
久保 光徳

クボ ミツノリ  (Mitsunori Kubo)


千葉大学 デザイン・リサーチ・インスティテュート 名誉教授
工学博士(1989年3月 東京大学)
工学修士(1986年3月 東京大学)



  • Peng Yang, Yuka Furukawa, Migiwa Imaishi, Mitsunori Kubo, Akira Ueda
    ROBOMECH Journal 11(1) 2024年9月17日  
    Abstract This paper explores the application of computer vision and mathematical modeling to analyze the intricate movements involved in weaving a traditional farming tool, the winnowing basket. By utilizing OpenPose algorithms, the study simplifies and visualizes the craftsmen's motions, particularly focusing on wrist movements. Video data of craftsmen in Chiba, Japan, creating Kizumi (place name) winnowing baskets is used as the basis for analysis. The extracted information is used to generate 2D motion trajectories of the wrist, allowing a comparison between beginners who watched parsed videos and those who watched the original videos in terms of skill acquisition and learning time. By visualizing human body behavior and combining statistical results, this study demonstrates the potential of artificial intelligence techniques such as computer vision for observing repetitive human movement and inheriting traditional skills.
  • 青木 宏展, 今石 みぎわ, 久保 光徳, 植田 憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 71 494 2024年  
  • 楊 鵬, 王 舜昌, 久保 光徳
    デザイン学研究 69(1) 35-44 2022年7月  査読有り
  • Jian WANG, Takatoshi TAUCHI, Mitsunori KUBO
    5(1) 9-18 2021年9月  査読有り
  • 桃井 宏和, 高橋 敦, 久保 光徳
    民具マンスリー 54(5) 13577-13591 2021年8月  
  • 久保 光徳, 王 健, 高橋 敦, 桃井 宏和
    民具研究 = The study for mingu (162) 19-32 2021年8月  査読有り
  • Peng YANG, Mitsunori KUBO, Fumio TERAUCHI, Takatoshi TAUCHI
    5(1) 77-86 2021年  査読有り
  • WANG Jian, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 67(4) 4_1-4_10 2021年  査読有り
    <p> 本研究は,歴史的な彫刻形態からその造形傾向である「作風」を解明し,先人たちが生み出した造形に関するアイデアの言語化を試みると同時に,現代の造形教育,地域資源としての活用に資することを最終的な目標としている。<br> 本報告では,江戸時代後期に千葉県を中心に活躍した彫物大工である武志伊八と後藤義光による代表的な社寺彫刻とされる「波」と「龍」の彫り物の特徴的な形態に注目し,3D 形状スキャンニングから得られるポリゴンモデルに対する形態分析を実施し,形態構成要素への分解を試みた。伊八の「波」の特徴は,層状に立体構成された「ラミネート層」的な造形傾向を示し,義光の「龍」は,骨格をイメージさせる「連続する球体」で構成される造形傾向を示していることを確認した。<br> 形態構成要素によって「波」と「龍」の両形態を再構成し,彫物大工の作風を可視化するモデルの制作を試み,企画展で展示した。そのモデルによって両者の作風の相違が,鑑賞者に分かりやすく伝達されることの可能性を示唆することができた。</p>
  • 丸山萌, 田内隆利, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 66(3) 3_41-3_50 2020年  査読有り
    <p>本研究の目的は,人形用キモノの形態学的特徴から衣服のデザイン要素としての「キモノらしさ」を明らかにすることである。人形用のキモノは,和裁の理論にとらわれない方法で,人のキモノをより特徴が際立つように簡略化し,再構成したものであると考えられる。人形用キモノの特徴を調査するため,1/6 スケールの着せ替え人形「ジェニー」用に作られた 17 点のキモノ作品例を収集し,分類した。実際にそれらの人形用キモノを再現し,制作過程の検証と形の観察を行った。各作品の特徴を人のキモノと比較し,材料と各パーツの構成の関係,制作の難易度,各部の幅の比率,人形の身体の形との関係に着目した。考察の結果,キモノらしさのデザイン要素は,人形用キモノ全体に共通する特徴としての一定の形の要素に加え,布幅に由来する各部の幅の比率,材料を無駄なく生かす使い方にあると結論づけた。また人形のキモノがこれらの要素を踏まえつつ,自由な解釈により制作された様子を示した。</p>
  • 沈 得正, 佐藤 浩一郎, 寺内 文雄, 久保 光徳
    デザイン学研究 64(4) 4_1-4_8 2017年  査読有り
  • SIM Teck Ceng, 飯塚拓郎, 佐藤浩一郎, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 63(240) 6_65-6_72 2017年  査読有り
  • 丸山萌, 田内隆利, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 63(239) 5_75-5_80 2017年  査読有り
