
佐藤 尚子

サトウ ナオコ  (Naoko Sato)


千葉大学 大学院国際学術研究院 元教授







  • 佐藤尚子
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 (8) 125-137 2024年3月  査読有り
  • 野村和之, 吉野文, 西住奏子, 佐藤尚子
    千葉大学国際教養学研究 (6) 171-183 2022年3月31日  査読有り
  • 太田亨, 佐藤尚子, 藤田清士, 金蘭美
    金沢大学国際機構紀要 (2) 1-15 2020年3月  
  • 太田亨, 佐藤尚子, 藤田清士, 金蘭美
    金沢大学国際機構紀要 (1) 1-14 2019年3月  
  • 太田亨, 佐藤尚子, 藤田清士
    金沢大学留学生センター紀要 19(19) 1-10 2016年3月  
    This article is a continuation of our previous works published under the names Ota, Sato and Fujita in 2014 and 2015. We have further improved our collaborative class, which combines physics and the Japanese language. This class is within the framework of the pre­tertiary Japan-Korea joint educational exchange program. We also assessed the result of the questionnaire carried out immediately after the course finished, and compared the 2014 and 2015 surveys. The survey result shows that 76% of our Korean students positively assessed the improved class. We assume that percentage to be still at a high level, although it did indicate a drop of four points when compared to the 2015 data. In this survey, we also could observe that intermediate-level Japanese proficiency students tended to view the improved collaborative class as having performed effectively whereas some of elementary and advanced-level Japanese proficiency students replied negatively with comments such as : "I want to learn ordinary vocabulary instead". In order for students to be able to sufficiently comprehend the content related to physics and to be able to reply orally to questions, we concluded that students would need to be able to read kanji more precisely. To achieve this goal, we will need to arrange the various levels of difficulty for kanji and then match the class materials and forms according to the appropriate kanji proficiency level. We would like to collocate the vocabulary in a balanced order : from ordinary to advanced level.
  • 佐藤尚子, 高垣美智子, 佐々木仁子, 山口利隆
    国際教育 (9) 147-163 2016年3月  
    日本語の能力が高くない外国人留学生が日本の企業においてインターシップが円滑に行えるように、文部科学省キャンパスアジア拠点事業「植物環境デザイニングプログラム」では、2012年度から2014年度の3年間に3種の教材開発を行った。まず、2012年度は漢字と専門的な語彙が学べる教材の開発を行った。2013年度は、職場で必要な会話が学べる教材の開発を行った。この教材を開発するために、インターシップに参加する学生および学生を受け入れる企業にそれぞれ2回聞き取り調査を実施した。その調査をもとに、取り上げる項目を検討し、教材を開発した。さらに、教材のパイロット版、完成版で学習した学生にも聞き取り調査を行い、教材の問題点を検討した。2014年度は工場で円滑に作業ができるように、備品名や作業工程などを取り上げた教材を開発した。今後は、これらの教材が有効に活用できるように、プログラムに組み込んでいく必要がある。Three different types of teaching materials were developed in the years 2012-2014 in order to boost Japanese language proficiency of the students participating in the Plant Environment Design Program of the MEXT Campus Asia Project, letting them make the most of their internship. The Kanji and Basic Specialized Vocabulary textbooks were developed in 2012, and the textbook introducing Basic Conversational Skills for Work was developed in 2013. Textbook development was largely based on interviews with both the participating students and their internship employers, which were conducted twice during the process. Both the initial (pilot) and final versions of the textbooks were subject to evaluation by program participants, which helped us remedy their shortcomings. Subsequently, teaching materials pertaining to the inventory of fixtures and to terms used in the work process were developed in order to enable smooth factory operation. The final step which needs to be taken is to effectively implement the developed in the internship program.
  • 佐藤尚子
    国際教育 (8) 103-122 2015年3月  
    本報告は、1993 年10 月に開設された日本語研修コース(日本語予備教育)の20 年間の記録である。20 年間に85 か国から来た493 名がこの日本語研修コースで学んだ。日本語研修コースが置かれている状況により 20 年間を4 期に分けて述べた。このコースの修了生のうち、研究留学生は多くが大学院に進学し、学位を得ている。また、教員研修生は母国に帰国し、教員として活躍している。そして、2011 年度より修了生の数名がセミナーの講師として来日し、日本人在学生の教育に貢献している。This report gives an account of the twenty years of the Intensive Japanese Language Course(Nihongo Yobi Kyōiku) at Chiba University since its establishment in October, 1993. 493international students from 85 countries studied Japanese at this course over the above period. Thetwenty years of study dealt with in this report are divided into four periods based on the dynamics ofthe course and changing circumstances or conditions. Many former students at this course were lateradmitted to graduate schools and obtained academic degrees in their areas of expertise, while teachertrainees returned continue their professional career teaching at schools in their countries. Severalparticipants in the course have later been invited to Chiba University as guest lecturers and madetheir contribution towards educating Japanese students.
  • 太田亨, 佐藤尚子, 藤田清士
    金沢大学留学生センター紀要 (18) 1-10 2015年3月  
    This article is a continuation of previous research, which we published in 2014. In our most recent research, we made improvements to a collaborative class that combined both physics and the Japanese language. The classes for both subjects were held separately. Immediately after the classes, we assessed the results via a class questionnaire and then compared it to a similar survey that we had conducted in 2013. After examining the results of the questionnaire, we observed that the students positively viewed the newly improved collaborative class. While the number of students who viewed the class negatively has decreased in comparison to the 2013 survey, we did receive comments such as "technical terms are difficult for me" (obtained from a student with low level proficiency in Japanese) , "I don't think it is necessary to introduce technical terms when I am learning kanji" (obtained from a student with high level proficiency in Japanese), and so forth. For that reason, we concluded that the improved class has performed effectively for the most part in relation to intermediate level proficiency students. As a result of these findings, we have decided to rearrange the levels of difficulty for kanji and to adjust the contents and class materials according to the proficiency levels of the students. In addition, we hope to include materials for learning kanji that relate to mathematical terms. These terms will be indicated in the syllabus, which is currently under development.
  • 佐藤尚子
    国際教育 (8) 123-129 2015年3月  
    本報告は1994 年4 月に開講された留学生のための配偶者と対象とした日本語クラス「特別日本語補講」の20 年間の記録である。37 か国約500 名がこのクラスで日本語を学んだ。このクラスで日本語を学習したことで、多くの受講者が日本で円滑に過ごすことができたほか、千葉大学大学院への進学者も出るなど、成果を上げた。This report gives an account of the twenty years of Japane language classes for spouses of Chiba University students (Tokubetsu Nihongo Hokō) since their establishment in April 1994. Thesecourses, which had a total of 500 students from 37 countries, enabled many participants to smoothlyadapt to life in Japan. Several course participants later decided to further their education at ChibaUniversity and were admitted to our graduate schools.
  • 太田亨, 佐藤尚子, 藤田清士
    金沢大学留学生センター紀要 (17) 23-32 2014年3月  
  • 佐藤尚子, 馬場眞知子, 佐藤礼子, 門倉正美, 金井勇人, 笠原(竹田)ゆう子
    国際教育 (4) 1-9 2011年3月  
  • 千葉大学留学生センター紀要 (7) 43-88 2001年  
  • (社)国際日本語普及協会 15 1992年  





