
井川 智子

イガワ トモコ  (Igawa Tomoko)


千葉大学 大学院園芸学研究院植物生命科学講座 准教授
博士(農学)(2002年3月 千葉大学)







  • Yuka Sato, Mai F. Minamikawa, Berbudi Bintang Pratama, Shohei Koyama, Mikiko Kojima, Yumiko Takebayashi, Hitoshi Sakakibara, Tomoko Igawa
    Frontiers in Plant Science 15 2024年4月3日  査読有り責任著者
    The ectopic overexpression of developmental regulator (DR) genes has been reported to improve the transformation in recalcitrant plant species because of the promotion of cellular differentiation during cell culture processes. In other words, the external plant growth regulator (PGR) application during the tissue and cell culture process is still required in cases utilizing DR genes for plant regeneration. Here, the effect of Arabidopsis BABY BOOM (BBM) and WUSCHEL (WUS) on the differentiation of tobacco transgenic cells was examined. We found that the SRDX fusion to WUS, when co-expressed with the BBM-VP16 fusion gene, significantly influenced the induction of autonomous differentiation under PGR-free culture conditions, with similar effects in some other plant species. Furthermore, to understand the endogenous background underlying cell differentiation toward regeneration, phytohormone and RNA-seq analyses were performed using tobacco leaf explants in which transgenic cells were autonomously differentiating. The levels of active auxins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and inactive gibberellins increased as cell differentiation proceeded toward organogenesis. Gene Ontology terms related to phytohormones and organogenesis were identified as differentially expressed genes, in addition to those related to polysaccharide and nitrate metabolism. The qRT-PCR four selected genes as DEGs supported the RNA-seq data. This differentiation induction system and the reported phytohormone and transcript profiles provide a foundation for the development of PGR-free tissue cultures of various plant species, facilitating future biotechnological breeding.
  • Yuka Sato, Mayu Fukuda, Peter Nkachukwu Chukwurah, Tomoko Igawa
    Plant Biotechnology 40(2) 175-179 2023年6月25日  査読有り責任著者
  • Yuka Shiba, Taro Takahashi, Yukino Ohashi, Minako Ueda, Amane Mimuro, Jin Sugimoto, Yuka Noguchi, Tomoko Igawa
    Biomolecules 13(2) 208-208 2023年1月20日  査読有り責任著者
    In the sexual reproduction of flowering plants, two independent fertilization events occur almost simultaneously: two identical sperm cells fuse with either the egg cell or the central cell, resulting in embryo and endosperm development to produce a seed. GCS1/HAP2 is a sperm cell membrane protein essential for plasma membrane fusion with both female gametes. Other sperm membrane proteins, DMP8 and DMP9, are more important for egg cell fertilization than that of the central cell, suggesting its regulatory mechanism in GCS1/HAP2-driving gamete membrane fusion. To assess the GCS1/HAP2 regulatory cascade in the double fertilization system of flowering plants, we produced Arabidopsis transgenic lines expressing different GCS1/HAP2 variants and evaluated the fertilization in vivo. The fertilization pattern observed in GCS1_RNAi transgenic plants implied that sperm cells over the amount of GCS1/HAP2 required for fusion on their surface could facilitate membrane fusion with both female gametes. The cytological analysis of the dmp8dmp9 sperm cell arrested alone in an embryo sac supported GCS1/HAP2 distribution on the sperm surface. Furthermore, the fertilization failures with both female gametes were caused by GCS1/HAP2 secretion from the egg cell. These results provided a possible scenario of GCS1/HAP2 regulation, showing a potential scheme for capturing additional GCS1/HAP2-interacting proteins.
  • Sakiko Hirutani, Kazuki Shimomae, Akira Yaguchi, Dong Poh Chin, Masahiro Mii, Tomoko Igawa
    Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 142(2) 435-440 2020年6月9日  査読有り責任著者
  • Yukino Ohashi, Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa
    Protoplasma 257(4) 1201-1210 2020年4月3日  査読有り責任著者
    Filamentous temperature-sensitive Z (FtsZ) is a critical division protein in bacteria that functions in forming a Z-ring structure to constrict the cell. Since the establishment of the plastid by endosymbiosis of a cyanobacterium into a eukaryotic cell, division via Z-ring formation has been conserved in the plastids of flowering plants. The FtsZ gene was transferred from the cyanobacterial ancestor of plastids to the eukaryotic nuclear genome during evolution, and flowering plants evolved two FtsZ homologs, FtsZ1 and FtsZ2, which are involved in chloroplast division through distinct molecular functions. Regarding the behaviors of FtsZ in nonphotosynthetic cells, the plastid localization of FtsZ1 proteins in the cytoplasm of microspores and pollen vegetative cells but not in generative cells or sperm cells has been reported. On the other hand, the significant accumulation of FtsZ2 transcripts in generative cells has been reported. However, the synthesis of FtsZ2 in the male gamete has not been investigated. Additionally, FtsZ2 behavior has not been analyzed in pollen, a nonphotosynthetic male tissue. Here, we report FtsZ2 protein behaviors in the male gamete by analyzing the localization patterns of GFP-fused protein at various pollen developmental stages and in gametes during the fertilization process. Our results showed that FtsZ2 localization coincided with that of plastids. FtsZ2 protein in male gametes was almost absent, despite the presence of the transcripts. Moreover, transmission of paternal FtsZ2 transcripts to the zygote and endosperm was not observed.
