
関口 徹

セキグチ トオル  (Toru Sekiguchi)


千葉大学 大学院工学研究院







  • 庄子 尚也, 金澤 健司, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会技術報告集 29(71) 216-220 2023年2月20日  査読有り責任著者
  • 岸 俊甫, 関口 徹, 中井 正一
    日本地震工学会論文集 21(4) 21-33 2021年8月  査読有り責任著者
  • 田中 佑二郎, 関口 徹, 塚越 俊裕
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 84(756) 205-215 2019年2月  査読有り
  • 田中 佑二郎, 関口 徹, 塚越 俊裕, 中井 正一
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 83(752) 1455-1464 2018年10月  査読有り
  • 村山 広樹, 関口 徹, 石田 理永, 岩田 克司, 中井 正一
    騒音制御 = The journal of the INCE of Japan 42(4) 177-183 2018年8月  査読有り
  • Kaneko Osamu, Kawamata Shiori, Nakai Shoichi, Sekiguchi Toru, Mukai Tomohisa
    JAPAN ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW 1(2) 235-244 2018年4月  査読有り
  • 金子 治, 森嶋 礼子, 関口 徹, 中井 正一, 向井 智久
    日本建築学会技術報告集 23(54) 447-452 2017年6月  査読有り
    Static load increment analyses were carried out for the investigation of the cause that the damage of piles occurred in Chiba prefecture during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake. <br>Results similar to the real damage was obtained, using an analysis models considering the nonlinearity of piles, pile head connections and soil springs and assuming progress of graded destruction and distribution of axial loads.
  • 田中 佑二郎, 関口 徹, 中井 伸, 中井 正一
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 82(736) 823-829 2017年6月  査読有り
     The objective of this study is to examine the concrete filled effect in the hollow part of SC pile in order to improve the deformation performance of pile. In the pile foundation structure, the improvement is prompted, assuming secondary seismic design. But, Study on the deformation capacity of precast concrete pile is not sufficiently advanced. The bending tests of plie are carried out on a daily basis for performance assessment. The purposes of the test is the confirmation of the flexural strength. Therefore, the test data accumulation is not enough to discuss the deformation performance of pile.<br> This study focuses on the SC pile in precast concrete pile. The SC pile is a cylindrically shaped member manufactured by centrifugal casting with concrete placed in the hollow section of a steel pipe. The SC pile is a composite pile that utilizes the merits of concrete with good resistance against compressive forces and steel shell with good resistance to tensile forces. Concrete prevents local buckling of the steel pipe, while the steel pipe constrains concrete; therefore, the SC pile has excellent flexural bearing capacity and deformation capacity.<br> This study examined effects of some parameters for deformation performance of the SC pile by the simple beam bending test. Four parameters are set for the test. The parameters are 1) Loading method, 2) Steel pipe thickness, 3) Axial force, 4) Infilled material. We observed the failure conditions, relations between the load and the displacement, and relations between the bending moment and the curvature.<br> The knowledge obtained from this study are shown below.<br><br> 1) Reinforced by infilling the hollow part of the pile with material, the following effects can be expected: prevention of depression of the steel pipe, prevention of flaking or crush of the pile body concrete, and improvement of the bending deformation performance of the pile. It is more effective to use infilled material with high Compressive strength and high Elastic modulus.<br><br> 2) The results of bending tests of piles, maximum flexural strength and maximum curvature, are influenced by loading method. The results obtained by the one-way cyclic loading are greater than those obtained by the peak-to-peak alternate cyclic loading. Test value obtained by the one-way cyclic loading is on dangerous side as the evaluation of the deformation performance of the pile. Therefore, it is desirable to adopt the peak-to-peak alternate cyclic loading for appropriate evaluation of the deformation performance of the pile.<br><br> 3) It is effective to increase the thickness of the steel pipe for the improvement of the flexural strength of the pile. But, it is not effective to increase the thickness of the steel pipe for the improvement of the deformation performance of the pile.<br><br> 4) With respect to the maximum value of curvature, the test value of the standard specimens is not more than the analysis value. The test value of the test specimen that was reinforced with soil cement is about equivalent to the analysis value. The test value of the test specimen that was reinforced with concrete is greater than or equal to the analysis value.
