
山内 かづ代

ヤマウチ カヅヨ  (Kazuyo Yamauchi)


千葉大学 大学院医学研究院地域医療教育学 特任教授
博士(医学)(2009年3月 千葉大学)
医療者教育学修士(専門職)(2020年1月 MGH Institute of Health Professions)



  • 久保田 剛, 山内 かづ代, 鴨田 博人, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 鈴木 都, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1351-S1351 2013年8月  
  • 久保田 剛, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鴨田 博人, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 鈴木 都, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1351-S1351 2013年8月  
  • 大鳥 精司, 伊藤 睦, 徳川 喜博, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1371-S1371 2013年8月  
  • 向井 務晃, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1394-S1394 2013年8月  
  • 西能 健, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 宮城 正行, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1457-S1457 2013年8月  
  • 佐久間 詳浩, 宮城 正行, 井上 玄, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鴨田 博人, 石川 哲大, 鈴木 都, 及川 泰宏, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1497-S1497 2013年8月  
  • 大鳥 精司, 西能 健, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1526-S1526 2013年8月  
  • 乗本 将輝, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1552-S1552 2013年8月  
  • 木村 青児, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1612-S1612 2013年8月  
  • 西織 浩信, 山内 かづ代, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 久保田 剛, 西能 健, 鈴木 都, 中田 幸夫, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1614-S1614 2013年8月  
  • 松山 善之, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1616-S1616 2013年8月  
  • 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1618-S1618 2013年8月  
  • 藤井 達也, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1619-S1619 2013年8月  
  • 稲毛 一秀, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 宮城 正行, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1634-S1634 2013年8月  
  • 貞升 彩, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1636-S1636 2013年8月  
  • 及川 泰宏, 江口 和, 渡辺 淳也, 井上 玄, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鴨田 博人, 石川 哲大, 宮城 正行, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1444-S1444 2013年8月  
  • 及川 泰宏, 渡辺 淳也, 江口 和, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1621-S1621 2013年8月  
  • 稲毛 一秀, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 菅波 晃子, 折田 純久, 宮城 正行, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司, 田村 裕
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1647-S1647 2013年8月  査読有り
  • 稲毛 一秀, 佐久間 詳浩, 山内 かづ代, 菅波 晃子, 折田 純久, 宮城 正行, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司, 田村 裕
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(8) S1648-S1648 2013年8月  査読有り
  • 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    PAIN RESEARCH 28(2) 107-107 2013年7月  
  • Takafumi Sakuma, Hiroto Kamoda, Masayuki Miyagi, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Gen Arai, Yawara Eguchi, Miyako Suzuki, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Go Kubota, Kazuhide Inage, Takeshi Saino, Sumihisa Orita, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Gen Inoue, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Seiji Ohtori
    Spine 38(15) E919-24 2013年7月1日  
    STUDY DESIGN: Assessment of pain-related behavior and immunohistology of the dorsal root ganglion in a rat model. OBJECTIVE: To investigate pain-related behavior in a rat model of nerve crush plus inflammation using the CatWalk system. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: A definitive method for evaluating animal models of lumbar disease has not been established. Von Frey testing has often been used in this type of study, but the reliability remains in question. The CatWalk system is a computer-assisted apparatus for analyzing gait that provides an automated way to assess gait function during pain. However, there have been few reports using this system for models of lumbar disease. METHODS: Fourteen rats were divided into 2 groups: a treatment group and a sham group. For the treatment group, nucleus pulposus was applied to the sciatic nerve and the sciatic nerve was pinched. Two different methods for assessment of pain-related behavior, von Frey testing and CatWalk analysis, were used before surgery and at 4 and 7 days after surgery. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine calcitonin gene-related peptide expression in L4 to L6 dorsal root ganglia. RESULTS: No significant differences were found between the treatment and sham control groups using von Frey testing. However, significant differences in 4 parameters were found between the 2 groups using the CatWalk system (P < 0.05). The proportion of calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive neurons was higher in the treatment group than in the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that the CatWalk system is useful for the measurement of pain-related behavioral change in our rat model in which nociception was indicated at a cellular level. Although further studies are needed, we think that this system is a valid alternative method for the evaluation of models of lumbar disease in rodents.