    本研究は,日本の伝統的衣服であるキモノの形の意味を,ものから得られる情報を通して明らかにしようという試みである。キモノはほどけば布に戻るものとされ,「繰り回し」と呼ばれる作り替えが行われていたことが知られており,制作時から予め再利用を見込んだ形に作られていたと考えられる。キモノがどのように作られ,また作り替えられてきたのか,日常着として着用されていた2点のキモノの観察・解体によって調査し,制作および作り替えの過程と形との関係を考察した。<br> 資料の解体から,キモノの形に共通する構成の特徴は,狭い幅の布を用い,できるだけ裁断を少なくし,手縫いで作ることであるとわかった。作り替えられたキモノからは,共通の布幅を生かした各部の入れ替えの様子や,布の重なる部分や目立たない部分に痛んだ布や小さな端切れが巧みに生かされている様子が確認できた。調査より,キモノの形は,決まった量の材料を余らせずにできるだけ大きく使うことで作り替えの可能性を広げた,材料を最大限に生かすための形であると結論付けた。また,衣服としての形が一定であることにより,制作技術の習得と応用を容易にし,作りやすさを追求した形であると考えた。
  • 奥村恵美佳, 久保光徳, 田内隆利, 山中敏正
    デザイン学研究 63(239) 5_7-5_14 2017年  査読有り
  • 久保 光徳, 北村 有希子, 田内 隆利
    民具研究 = The study for mingu (153) 1-22 2016年4月  査読有り
  • DJATI Imam Damar, TAUCHI Takatoshi, KUBO Mitsunori, TERAUCHI Fumio
    デザイン学研究 61(5) 5_77-5_86 2015年  
    The demand of wood is increasing, but the supply is limited, on the contrary, there are amount of potential young teaks (Tectona grandis L.f.) from thinning of teak plantations that could contribute to meet this demand. During the time from planting until harvesting (rotation age), a number of young teak trees, which comprise mostly sapwood, are felled regularly due to the thinning to stimulate the better growth of the remaining teak trees in the plantations. There are at least 1.2 million hectares of teak plantations in Java, Indonesia, and 3.146 million hectares in other countries. In one of the teak plantations, for 1 hectare with the average site quality and the rotation age of 40 years, from 1,769 5-year-old teak trees will be felled regularly during the rotation age until 277 39-year-old teak trees remain at harvesting. From this study, consider the significant amount of young teaks from the thinning is available, it is necessary to utilize these potential material become suitable products by taking the advantage of its properties and prominent characteristics, e.g. border patterns and lighter color of the sapwood, to enhance its utilization and value.
  • DJATI Imam Damar, TAUCHI Takatoshi, KUBO Mitsunori, TERAUCHI Fumio
    デザイン学研究 62(3) 3_25-3_34 2015年  
    Potential young teaks (Tectona grandis L.f.) from the thinning of teak plantations can be utilized for making products by taking the advantage of its mechanical properties and characteristics. This research assess the mechanical properties and the characteristics of sapwood and its heartwood of young teaks from each of age classes in the rotation age of 40 years of teaks plantation in West Java area, Indonesia. Mechanical properties of young teak are the determination of its MOR and MOE, and it has been determined that the difference strength between sapwood and its heartwood among the age classes is not significant. Characteristics of young teak are intended to the variation of its grain pattern and the color intensity. The lighter color of sapwood of young teak has the specific effect that the color of colorant will appear more attractive than on its heartwood, and the combination of the contrast border pattern between sapwood and its heartwood part will create the unique appearances.