  • 構造工学論文集 63B 317-324 2017年3月  査読有り
  • 石井 一郎, 平舘 亮一, 東畑 郁生, 中井 正一, 関口 徹, 澤田 俊一, 濱田 善弘
    地盤工学ジャーナル 12(1) 91-107 2017年3月  査読有り
  • 成田 修英, 金子 治, 山本 健史, 向井 智久, 中井 正一, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会技術報告集 23(53) 43-48 2017年2月  査読有り
    In 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake, many buildings prevented continued use by damage of foundation in spite of minor damage of superstructure. For continued use of buildings, seismic performance of foundation is important, not just seismic performance of superstructure. In this paper, I will report a case assumed that pile damage is caused by complicated dynamic characteristics of superstructure, and a study of the case used microtremor measurement, ARX model, and multi-degree-of-freedom system.
  • 川又 優, 関口 徹, 中井 正一
    日本地震工学会論文集 16(8) 8_32-8_41 2016年7月  査読有り責任著者
  • 山本 実, 中井 正一, 関口 徹, 福武 毅芳, 田地 陽一
    日本地震工学会論文集 15(7) 7_343-7_353 2015年12月  査読有り
  • 関口 徹, 中井 正一
    日本地震工学会論文集 15(7) 7_100-7_113 2015年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 金子 治, 川股 紫織, 中井 正一, 関口 徹, 向井 智久
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 80(717) 1699-1706 2015年11月  査読有り
     The authors carried out static analyses using a foundation structure model in order to simulate the process leading to distinctive damage of pile foundations during the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake. Remarkable points of the proposed method were evaluation of nonlinear load-deformation characteristics of pile element and rotational stiffness at pile head depended on axial force and formulation of nonlinear behaviors of soil spring including group pile effect. Results obtained from the analysis in two stages to the process to failure of piles for each loading direction explain fairly well the actual damage of pile foundations. The proposed method can be considered as a practical seismic design method of foundations for severe earthquakes.
  • Nelson Pulido, Zenon Aguilar, Hernando Tavera, Mohamed Chlieh, Diana Calderon, Toru Sekiguchi, Shoichi Nakai, Fumio Yamazaki
    The 2011 moment magnitude (M-w) 9.0 Tohoku-Oki Japan earthquake occurred in a region where giant megathrust earthquakes were not expected. This earthquake proved the difficulty in assessing seismic hazard by relying mainly on information from historical and instrumental seismicity. To help improve the seismic-hazard assessment for such rare events, we propose a methodology to estimate the slip distribution of future megathrust earthquakes based on a model of interseismic coupling distribution in subduction margins, as well as information of historical earthquakes, and apply the method to the central Peru region, Lima. The slip model obtained from geodetic data represents the large scale features of asperities within the megathrust, which is appropriate for simulation of long-period waves and tsunami modeling. For the simulation of a broadband strong ground motion, we add small scale heterogeneities to the source slip to be able to simulate high frequencies. To achieve this purpose, we propose broadband source models constructed by adding short-wavelength slip distributions obtained from a Von Karman power spectral density function, to the slip model inferred from interseismic geodetic data. Using these slip models and assuming several hypocenter locations, we calculate a set of strong ground motions for Lima and incorporate site effects obtained from microtremors surveys and geotechnical data. Our simulated average pseudospectral accelerations (period 0.3 s) are above 1.5g for wide areas in Lima, which may be critical in terms of damage of low-to midrise masonry and reinforced concrete buildings, which characterize the majority of buildings in Lima.
