
上野 尚久

ウエノ タカヒサ  (Takahisa UENO)


千葉大学 大学院理学研究院
学士(理学)(2019年3月 千葉大学)
修士(理学)(2020年9月 千葉大学)
博士(理学)(2023年9月 千葉大学)







  • Takahisa Ueno, Akiko Takenoshita, Kaiya Hamamichi, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Yuma Takahashi
    Scientific Reports 13(1) 2023年12月19日  査読有り筆頭著者
    Abstract Seasonal environmental change is one of the most rapid and striking environmental variables. Although relatively rapid adaptation to environmental changes over several years or several decades has been described in many taxa, rapid responses to seasonal environments are delicate, and therefore, the detection of the evolutionary responses requires sensitive methods. In this study, we examined seasonal changes in phenotypes related to thermal tolerance and morphological traits of Drosophila lutescens collected at the spring and autumn periods from a single location. We first demonstrated that flies in the two seasonal periods were almost genetically identical using double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing and analysis. Using an experimental design to eliminate the effect of possible confounding factors that influence phenotypes (i.e., maternal effects and the environmental conditions in which each phenotype was analyzed), we showed that the heat tolerance of D. lutescens was significantly higher in the autumn population than in the spring population. Furthermore, cold tolerance was slightly higher in the spring population than in the autumn one. Although wing length and thorax length did not change significantly between seasons, the ratio of wing length to thorax length changed significantly between them. These results suggest that seasonal environmental heterogeneity induces rapid phenotypic changes within a year. Finally, we discuss the possibility of rapid evolutionary responses to seasonal changes.
  • Takahisa Ueno, Yuma Takahashi
    Biology Letters 17(7) 20210194-20210194 2021年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Intrapopulation variation in behaviour, including activity, boldness and aggressiveness, is becoming more widely recognized and is hypothesized to substantially affect ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Although previous studies used candidate-gene approaches and genome-wide association analyses to identify genes correlated with variations in activity and aggressiveness, behavioural variation may not be fully captured in the nuclear genome, as it does not account for mitochondrial genomes. Mitochondrial genes encode products that are key regulators of the cellular energy-producing pathways in metabolic processes and are thought to play a significant role in life-history and reproductive traits. In this study, we considered many isofemale lines of Drosophila immigrans established from two wild populations to investigate whether intrapopulation variation in the mitochondrial genome affected activity level within this species. We identified two major haplogroups in these populations, and activity levels in both larvae and adults differed significantly between the two haplogroups. This result indicated that intrapopulation variation in activity level may be partially controlled by mitochondrial genes, along with the interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial genes and the age of individual organisms.
  • Takahisa Ueno, Yuma Takahashi
    Ecology and Evolution 10(24) 14388-14393 2020年12月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Genetic diversity within a population, such as polymorphisms and personality, is considered to improve population performance because such intraspecific variations have the potential to alleviate the competition for a limited resource or the risk of predation and sexual harassment at a population level. Variation in the level and rhythm of daily activity in a population could also affect population performance by directly altering ecological, social, and sexual interactions among individuals. However, it remains to be elucidated whether such intra-population variation in the level and rhythms of daily activity exists in a natural population. Here, we investigated the genetic variation in daily activity within a single natural population of Drosophila immigrans. We established 21 isofemale lines from a single natural population and measured larval activity level and the level and daily pattern of adult activity over a 24 hr period. Larval activity level significantly varied among isofemale lines. Likewise, the activity level in the adult stage significantly varied among lines. The significant variation was also found in the daily pattern of adult activity; some lines showed greater activity level in the daytime, and others showed greater activity level in the night. Our results consistently suggest that there is a genetic variation in behavioral activity in a natural population, probably contributing to shaping the population performance.


  • 上野尚久, 高橋佑磨
    日本生態学会第71回全国大会 2024年3月17日
  • Takahisa Ueno, Yuma Takahashi
    British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2023 2023年12月13日
  • 上野尚久・高橋佑磨
    第39回個体群生態学会 2023年10月28日
  • 上野尚久
    日本生態学会関東地区会公開シンポジウム「若手で語ろう!生態学:自然史と理論をつなぐ生態学」 2022年12月10日




  • 企画立案・運営等
    2022年10月 - 現在
  • 企画立案・運営等
    2022年6月 - 現在
  • 企画立案・運営等
    髙田悠太・上野尚久・松村健太郎 (第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会) 2024年3月29日
  • 企画立案・運営等
    永濱 藍(国立科博)、上野尚久(千葉大)、野口 奨悟(九州大)、原 直誉(京都大)、夫婦石 千尋(九州大)、富本 創(九州大)、大崎 壮巳(広島大)、高屋 浩介(京都大)、植村 洋亮(北海道大) 2023年5月21日
  • 企画立案・運営等
    永野裕大(東大・農), 西村一晟(横浜国立大), 上野尚久(千葉大・院・融), 夏目佳枝(東大・農) (日本生態学会第70回全国大会) 2023年3月19日