  • 須田高史, 鴨居明子, 上田エジウソン, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 61(228) 6_85-6_92 2015年  査読有り
  • 矢久保 空遥, 田内 隆利, 久保 光徳, 寺内 文雄
    デザイン学研究 62(2) 2_81-2_88 2015年  査読有り
    本論文では,ロシア連邦サハ共和国で演奏されている伝統的な口琴であるKhomusとイタリア共和国シチリア島で演奏されているMarranzanuと呼ばれる口琴の2つをサンプルとして,これらの形態的な特徴,音響的な特徴,社会的な特徴の3つの側面から比較を行った. 形態的な特徴において両者を比較すると,Khomusの弁には均一な角度でエッジ加工が施されており,Marranzanuの弁にはエッジができるような加工は施されていないことが確認された. 音響的な特徴の比較では,自己相関関数の違いからそれぞれの周波数構造に着目し,一方が奇数倍音を多く含む矩形波に近い構造,他方が整数倍音を多く含むノコギリ波に近い構造をしていることを明らかにした. これは,音による印象そのものに影響を与えうるファクターであり,音に対する印象評価を行った先の研究と照らし合わせて考えると,特に「活発性因子」において大きな差があることわかった. 社会的な扱われ方の違いについては,それぞれの国での演奏されるシーンや,催事などの有無といった点から民族的な意味合いを強く持ったKhomusと民俗的な意味合いを強く持ったMarranzanuであると解釈することができた.
  • 須田高史, 鴨居明子, 上田エジウソン, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳
    デザイン学研究 62(230) 2_47-2_54 2015年  査読有り
  • 矢久保 空遥, 田内 隆利, 久保 光徳, 寺内 文雄
    デザイン学研究 62(2) 2_1-2_6 2015年  査読有り
    本論文では,口琴とよばれる楽器をサンプルとして用い,その音による印象と口琴のもつ形態的な特徴の関係を考察した.実験では,まず25 種の口琴が持つ形態的な特徴を抽出し,その特徴の有無を元として,これを数量化Ⅲ類によって構造化した. その後,各口琴の音に対する印象傾向を因子分析によって分析した. その結果,口琴の音による印象は「活発性因子」「評価性因子」「存在感因子」の3因子で説明できることが明らかとなった. その後,各口琴の数量化Ⅲ類によるサンプルスコアの値と因子分析によって得られた因子得点の相関係数を求めた.数量化Ⅲ類によって示されたⅠ軸は,「加工技術軸」であると読み取ることができ,数量化Ⅲ類で得られた「加工技術軸」と,因子分析で得られた「評価性因子」との間に正の相関があることを確認した. 結論として口琴の加工技術が高く,口琴を構成する細部の形状が緻密であるほど,その音は味わい深く,情緒性の高いものであると示唆された.
  • 久保光徳, 北村有希子, 田内隆利, 寺内文雄
    デザイン学研究 (224) 2014年  査読有り
  • Zafarmand Seyed Javad, Tauchi Takatoshi, Terauchi Fumio, Kubo Mitsunori, Aoki Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 58(1) 1-6 2011年  
    In this article we review the subjective issues of products in terms of sustainability. The main focus of design researches concerning such issues is on 'lifetime optimization of products'. User-product attachment is also a strategy to extend the product psychological lifetime, though some researchers believe that it is the only means to this end. Considering the lack of a wide expression to encompass product subjective issues that contribute to products' longevity, we propose the concept of Product Subjective Sustainability to indicate 'the emotional, affective and/or aesthetical capability of a product to satisfyingly and pleasantly last during its expected long/short lifetime'. We then suggest a framework for approaching Product Subjective Sustainability and expanding it analytically. The structure of a field-study is also outlined within the suggested framework.