  • Nelson Pulido, Shoichi Nakai, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Diana Calderon, Zenon Aguilar, Toru Sekiguchi
    Journal of Disaster Research 9(6) 925-930 2014年12月1日  査読有り
    We estimate several scenarios for source models of megathrust earthquakes likely to occur on the Nazca- South American plates interface in southern Peru. To do so, we use a methodology for estimating the slip distribution of megathrust earthquakes based on an interseismic coupling (ISC) distribution model in subduction margins and on information about historical earthquakes. The slip model obtained from geodetic data represents large-scale features of asperities within the megathrust that are appropriate for simulating long-period waves and tsunami modelling. To simulate broadband frequency strong ground motions, we add small scale heterogeneities to the geodetic slip by using spatially correlated random noise distributions. Using these slip models and assuming several hypocenter locations, we calculate a set of strong ground motions for southern Peru and incorporate site effects obtained from microtremors array surveys in Tacna, the southernmost city in Peru.
  • Carlos Gonzales, Shoichi Nakai, Toru Sekiguchi, Diana Calderon, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares
    Journal of Disaster Research 9(6) 946-953 2014年12月1日  査読有り
    A currently populated slope in the northeast part of the city of Lima was selected as the target area of this study, with the aim of analyzing the influence of topography on its seismic response. A finite element model was constructed using soil information obtained by microtremor arraymeasurements conducted in flat and sloping areas, and solved for plain strain conditions in the time domain using an input motion developed for the most critical slip model of a simulation for megathrust earthquakes. Results showed that for this typical rocky slope, topographic effects do not have a significant influence on its seismic response, except for areas close to the foot of the slope where, even if soil vibration is restricted, an amplification of the seismic motion is still expected for short period structures.
  • Carlos Gonzales, Shoichi Nakai, Toru Sekiguchi, Diana Calderon, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares
    Journal of Disaster Research 9(1) 17-26 2014年2月  査読有り
    During the last fifty years, the city of Lima has experienced an immigration process that has led to the urbanization of the Andean foothills surrounding the capital. With the aim of analyzing the dynamic response of these new populated places, a target area in a district called Independencia is chosen. Seven microtremor array measurements are carried out at different points on the flat level and along the slope in order to evaluate the variation in the depth of the bedrock. In addition, a seismometer is installed on the slope with the objective of determining if amplification due to topography exists in the area of study.
  • 関口 徹, 中井 正一
    日本建築学会技術報告集 19(43) 983-987 2013年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    In order to evaluate effects of soil structure interaction on characteristics of traffic vibration propagation to buildings with different foundation type, vibration test was conducted to existing buildings with spread foundation and pile foundation from outside. Based on the results, simple evaluation technique for response of building foundation by ground surface point excitation using thin layer method supposing that traffic vibration derives from surface point excitation. It was shown that effect of soil structure interaction of pile foundation is more predominant than that of spread foundation at low frequency range.
  • 和田 健介, 中井 正一, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会技術報告集 19(43) 1219-1224 2013年10月  査読有り
    This study investigates the possibility of acceleration of finite element method (FEM) using graphics processing unit (GPU). GPU is a cluster of processors specialized for image processing. In recent years, GPU’s computing power for simple calculation becomes higher than CPU’s. The use of GPU is quite common in finite difference analysis. Application of GPU to FEM, however, is considered difficult from the viewpoint of large amount of memory access. In this study, an attempt is made to introduce GPU computing to FEM in terms of frequency response analysis of two-dimensional wave propagation problem.
  • Toru Sekiguchi, Diana Calderon, Shoichi Nakai, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares
    Journal of Disaster Research 8(2) 259-265 2013年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    In order to create a soil amplification map for Lima, Peru, parameters that correlate best with amplification are examined. Shallow shear wave velocity profiles estimated from MASW measurements at 105 sites were used to provide amplification factor AvTF. AVs10 seems to be the best value for estimating amplification in Lima from the data available. We have attempted to create AVs10 map correlating three parameters - elevation, H/V peak period, and soil type. From this AVs10 map, we have estimated an amplification map for Lima.