  • Seiji Ohtori, Masaomi Yamashita, Yasuaki Murata, Yawara Eguchi, Yasuchika Aoki, Hiromi Ataka, Jiro Hirayama, Tomoyuki Ozawa, Tatsuo Morinaga, Hajime Arai, Masaya Mimura, Hiroto Kamoda, Sumihisa Orita, Masayuki Miyagi, Tomohiro Miyashita, Yuzuru Okamoto, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Hiroaki Sameda, Tomoaki Kinoshita, Eiji Hanaoka, Miyako Suzuki, Munetaka Suzuki, Takato Aihara, Toshinori Ito, Gen Inoue, Masatsune Yamagata, Tomoaki Toyone, Gou Kubota, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kazuhide Inage, Takeshi Sainoh, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Kazuhisa Takahashi
    Yonsei medical journal 54(4) 999-1005 2013年7月  
    PURPOSE: The pathological mechanism of lumbar spinal stenosis is reduced blood flow in nerve roots and degeneration of nerve roots. Exercise and prostaglandin E1 is used for patients with peripheral arterial disease to increase capillary flow around the main artery and improve symptoms; however, the ankle-brachial index (ABI), an estimation of blood flow in the main artery in the leg, does not change after treatment. Lumbar spinal nerve roots contain somatosensory, somatomotor, and unmyelinated autonomic nerves. Improved blood flow by medication with prostaglandin E1 and decompression surgery in these spinal nerve roots may improve the function of nerve fibers innervating muscle, capillary, and main vessels in the lower leg, resulting in an increased ABI. The purpose of the study was to examine whether these treatments can improve ABI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and seven patients who received conservative treatment such as exercise and medication (n=56) or surgical treatment (n=51) were included. Low back pain and leg pain scores, walking distance, and ABI were measured before treatment and after 3 months of conservative treatment alone or surgical treatment followed by conservative treatment. RESULTS: Low back pain, leg pain, and walking distance significantly improved after both treatments (p<0.05). ABI significantly increased in each group (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: This is the first investigation of changes in ABI after treatment in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Improvement of the spinal nerve roots by medication and decompression surgery may improve the supply of blood flow to the lower leg in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Hiroto Kamoda, Seiji Ohtori, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Masayuki Miyagi, Gen Arai, Miyako Suzuki, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Go Kubota, Sumihisa Orita, Yawara Eguchi, Masaomi Yamashita, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Gen Inoue, Masahiko Hatano, Kazuhisa Takahashi
    The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume 95(12) 1109-16 2013年6月19日  
    BACKGROUND: Our purpose was to examine platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for its effect on bone formation and to follow the immunohistochemical changes in calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in dorsal root ganglion neurons innervating the discs as a possible index of nociceptive nerve transmission in a rat model. METHODS: A total of seventy rats were used. Ten constituted a non-punctured disc sham group, while another ten rats constituted a group that underwent puncture of the L4-L5 discs. Forty rats were in experimental groups in which the L4-L5 discs were punctured; posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis was performed with PRP (the PRP group) or without the use of PRP (the normal arthrodesis group), with twenty rats in each group. The remaining ten rats were used as blood donors. Four and eight weeks after surgery, microcomputed tomography examinations were done to evaluate the amount of bone and the L4-L5 spines were harvested to evaluate bone union, followed by resection of dorsal root ganglion neurons. The percentages of Fluoro-Gold-labeled and CGRP-immunoreactive neurons were calculated. RESULTS: The platelet count and the concentration of growth factors in PRP were higher than those in blood (p &lt; 0.05). The bone volumes observed in the PRP group were significantly greater than those of the normal arthrodesis group at four and eight weeks (p &lt; 0.05). Three (30%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6% to 65%) of ten rats in the normal arthrodesis group and eight (80%; 95% CI, 44% to 98%) of ten rats in the PRP group were considered to have bone fusion four weeks after surgery (p &lt; 0.05). At eight weeks, seven (70%; 95% CI, 34% to 94%) of ten rats in the normal arthrodesis group and nine (90%; 95% CI, 55% to 99%) of ten rats in the PRP group were considered to have bone fusion (p = 0.27). The proportion of CGRP-immunoreactive neurons was significantly greater in the punctured group than in the other groups. There were no significant differences between the normal arthrodesis group and the PRP group. CONCLUSIONS: PRP appears to promote bone formation in rats and has a tendency to shorten the period of bone union in this rat model of posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis, but it did not influence the proportion of CGRP-immunoreactive neurons, a likely indicator of inflammatory pain originating from the degenerative intervertebral disc. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The ability of PRP in this model suggests that it may be able to shorten the period of union and lead to an early return to social activities after treatment.