  • Zafarmand Seyed Javad, Tauchi Takatoshi, Terauchi Fumio, Kubo Mitsunori, Aoki Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 58(1) 7-16 2011年  
    Aiming to approach Product Subjective Sustainability experientially and initiating to expand this concept analytically, this paper presents the process and results of an analytical study on the evolution of users' Kansei toward their mobile phone during its entire lifecycle in two different contexts, Japan and Iran. As the major outcomes of this study, the patterns of evolution of two groups of Japanese and Iranian subjects' Kansei over the lifetime of their mobile phones are extracted and accordingly the trends of subjective sustainability of mobile phones are drawn and compared between these two contexts. As the findings of this study show, attachment is the most important trend in such a subjective sustainability and may appear at the different levels. However, it is not the only trend in this regard. Furthermore, a lack of such a subjective sustainability, which has several causal trends, is seemingly an ongoing problem in Iran.
  • Zafarmand Seved Jayad, Tauchi Takatoshi, Terauchi Fumio, Kubo Mitsunori, Aoki Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 58(2) 1-10 2011年  
    To approach Product Subjective Sustainability experientially and to expand it analytically, this paper presents the results of an analysis of the evolution of Japanese and Iranian users' Kansei toward their private passenger car during its entire lifetime. The major outcomes of this analysis would be the patterns of evolution of two groups of Japanese and Iranian subjects' Kansei over the lifetime of their private cars. Accordingly, the trends of subjective sustainability of passenger cars are drawn and compared between these two contexts. As the findings of this study show, product subjective sustainability is dominant and ongoing in both countries car market. Moreover, Attachment, as the most important trend in such a subjective sustainability, may appear at the different kinds or levels. However, it is not the only trend in this regard.
  • 久保光徳, 矢久保空遥, 田内隆利, 寺内文雄, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 58(207) 75-78 2011年  査読有り
  • CHU Dongxiao, Tauchi Takatoshi, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 56(5) 65-72 2010年  
    Considering the gradually increasing pressures to construct a more sustainable society, it is required to reconsider the current product design and manufacture. Therefore, development of a new design paradigm is needed, changing from mass production and mass consumption to the service-oriented post mass production, which pursues the differences in product quality and service-based product value creation considering product lifecycle. Based on the analysis of current situations of service-oriented research, this paper pointed out three existing problems in service engineering, such as lack of: (1) concrete analytical means for service system elements, (2) development means for new service concept, and (3) development of application tools for service design practice. In addition, product sustain ability is also discussed. It indicates that currently product added value (particularly kansei value) creation could be an effective way to promote product sustainability from eco-mind till to realize the improvement and optimization of service and product system. In this way, developing new methodology for product kansei value creation is urgent.
  • Trang Ngo Thi Thu, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 57(3) 25-34 2010年  
    The objective of this research is to explore relationships among the three main aesthetic components in design of traditional daily products (TDPs): form, color and decoration. Those relationships are compared between two countries, Japan and Vietnam, in order to reveal the specification of each country. By using Dual Scaling and Cluster Analysis methods, the correlations between three pairs (Form-Color, Color-Decoration, Decoration-Form) are in turn investigated and extracted. Finally, the summary of all result shows that, the relationship among color, form, decoration in Japanese TDPs is tighter and balance than in Vietnamese ones. This indicates that, in Japanese TDPs form has strong effects to color and decoration in a product, while it is likely a separate component in design of Vietnamese TDPs. Besides, there is also a similarity between the two countries: form and decoration's complexity are usually in a visual balance and harmony, while colorfulness follows up with decoration's complexity.
  • Seyed Javad Zafarmand, Takatoshi Tauchi, Fumio Terauchi, Mitsunori Kubo, Hiroyuki Aoki
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Emotion 2010年  査読有り
    This research deals with the matter of subjective or psychological lifetime of products. Most scholar works concerning such a matter have considered user-product attachment as the only means being effective for extending the subjective lifetime of products. Aiming to analytically expand this means and/or to find out the other possible effective means in this regard, here, we have conducted a comparative and analytical study on the evolution of users? Kansei toward a short-lived and long-lived product during the entire lifecycles of those two kinds of product. As Kansei in its professional definition embraces all subjective issues of product, this research is based on Kansei Engineering approach. In this research, the product lifecycle from user perspective is divided into three different stages including purchasing/choosing, keeping/using and replacing/throwing away the product. Mobile phone, private passenger car and handicraft or Japanese traditional furniture are assigned respectively as the short-lived and long-lived products for investigation. Three groups of Japanese subjects, as the user or owner of these three kinds of product, are investigated and the changes of their Kansei toward their products are analyzed. The outcome of this analysis will be the Kansei factors associating with the investigated groups of subjects' rationale when purchasing, keeping/using and replacing their short/long-lived products. Finally, the extracted patterns and trends of the Kansei evolution of those three groups regarding their short/long-lived products during the lifecycle stages of those products are compared.