  • Diana Calderon, Zenon Aguilar, Fernando Lazares, Toru Sekiguchi, Shoichi Nakai
    Journal of Disaster Research 8(2) 252-258 2013年3月  査読有り
    The estimation of the shear-wave velocity profile in Lima, Peru, was originally performed through surface wave observation in microtremor arrays. In the observation of these surface waves, a low signal problem for long periods was identified that resulted in a poorly done correlation between signals recorded by sensors and, consequently, in difficulty obtaining deep velocity profiles with good resolution. As an alternative, surface wave observation from seismic records was proposed. To confirm the feasibility of this methodology, seismometers were installed in an approximately circular configuration on the campus of the National University of Engineering in Lima. The procedures used to carry out analysis are similar to those used when analyzing microtremor arrays, with the exception that only the coda of seismic records is used for analysis. Results show that the dispersion curve obtained from seismometer arrays agree well with dispersion curve obtained from microtremor arrays and are predominant in a large period range. Finally, the estimated profile is verified using the observed H/V spectrum.
  • 中井 正一, 関口 徹
    物理探査 66(1) 37-43 2013年1月1日  査読有り
  • 関口 徹, 中井 正一
    日本地震工学会論文集 12(5) 5_21-5_35 2012年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 中井 正一, 関口 徹, 石野 尋生
    日本地震工学会論文集 12 4_80-4_93 2012年9月  査読有り
  • 日本地震工学会論文集 12(2) 2_1-2_20 2012年5月  査読有り
  • Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 5(7) 618-627 2011年7月  査読有り
  • 山中 浩明, 地元 孝輔, 諸井 孝文, 池浦 友則, 纐纈 一起, 坂上 実, 中井 正一, 関口 徹, 小田 義也
    物理探査 63(5) 409-425 2010年10月1日  査読有り
    南関東地域において微動の長期連続観測を実施し, 地震波干渉法に基づくデータ処理によって2観測点間のグリーン関数の表面波成分の抽出を試み, 既往の深部地盤モデルの検証のための基礎的検討を行った。同地域の16地点における1年間以上の微動連続観測データを用いた地震波干渉法に基づく処理を行い, 周期2~6秒の帯域での相互相関関数を求めた。地震記録と比較することによって, 絶対振幅を議論しなければ, 得られた相互相関関数は地震記録の表面波と波形の山谷がよく一致しており, 地震波干渉法によって微動データからグリーン関数の表面波成分を抽出できることを実証的に確認した。得られた相互相関関数のマルチプルフィルター解析によって, 表面波の群速度の推定を得た。既存の深部地盤のS波速度構造モデルに対する理論値と観測値の比較を行った結果, 関東平野内部や相模湾の多くの地点では, 群速度の理論値と観測値がよく一致していた。しかし, 既存のモデルで地震基盤が露頭していると仮定されている伊豆半島や関東山地では, 観測された群速度は理論値よりも小さく, この地域のモデル修正の必要があることがわかった。これらの結果から深部地盤モデルの検証に地震波干渉法が有効に活用できることがわかった。<br>
  • 関口 徹, 土佐内 優介, 中井 正一
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 75(649) 587-592 2010年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    H/V spectral ratio of microtremor is used to estimate dynamic properties of the soil by applying a theory based on a horizontal layer assumption. It is often the case, however, that there exists an irregularity such as a slope in reality. Characteristics of H/V ratio of such an irregular ground are not well understood. In this study, H/V ratio of an irregular ground with a slope has been examined through microtremor measurements and 2-D finite element analysis. Comparison between those results shows that the characteristics of H/V ratio change drastically due to the influence of landform and soil structure irregularity.