  • 大鳥 精司, 西能 健, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 井上 玄, 石川 哲大, 宮城 正行, 鴨田 博人, 新井 玄, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 江口 和, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain Research 5(1) 67-72 2013年5月  
  • Masahiro Inoue, Gen Inoue, Tomoyuki Ozawa, Masayuki Miyagi, Hiroto Kamoda, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Miyako Suzuki, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Sumihisa Orita, Masashi Takaso, Tomoaki Toyone, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Seiji Ohtori
    European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society 22 Suppl 3(Suppl 3) S461-5 2013年5月  
    PURPOSE: To evaluate L5 nerve root injuries caused by outwardly misplaced S1 pedicle screws. Pedicle screws remain the criterion standard for fixation of L5-S1 to correct lumbosacral instability. When inserting S1 pedicle screws, it is possible to injure the L5 nerve root if screws are inserted outwardly and the tip of the screw perforates the anterior cortex of the sacrum. Despite this risk, to our knowledge this type of injury has never been reported as a case series. METHODS: We experienced 2 cases of L5 nerve root injury caused by outwardly-inserted S1 pedicle screws. In both cases, bilateral S1 pedicle screws were inserted outwardly using a free-hand technique, and on one side, screws induced severe pain by impinging on an L5 root. Computed tomography after the selective rootgraphy of the injured nerve showed the nerve compressed laterally by screw threads in Case 1 and crushed between the screw threads and the sacral body in Case 2. RESULTS: In both cases, leg pain disappeared immediately after the infiltration of the nerve with lidocaine, but symptoms recurred within a few days in Case 1 and within an hour in Case 2. Conservative treatment of three spinal nerve infiltrations was effective in Case 1, but reinsertion of the rogue screw was necessary in Case 2. CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons should recognize that lateral inclination of S1 pedicle screws can cause L5 nerve root injury, which may require reinsertion of the screw, especially in cases where insertion is difficult because of overlapping surrounding muscle or bony tissue.
  • Seiji Ohtori, Gen Inoue, Sumihisa Orita, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Yawara Eguchi, Nobuyasu Ochiai, Shunji Kishida, Kazuki Kuniyoshi, Yasuchika Aoki, Junichi Nakamura, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Masayuki Miyagi, Hiroto Kamoda, Miyako Suzuki, Gou Kubota, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kazuhide Inage, Takeshi Sainoh, Masashi Takaso, Tomoaki Toyone, Kazuhisa Takahashi
    Spine 38(8) E487-92 2013年4月15日  
    STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. OBJECTIVE: To examine the efficacy of teriparatide or bisphosphonate treatment to reduce pedicle screw (PS) loosening after instrumented lumbar posterolateral fusion in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Failure of fixation caused by loosening of PSs in osteoporosis is a problem in spinal surgery. Oral administration of bisphosphonate or intermittent injection of parathyroid hormone treatment increases bone mass and reduces the risk of osteoporotic vertebral fractures. Although these treatments may be factor in improving bone quality, a clinical study of the efficacy of bisphosphonate or parathyroid hormone for reducing PS loosening that addresses the quality of the bone marrow and pedicle cortex has not yet been reported. METHODS: Sixty-two women with osteoporosis diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis were divided into 3 groups: a teriparatide group (daily subcutaneous injection of 20 μg of teriparatide, n = 20), a bisphosphonate group (daily oral administration 2.5 mg of risedronate, n = 20), and a control group (without medication for osteoporosis, n = 22). All patients underwent decompression and 1- or 2-level instrumented posterolateral fusion with a local bone graft. Loosening of PSs and surgical outcome were evaluated radiographically, clinically, and by computed tomography 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: At 12-month follow-up, the incidence of PS loosening was 7% to 13% in the teriparatide group, 13% to 26% in the risedronate group, and 15% to 25% in the control group. The incidence of PS loosening in the teriparatide group was significantly lower than that in the risedronate or the control group (P < 0.05). In contrast, the extent of PS loosening in the risedronate group was not significantly different from that in the control group (P > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that administration of teriparatide increased the quality of the lumbar spine bone marrow and pedicle cortex.