  • Trang Ngo Thi Thu, TAUCHI Takatoshi, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 56(3) 31-40 2009年  
    This research has firstly explored the diversity, historical development, techniques and applied range of products of Japanese and Vietnamese materials in traditional daily products. All of those issues have been in turn studied in each material such as wood ware, lacquer ware, ceramic ware, metal ware, bamboo ware, stone ware, paper ware, and others for both countries. An analysis on the frequency level of using of materials has shown the favor of Japan in wood and lacquer mediums, and the abundance of Vietnam in ceramic and metal wares. Some more detail differences were also found in using materials among 3 big groups of Japanese and Vietnamese products according to the using activity: eating, drinking and living. Finally, through the investigation on characteristics of combining of material in Vietnamese and Japanese traditional daily products, the result came out quite distinguish between two countries: a manner of high contrast was felt all over the items of Japan, whilst uniform and harmony feeling went through the Vietnamese products.
  • Trang Ngo Thi Thu, TAUCHI Takatoshi, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 56(3) 41-50 2009年  
    This paper presents the major analyses carried out on shape and form's characteristic database from Japanese and Vietnamese traditional daily products (TDPs). The aim of the research is to recognize the vital specifications representing for a national style by comparing two different countries together. By using Quantification Theory Type III and Cluster analysis, firstly, the analyses were undergone separately for Japanese and then Vietnamese product data in succession so that a view of general direction for each country was caught. The result showing a difference in scale of "Complexity" and "Specification" axis between Japan and Vietnam leads to performance of the analysis done on combine database of the two countries to get a clearer view of correlation between them. However, the biggest difference between the two countries lies in "Form" (Geometric-Organic) axis. Continuously, for studying more deeply into outline of product shape, the main ratios that affect the appearance or gorgeousness of product's outline were taken into account and analyzed. By comparing this result to the previous ones, finally a wider and more detail perspective of Japan and Vietnam shape's specification in a mutual relationship was discovered.
  • KUBO Mitsunori, TERAUCHI Fumio, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 55(2) 39-44 2008年  
    Decorated beams in Japanese temples and shrines were investigated to identify relationships between the structural properties and the decorative patterns carved on the beams. The karakusa patterns that had been carved traditionally by professional carvers on kouryo, or decorated beams, were investigated to elucidate the relationships between the patterns and the stress distributions under normal gravity conditions of the decorated beams. A professional carver of the karakusa patterns was also interviewed to find out if a carver might be subconsciously influenced by the stress distributions when carving. The tangential directions of the carved patterns tended to be coincident with the directions of the contours of the stress distribution in the beams, and the karakusa patterns might be indirectly-but strongly-affected by the stress distributions, which cannot be sensed visually by the carvers.
  • Kubo Mitsunori, Terauchi Fumio, Aoki Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 55(3) 99-102 2008年  査読有り
    The aim of this study was to clarify the basic relationship between the physique of subjects who sat in an experimental seat and the effect of cushions installed on the seat. The experimental seat was vibrated perpendicularly so that the subject could experience the same vibrational conditions as he/she would experience when riding in a car on an actual road. The cushions were rectangular parallelepiped in shape, so that the effect of the shape but not the thickness could be neglected in considering the basic relationship. The two male subjects selected for these experiments had different physiques: one had a large physique, while the other was thin. As a result, it was suggested that the cushions would increase the differences in the dynamical characteristics due to vibration between thin and solid-built subjects. The thin subject tended to be more affected by changes in the properties of the backrest than the large person.