  • 永田 葉子, 中井 正一, 関口 徹
    日本地震工学会論文集 8(4) 29-45 2008年11月  査読有り
  • 永田 葉子, 中井 正一, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会技術報告集 14(28) 429-432 2008年10月  査読有り
    In this paper, the results of PS-logging conducted in Chiba city and the northwest area of Chiba prefecture are used to estimate S-wave velocity of the surface ground. This area consists of diluvial formation, alluvium and filling soil. Based on the regression analysis, expressions that give S-wave velocities of sandy soils and cohesive soils from SPT <i>N</i>-values and depth are proposed, as well as standard values of S-wave velocities for humic soil(peat) and Kanto loam.
  • 時松 孝次, 新井 洋, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 72(620) 35-42 2007年10月  査読有り
    Effects of nonlinear properties of surface soil on the variation in strong ground motion and damage to wooden houses within Ojiya city during the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture earthquake, are examined, based on field investigation including boring and microtremor measurements, as well as strong motion observation. It is revealed that the maximum response of wooden houses, i.e., damage level, could mainly be controlled by strong ground motion with a period of about 1-2 s. Such a period range was significantly amplified in the damaged sites due to strong soil nonlinearity while it was not in the slightly damaged sites due to week soil nonlinearity.
  • Shusaku Inoue, Anil C. Wijeyewickrema, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Miura, Priyantha Gunaratna, Manoj Madurapperuma, Toru Sekiguchi
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS 164(2-3) 395-411 2007年3月  査読有り
    The December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that registered a moment magnitude (M-w) of 9.1 was one of the largest earthquakes in the world since 1900. The devastating tsunami that resulted from this earthquake caused more casualties than any previously reported tsunami. The number of fatalities and missing persons in the most seriously affected countries were Indonesia 167,736, Sri Lanka - 35,322, India - 18,045 and Thailand - 8,212. This paper describes two field visits to assess tsunami effects in Sri Lanka by a combined team of Japanese and Sri Lankan researchers. The first field visit from December 30, 2004 - January 04, 2005 covered the western and southern coasts of Sri Lanka including the cities of Moratuwa, Beruwala, Bentota, Pereliya, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Talpe, Matara, Tangalla and Hambantota. The objectives of the first field visit were to investigate the damage caused by the tsunami and to obtain eyewitness information about wave arrival times. The second field visit from March 10-18, 2005 covered the eastern and southern coasts of Sri Lanka and included Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Arugam Bay, Yala National Park and Kirinda. The objectives of the second visit were mainly to obtain eyewitness information about wave arrival times and inundation data, and to take relevant measurements using GPS instruments.
  • Kohji Tokimatsu, Toru Sekiguchi
    SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS 46(6) 765-775 2006年12月  査読有り責任著者
    The peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 13.08 m/s(2) recorded at K-NET station in Ojiya city during the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture earthquake was 1.5-2 times greater than either of the other nearby stations on a similar soft soil (JMA) and on the outcrop rock (SSI). Those at K-NET during earthquakes with less intensity, however, tended to be smaller than those at JMA. The variation in relative magnitude of PGA with earthquake intensity is probably due to the difference in site conditions between K-NET and JMA. Field investigation including boring, PS logging, and spectral analysis of surface wave methods as well as laboratory tests on undisturbed samples obtained from the sites from this and previous studies reveal near-surface soil profiles and their nonlinear dynamic soil properties at both stations. Equivalent linear dynamic analysis is then performed using the detected soil profiles and properties for the two sites with the motions recorded at SSI as input outcrop motions. It is shown that, despite its very low shear wave velocity of about 50 m/s, the near-surface peat at K-NET exhibits weaker nonlinearity with larger damping at small strains but with smaller damping at large strains than does the near-surface silt at JMA. This might have had strong effects on the extremely large peak acceleration at K-NET during the main shock as well as on the variation in relative magnitude of PGA between K-NET and JMA during earthquakes of different intensity.