  • Sumihisa Orita, Kenneth Henry, Elisabetta Mantuano, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Alice De Corato, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, M Laura Feltri, Lawrence Wrabetz, Alban Gaultier, Melanie Pollack, Mark Ellisman, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Steven L Gonias, W Marie Campana
    The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 33(13) 5590-602 2013年3月27日  
    Trophic support and myelination of axons by Schwann cells in the PNS are essential for normal nerve function. Herein, we show that deletion of the LDL receptor-related protein-1 (LRP1) gene in Schwann cells (scLRP1(-/-)) induces abnormalities in axon myelination and in ensheathment of axons by nonmyelinating Schwann cells in Remak bundles. These anatomical changes in the PNS were associated with mechanical allodynia, even in the absence of nerve injury. In response to crush injury, sciatic nerves in scLRP1(-/-) mice showed accelerated degeneration and Schwann cell death. Remyelinated axons were evident 20 d after crush injury in control mice, yet were largely absent in scLRP1(-/-) mice. In the partial nerve ligation model, scLRP1(-/-) mice demonstrated significantly increased and sustained mechanical allodynia and loss of motor function. Evidence for central sensitization in pain processing included increased p38MAPK activation and activation of microglia in the spinal cord. These studies identify LRP1 as an essential mediator of normal Schwann cell-axonal interactions and as a pivotal regulator of the Schwann cell response to PNS injury in vivo. Mice in which LRP1 is deficient in Schwann cells represent a model for studying how abnormalities in Schwann cell physiology may facilitate and sustain chronic pain.
  • Seiji Ohtori, Gen Inoue, Yawara Eguchi, Sumihisa Orita, Masashi Takaso, Nobuyasu Ochiai, Shunji Kishida, Kazuki Kuniyoshi, Yasuchika Aoki, Junichi Nakamura, Tetsuhiro Ishikawa, Gen Arai, Masayuki Miyagi, Hiroto Kamoda, Miyako Suzuki, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Gou Kubota, Kazuhide Inage, Takeshi Sainoh, Tomoaki Toyone, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Toshiaki Kotani, Tsutomu Akazawa, Shohei Minami, Kazuhisa Takahashi
    Spine 38(6) 459-62 2013年3月15日  
    STUDY DESIGN: Immunohistochemistry for tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α in nucleus pulposus of adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether an inflammatory cytokine is expressed in the nucleus pulposus of adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: TNFα is thought to play a crucial role in the radicular pain caused by lumbar disc herniation in adult patients. However, the expression of TNFα in the nucleus pulposus of adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation has not been explored. METHODS: Five samples of nucleus pulposus from adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation (age, 12-16 yr; n = 5) or controls requiring surgery for other back problems (age, 12-16 yr; n = 4; nonpainful scoliosis) were harvested during surgery. Nucleus pulposus specimens were immunostained using TNFα antibodies and immunostained cells in the nucleus pulposus were counted. We compared the expression of TNFα between the 2 groups. RESULTS: In patients with lumbar disc herniation, more TNFα-immunoreactive cells were seen in the nucleus pulposus in comparison with patients with nonpainful scoliosis (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that TNFα may play a role in adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation. The TNFα expression may be related with disc degeneration and pain in adolescent patients with lumbar disc herniation.