  • 久保光徳, 寺内文雄, 青木弘行, 古沢克仁
    デザイン学研究 55(189) 31-36 2008年  査読有り
  • Mitsunori Kubo, Fumio Terauchi, Hiroyuki Aoki
    DIGITAL HUMAN MODELING 4561 894-903 2007年  査読有り
    The relationship between the properties of flexible polyurethane foam composing seat cushions for standard cars and the riding discomfort evaluated by subjects who sat on the seat were investigated. The properties of five kinds of polyurethane foam were measured using the DMA to define dynamical properties. Riding discomfort was subjectively evaluated by 17 subjects at four frequencies, and the correlation coefficients between the material properties and riding discomfort were analyzed. The results suggested that there were two relationships between material properties and riding discomfort, and that these relationships strongly relied on frequency, Furthermore, a digital human model was created to confirm the influence of frequency on these relationships, which suggested that the relationships affected sensitivity by the change in the vibration mode of the human body-seat vibration system.
  • Abstracts of the International Design Congress, P62 (CD-ROM) (2005) 2005年  
  • 寺内 文雄, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行, 橋本 英治
    デザイン学研究 51(6) 45-52 2005年  査読有り
    近年の環境問題において、モノを長く使うことに対する意識の低さが、問題解決に向けた障害の一つとなっている。本研究においては、モノの長期使用を念頭に置き、生活者の意識面における問題を解決するための方策として、モノに対して抱く愛着に着目した。そして、モノが有する様々な感性要素と愛着の発生に関わる因果モデルを、構造方程式モデリング手法を用いることにより構築した。また、モノに対する生活者の志向態度を因子分析とクラスター分析手法を用いてに四タイプに分類し、各タイプの因果モデルを検討することにより、その特徴と特質を明らかにした。最後に、これらの検討結果を踏まえて、愛着を誘発するための人工物設計指針6項目 : 完成度の高い造形処理、素材の特性を生かした質感表現、頭に馴染む使い勝手のよい機能、使い込むことによって見いだされる新たな仕組みの導入、愛着感構成要素の実現、本物感を満たすブランド価値の確立、を導いた。
  • KOZAK Gisela Ruth, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 49(6) 43-50 2003年3月31日  査読有り
    In the field of packaging design, there are many definitions that mention about the possibility of conserving a product or transporting the product or even about the communication of the product. Unfortunately there are not many definitions that include the user as an important part of the design process. This research intends to analyze what means User Interface when we talk about packaging design. We propose analyzing the user interface in three stages divided as "way of opening", "way of using" and "way of discarding" as we believe a package exists until it is disposed. We found out that there are so many variations on the user interface making the user face a new situation with any package. This situation can make things confusing for the user and probably add complexity on the understanding of the use of the product. We also found out that there a lack of design for disposal leading the user to find its own way while getting rid of the product. Since the discard action is part of the life of the package this means that there is a lack of design on an important stage that cannot be ignored.
  • KOZAK Gisela Ruth, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 49(6) 51-60 2003年3月31日  
    Lifestyle keeps changing and so is packaging. Design needs to move forward to adapt to the social development. In this research we tried to set a new classification that could help on the design process of contemporary packages. We talked about a classification on the type of use that we named as single-use and multiple-use. In nowadays daily life we consumed a large amount of packages that are meant to be discarded immediately. We called them single-use-packages. We are concern about different problems such as the lack of design for disposing the products and also the complexity on the user interface when we talk about a package that remains with the user for a very short period of time. We analyzed through a classification of 195 samples, the characteristics of single-use and multiple-use packages in the Japanese market to help with the development of a new approach to the design process. We found out that not only one-portion-packages are included in the classification of single-use but also packages that are supposed to be for multiple-use. Those packages are not easily re-closable situation which leads to a conflict with the function they are supposed to accomplish.
  • Journal of the Asian Design International Conference, E-04 (2003) 2003年  
  • KOZAK Gisela Ruth, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 49(6) 37-42 2003年  
    The term packaging has become popular in several fields. In this case we pretend to concentrate in packages as a meaning of wrapping. As we see the social changes that had occured during the 19th and 20th century, we can approach to a better understanding of the development of packages. The advances in technological and service aspects have been deeply related to social changes and particularly to wars. The evolution of the user has leaded to a user that require even more convenience as their lives have been twisted by the lack of time. Time-saving solutions become a strong pillar of society and with that, the search of solutions to provide a more comfortable life. One-portion packages are increasingly found in the market to accompany the change on the family unit and life-style.