  • 井上修作, Anil C. Wijeyewickrema, 松本浩幸, 三浦弘之, Priyantha Gunaratna, Manoj Madurapperuma, 関口徹
    第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 156-1565 2006年11月  査読有り
  • 新井洋, 関口徹, 時松孝次
    第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 1414-1417 2006年11月  査読有り
  • 関口徹, 新井洋, 時松孝次
    第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集 1422-1425 2006年11月  査読有り筆頭著者
  • 時松 孝次, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(603) 63-68 2006年5月  査読有り責任著者
    Strain-dependent shear moduli and damping factors of surface soils at K-NET and JMA stations in Ojiya are estimated not only from cyclic torsional shear tests on undisturbed samples obtained at the sites but also from back-calculation of transfer function of the strong motion records between either of the two sites and a nearby rock outcrop site. Both laboratory test and back-calculation of strong motion records indicate that the near-surface peat at K-NET shows weaker nonlinearity than the near-surface silt at JMA, which might have had strong effects on the observed ground motions including those in the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 at the two sites.
  • 時松 孝次, 関口 徹, 三浦 弘之, 翠川 三郎
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 71(600) 43-49 2006年2月  査読有り責任著者
    The peak ground acceleration at K-NET in Ojiya during the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004 is significantly larger than that at JMA in Ojiya, while the trend reverses in other earthquakes with less intensity. Strain-dependent shear moduli of surface soils at both stations are estimated based on the accelerograms obtained only at the ground surface together with in-situ tests including boring and PS logging. Despite its low shear wave velocity, the near-surface peat at K-NET show weaker nonlinearity than the near-surface silt at JMA, which might have had strong effects on the observed ground motions at the two sites during different earthquakes.
  • Anil C. Wijeyewickrema, Shusaku Inoue, Priyantha Gunaratna, Manoj Madurapperuma, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Miura, Toru Sekiguchi
    Emerging Trends: Keynote Lectures and Symposia - Proceedings of the 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, EASEC 2010 1 239-244 2006年  
    The December 26, 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake that had a magnitude of 9.0 was one of the largest earthquakes in the world since 1900. The devastating tsunami that resulted from this earthquake caused more casualties than any previously reported tsunami. The number of fatalities and missing persons in the most seriously affected countries were Indonesia - 167,736, Sri Lanka - 35,322, India - 18,045 and Thailand - 8,212. This paper describes two field visits to assess tsunami effects in Sri Lanka by a combined team of Japanese and Sri Lankan researchers. The first field visit from Dec. 30, 2004 - Jan. 04, 2005 covered the west, SW and south Sri Lanka and included the cities of Moratuwa, Beruwala, Bentota, Pereliya, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Talpe, Matara, Tangalla and Hambantota. The second field visit from March 10-18, 2005 covered the NE, east, SE and south Sri Lanka and included Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Arugam Bay, Yala National Park and Kirinda. The main objectives of the field surveys were to investigate the damage caused by the tsunami and to gather eyewitness information of wave arrival times.
  • 井上 修作, WIJEYEWICKREMA Anil C, 関口 徹
    地震工学研究発表会 報告集 28 122-122 2005年  
    2004年12月26日インドネシアスマトラ島沖でM9の地震が発生し, それによって引き起こされた津波がインド洋周辺諸国に多大なる被害を及ぼした. 我々は, 地震発生から4日後にスリランカに入国し, スリランカ南西部で現地調査を実施し, 現地の目撃証言から得られた記録を元に津波到達時刻を推定した. その結果, スリランカ南西部では, 最大波高を示す津波の前に, 一波, ないし二波の津波があり, 最大波高を示す波は9時~11時にかけて南東から南西に沿って伝播していた.
  • 時松 孝次, 関口 徹
    日本建築学会構造系論文集 66(550) 65-70 2001年12月  査読有り
    In order to examine the local site effects on the strong motion records of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, microtremor measurements are conducted using arrays of sensors at 11 strong motion stations. Shallow shear wave velocity profiles of these stations are estimated based on an inverse analysis of both microtremor dispersion characteristics and H/V spectra. Equivalent linear analysis is conducted using the estimated Vs profiles. It is shown that local soil conditions including nonlinear soil behavior might have had significant effects on the ground motion and performance of buildings during the earthquake.





