岡田 加奈子, 磯邉 聡, 小橋 暁子, 砂上 史子, 北島 善夫, 中澤 潤, 宮寺 千恵, ホーン ベヴァリー, 小林 英恵, 互 光子
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 63 311-316 2015年3月
ヘルス・プロモーティング・スクール(Health Promoting School;以下HPS)は,教職員,児童生徒,保護者,地域,専門家も含め,より主体的に連携して健康的な学校づくりに取り組む活動である。本研究においては,「HPS評価票〈2013年度〉」を用い,校園内の複数の立場の教職員が評価票を記入した後に,検討会を実施することで,「①分掌や立場による評価や認識の差異,②参加者の学校における健康問題に対しての気づき,もしくは,健康問題に対する認識の変化,③学校園における課題をふまえた,来年度の学校保健課題」を明らかにすることを主な目的とした。対象は幼稚園,小学校,中学校,特別支援学校各1校のHPS関連職員で,事前に調査票を記入し,それを一覧にした結果を基に検討会を各学校園ごとに行った。また,検討会後には,質問紙調査を実施した。実施時期は,平成25年12月~平成26年3月であった。その結果,①立場による評価や着眼点に差異が存在すること,②評価票を用いてチェックするだけではなく,合わせて検討会を行うことで,教職員間での振り返りや情報共有ができ,認識が深まることが明らかになった。A Health Promoting School(below: HPS)is a school in which teachers and students, parents, the local community,as well as professional experts actively cooperate to carry out activities to make a healthy school environment.In this research, we used"HPS evaluation sheets 2013"in some schools and a kindergarten. Teaching staff invarious positions filled in an evaluation sheet. Subsequently, an evaluation meeting was held to ①ascertainwhether there were differences in perception and evaluation related to the differences in the teachers'duties andposition. ②clarify whether the participants were aware of health problems occurring in their schools and whetherany changes had occurred in their awareness. ③share information about the common problems that occurred inthe schools and the kindergarten and clarify the school health objectives for the next school year. The targetschools were one school of each type: kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, and special educationschool. In each of the schools, the HPS staff were given an evaluation sheet to fill in and the results were tabulated.Based on these results, a review meeting was held in each of the participating schools. In addition, after themeeting, a questionnaire was administered between December 2013 and March 2014.The results were as follows: ①there were different viewpoints depending on each teacher's position. ②it wasrevealed that by not only checking an evaluation sheet, but also carrying out a review meeting, the teachers wereable to review the situation, share information and deepen their awareness of the issues.