  • KASAI Yoshimi, KASAI Hajime, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 48(6) 95-104 2002年  
    The purpose of this paper is to propose design guidelines for environmentally conscious products based on patterns in environmentally conscious bebaviors. First, consumers' buying attitudes and environmentally conscious behaviors were investigated using a questionnaire about eight products. According to different buying attitudes, consumers were classified into several groups using Factor and Cluster Analysis. Subsequently, the effect of consumer buying attitudes on environmentally conscious behaviors for each group was quantified by using the Structural Equation Model. The results showed a significant causal relationship between buying behaviors and environmentally conscious behaviors. Guidelines for the design of environmentally conscious products were proposed based on the above results.
  • SHAARI Nazlina, TERAUCHI Fumio, KUBO Mitsunori, AOKI Hiroyuki
    デザイン学研究 48(6) 125-134 2002年  
    Clothing reflects the status of the wearer. From the historical point of view, the appearance of clothing is dealing a lot with the textiles. Exquisite rich textures or woven with gold and silver threads for royalty and the rich. The functional and long-lasting fabrics were for the working class. In the post-modern era, the traditional clothing had reformed aggressively in the Malay culture. The strong influence and adaptation from Western had given them a different kind of social documentation in dressing the traditional clothes. Presented here is the attire that has stood the test of time- Baju Kurung and Baju Kebaya. Lately, young and old females wear these typed of clothes as daily wear. These researches were aimed to identify the common typed of traditional clothes worn among the females during working. It is also to identify females view on clothes as pleasurable state or desire state. These researches were evaluated by using various analyses such as demographic analysis and SD methods in order to obtain the results. They are two categories of clothes being identified as Traditional Typed and Neo- Traditional Typed. It showed the glimpse of both clothes were run across social borders of Malaysian doing their everyday things. Results demonstrated that females were tied with performing cultural identity and the transformation of clothing values for their fashion trends.
  • Mitsunori Kubo, Fumio Terauchi, Hiroyuki Aoki, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka
    International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 27(4) 219-232 2001年  査読有り筆頭著者
    We aimed to develop a synthetic vibration model reproducing the relations between the physical, psychological and physiological reactions of the human body exposed to external vibrations. The synthetic vibration model consisted of a mechanical vibration model simulating the physical behaviour of the human body and multiple regression equations describing the above three relations. The mechanical vibration models formalised according to Lagrange's equation of motion were employed. The experiment was carried out under conditions in which five people were exposed to external vibration that vertically vibrates at various frequencies. As a result, it was clear that there were resonance points showing remarkable shaking of the head, the chest and the abdomen in the frequency range 2-11Hz. Moreover, it was indicated that the relations between the physical reactions and the resulting psychological and