plate as a high CTE material, a unidirectional CFRP prepreg as a low CTE/electric resistance heating material and an epoxy adhesive film as an insulating material. The high performance type active laminate was made by sandwiching a sheet of elastomer between two conventional and single active laminates. The effect of hardness and partial removal of the elastomer on their shape, deformation and output force characteristics were investigated. It was found that the high performance type active laminate doubled the output force of the single active laminate without reducing its actuation capability by laminating a sheet of elastomer of which hardness is very soft or which is partially removed between two conventional and single active laminates.
  • 浅沼博, 中田敏是, 田中利明, 芳我攻
    日本機械学会機械材料・材料加工技術講演会講演論文集 2006年11月25日