  • 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 井上 玄, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 山内 かづ代, 稲毛 一秀, 高橋 和久, 男澤 朝行, 豊根 知明
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(2) S379-S379 2013年3月  
  • 久保田 剛, 鴨田 博人, 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(2) S399-S399 2013年3月  
  • 西能 健, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 中田 幸夫, 高橋 和久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(2) S401-S401 2013年3月  
  • 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 宮城 正行, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 及川 泰宏, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 214-214 2013年3月  
  • 木村 青児, 大鳥 精司, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 中田 幸夫, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 375-375 2013年3月  
  • 山内 かづ代, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 佐久間 詳浩, 鈴木 都, 折田 純久, 田村 裕, 高橋 和久, 大鳥 精司
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 395-395 2013年3月  
  • 佐久間 詳浩, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 411-411 2013年3月  
  • 西能 健, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 556-556 2013年3月  
  • 西能 健, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 557-557 2013年3月  
  • 佐久間 詳浩, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 559-559 2013年3月  
  • 稲毛 一秀, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 608-608 2013年3月  
  • 佐久間 詳浩, 大鳥 精司, 宮城 正行, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 731-731 2013年3月  
  • 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 771-771 2013年3月  
  • 稲毛 一秀, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 788-788 2013年3月  
  • 鴨田 博人, 大鳥 精司, 宮城 正行, 石川 哲大, 井上 玄, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 久保田 剛, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 藤本 和輝, 佐藤 淳, 山内 かづ代, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 789-789 2013年3月  
  • 久保田 剛, 鴨田 博人, 大鳥 精司, 井上 玄, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 790-790 2013年3月  
  • 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 高橋 和久, 男澤 朝行, 豊根 知明
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 792-792 2013年3月  
  • 稲毛 一秀, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 及川 泰宏, 西能 健, 豊根 知明, 高橋 和久
    日本整形外科学会雑誌 87(3) S1009-S1009 2013年3月  
  • 及川 泰宏, 江口 和, 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 渡辺 淳也, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 451-451 2013年3月  
  • 及川 泰宏, 江口 和, 大鳥 精司, 折田 純久, 山内 かづ代, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 久保田 剛, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 渡辺 淳也, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 549-549 2013年3月  
  • 久保田 剛, 江口 和, 大鳥 精司, 山内 かづ代, 折田 純久, 鈴木 都, 佐久間 詳浩, 及川 泰宏, 稲毛 一秀, 西能 健, 佐藤 淳, 高橋 和久
    Journal of Spine Research 4(3) 666-666 2013年3月  
  • Atsuro Yamazaki, Sumihisa Orita, Takeshi Sainoh, Kazuyo Yamauchi, Miyako Suzuki, Yoshihiro Sakuma, Go Kubota, Yasuhiro Oikawa, Kazuhide Inage, Yukio Nakata, Gen Inoue, Yasuchika Aoki, Tomoaki Toyone, Junichi Nakamura, Masayuki Miyagi, Kazuhisa Takahashi, Seiji Ohtori
    Case reports in orthopedics 2013 614757-614757 2013年  
    A 26-year-old paraplegic schizophrenic Japanese woman suffered from severe kyphosis and back pain derived from lumbar burst fractures caused by jumping. She had already undergone resection of the L1 and L2 spinous processes for sharp angular kyphosis, but she still had severe kyphosis and back pain at the L1 and L2. Radiographical examination revealed fused anterior columns at L1 and L2 with severe local kyphosis and a significantly decreased percutaneous distance in the back. The patient underwent anterior instrumented bony resection including an L2 vertebral osteotomy: bilateral L2-L3 facetectomy and partial posterior osteotomy of the L2 vertebrae via a posterior approach followed by an anterior corpectomy of the L2 vertebrae and insertion of a cylindrical cage. No posterior instrumentation was used owing to the presence of atrophied paraspinal soft tissues. Lumbar interbody fusion was performed with vertebral body screws extending from T12 to L4 and corresponding anterior distension and posterior compression. The procedure corrected the kyphosis by 15° and enhanced local stability. Postsurgical visual analogue scale improved from 9.0 to 2.0 and Oswestry Disability Index from 40 to 17.8, respectively. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that anterolateral interbody fusion using extended fixation can compensate for posterior corrective surgery.