physiological reactions might be expressed in terms of multiple regression analysis. Finally, the simple vibration model of a person riding in an automobile was numerically constructed to reproduce the physical reactions of the human body, and then the psychological and physiological reactions were predicted. Relevance to industry - The synthetic vibration model could facilitate comfort design in the field of industrial design in general and the automotive industry in particular. Using the vibration model in industrial fields will enable us to efficiently develop various products, whose design will take into consideration of human comfort. Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
  • 岡田栄造, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 47(144) 1-8 2001年  
  • 岡田栄造, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 47(144) 9-16 2001年  
  • 岡田栄造, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 47(144) 17-26 2001年  
  • 岡田栄造, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 47(141) 63-70 2000年  
  • 岡田栄造, 寺内文雄, 久保光徳, 青木弘行
    デザイン学研究 46(136) 19-26 1999年  
    特定の語を容易に検索できる電子テキストを利用することでデザイン史研究の史料収集は格段に容易になるが, 同時に多様な記述から有用な情報を得るための分析手法の確立も必要となる。本研究はその手法を確立するための具体的な試みとして, 椅子を事例として文学作品における修飾表現の分析を試みた。市販のCD-ROMに収録された100冊の文学作品を資料とした。まず, 検索システムを利用して「椅子」という語の修飾語を取り出し, それらを「印象・評価」「属性」「関係性」という三つの要素に分類してそれらの関係を示した。次に, 椅子の属性, 特に素材に関して具体的な考察を行なった。その結果, 「籐」という語と「縁側」など住空間の周縁部を指す関係性の修飾語との対応関係が明かになった。さらに詳細な考察を行ない, 昭和戦前期の文学表現において籐椅子が夏の季節感と日本的な空間の表象として機能していたこと, そうした籐椅子のイメージが1950年代の籐家具ブームを契機に失われていったことを示した。
  • デザイン学研究 44(4) 57-66 1997年  
  • 青木 弘行, 久保 光徳, 寺内 文雄, 大塚 剛, 鈴木 邁
    デザイン学研究特集号 4(3) 16-21 1997年  


  • 久保 光徳, 楊 鵬, 今石 みぎわ
    日本デザイン学会 第69回研究発表大会 312-313 2022年6月  
  • 楊 鵬, 古川 侑佳, 久保 光徳, 田内 隆利
    日本デザイン学会 第68回春季研究発表大会 68 巻(3A-01) 2022年2月  
  • 王 健, 久保 光徳
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 66 318-318 2019年  
  • 楊 鵬, 久保 光徳, 植田 憲, 田内 隆利
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 65 116-117 2018年  査読有り
    浄真寺(東京都世田谷区)の九品印相の造型に対する形態分析と印象評価を実施し,九品印相から受ける印象とその形態との関係,さらには宗教的意味との関係性を解明することを目的とした。九品印相(上品上生,上品中生,上品下生,中品上生,中品中生,中品下生,下品上生,下品中生,下品下生)のうち,修理中の印相(中品上生)を除き,八体の印相の3D データを取得するとともに,その形態に対する印象評価を目的とした印相CADデータの再現を試みていた。また同時に,この印相CADデータに対する曲率分布解析,特徴線の抽出,重力下での応力構造解析も実施し,テクスチャや印相形態以外の情報を外すことで単純化された印相モデルに対する印象評価を実施した。印象評価から,数量化三類で構成する三つの要因としては「安定性」,「活動性」,「力量性」で定義できることが明らかとなり,印相それぞれが持つ本来の宗教的意味である「安定」,「説法」,「救済(力)」と合致することを考察した。また,構造解析より求められた重心位置と応力分布及び印相形態(手指の配置)との比較検討より,重心位置が「安定性」および「安定」に対して影響を与えていることを考察した。


  • 王 健, 久保 光徳
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 2019年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • 久保光徳
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2018年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
  • YANG Peng, 久保光徳, 植田憲, 田内隆利
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2018年 一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
    浄真寺(東京都世田谷区)の九品印相の造型に対する形態分析と印象評価を実施し,九品印相から受ける印象とその形態との関係,さらには宗教的意味との関係性を解明することを目的とした。九品印相(上品上生,上品中生,上品下生,中品上生,中品中生,中品下生,下品上生,下品中生,下品下生)のうち,修理中の印相(中品上生)を除き,八体の印相の3D データを取得するとともに,その形態に対する印象評価を目的とした印相CADデータの再現を試みていた。また同時に,この印相CADデータに対する曲率分布解析,特徴線の抽出,重力下での応力構造解析も実施し,テクスチャや印相形態以外の情報を外すことで単純化された印相モデルに対する印象評価を実施した。印象評価から,数量化三類で構成する三つの要因としては「安定性」,「活動性」,「力量性」で定義できることが明らかとなり,印相それぞれが持つ本来の宗教的意味である「安定」,「説法」,「救済(力)」と合致することを考察した。また,構造解析より求められた重心位置と応力分布及び印相形態(手指の配置)との比較検討より,重心位置が「安定性」および「安定」に対して影響を与えていることを考察した。
  • 久保光徳, 植田憲
    日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集(CD-ROM) 2017年 日本デザイン学会
  • 久保光徳, 植田憲
    形の科学シンポジウム講演予稿集(Web) 2017年