  • Taro Takahashi, Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa
    Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2160 73-81 2020年  査読有り責任著者
    As one of the essential steps to complete sexual reproduction, a pollen tube is precisely guided to an embryo sac to deliver the sperm cells. This ovule targeting by a pollen tube is one of the essential steps in pollen tube guidance. To assess the ovule targeting ability of the pollen tube from a certain mutant line, comparative analysis of pollen tube behaviors between wild-type and mutant genotypes is important. Here, we provide a protocol that traces all pollen tubes germinated from the quartet tetrad in a pistil by restricted pollination and aniline blue staining. By this analysis, statistical comparison between wild-type and the mutant pollen tube functions under the same in vivo condition is possible.
  • Taro Takahashi, Tomoko Igawa
    Journal of Visualized Experiments 29(150) 2019年8月29日  査読有り責任著者
  • Takahashi T, Mori T, Ueda K, Yamada L, Nagahara S, Higashiyama T, Sawada H, Igawa T
    Development 145(23) dev170076 2018年11月  査読有り責任著者
  • Taro Takahashi, Ken Honda, Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa
    PLANT REPRODUCTION 30(3) 147-152 2017年9月  査読有り責任著者
    Key message hap2-1 pollen tube ovule targeting. Upon pollination, a pollen grain germinates to produce a pollen tube, which grows through the style to deliver two immobile sperm cells to the female gametophyte. Double fertilization is completed after the pollen tube enters an ovule. GENERATIVE CELL SPECIFIC 1 (GCS1)/HAPLESS 2 (HAP2) contributes to the fusion of gametes at fertilization and has been suggested to affect pollen tube guidance. However, there is controversy over the role of GCS1/HAP2 in pollen tube guidance because of conflicting results from different studies. To characterize the effects of the gcs1/hap2 mutation on pollen tube behavior, we analyzed the Arabidopsis thaliana hap2-1/HAP2 mutant, which carries a gcs1/hap2 mutation in the quartet background. The quartet mutant produces tetrads consisting of four pollen grains that remain adherent after the pollen mother cell has completed meiosis. Thus, a hap2-1/HAP2 tetrad contains hap2-1 and HAP2 pollen grains in a 2:2 ratio. Moreover, the hap2-1 locus is linked to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. An excess pollination experiment with hap2-1/HAP2 tetrads revealed that the hap2-1 pollen tube targets ovules normally. Additionally, the results of restricted pollination and aniline blue staining indicated that there are no significant differences between the ovule-targeting frequencies of pollen tubes from hap2-1/HAP2 and HAP2/HAP2 tetrads.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Lixy Yamada, Hitoshi Sawada, Toshiyuki Mori
    PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY 34(2) 119-+ 2017年6月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Angiosperms possess a double fertilization system for sexual reproduction. Double fertilization is regulated by interactions among proteins localized in the plasma membrane of each sex gamete. A few plasma membrane resident proteins regulating double fertilization have been identified in male gametes. In contrast, no fertilization regulators in female gamete plasma membrane have been identified, largely due to difficulties in the isolation and collection of female gametes. We had produced Arabidopsis transgenic plant pDD45:: GFP-AtPIP2; 1 where the egg cell plasma membrane was specifically labeled with GFP (Igawa et al. 2013). The protein extract derived from approximately 200 pistils, which contained unfertilized and mature egg cells, was subjected to immunoprecipitation using anti-GFP antibody. As a result, both GFP and AtPIP2; 1 were specifically detected in immunoprecipitated proteins from pistil tissues of pDD45:: GFP-AtPIP2; 1 transgenic plant, but not in those of wild type pistils. It was revealed that specific proteins expressed in the egg cells were successfully isolated from pistil cell population. The method described here showed the feasibility of isolating specific egg cell plasma membrane protein without gamete isolation and collection procedures.
  • Toshiyuki Mori, Hiroko Kawai-Toyooka, Tomoko Igawa, Hisayoshi Nozaki
    MOLECULAR PLANT 8(10) 1442-1454 2015年10月  査読有り
    Gamete fusion is a core process of sexual reproduction and, in both plants and animals, different sex gametes fuse within species. Although most of the molecular factors involved in gamete interaction are still unknown in various sex-possessing eukaryotes, reports of such factors in algae and land plants have been increasing in the past decade. In particular, knowledge of gamete interaction in flowering plants and green algae has increased since the identification of the conserved gamete fusion factor GENERATIVE CELL SPECIFIC 1/HAPLESS 2 (GCS1/HAP2). GCS1 was first identified as a pollen generative cell-specific transmembrane protein in the lily (Lilium longiflorum), and was then shown to function not only in flowering plant gamete fusion but also in various eukaryotes, including unicellular protists and metazoans. In addition, although initially restricted to Chlamydomonas, knowledge of gamete attachment in flowering plants was also acquired. This review focuses on recent progress in the study of gamete interaction in volvocine green algae and flowering plants and discusses conserved mechanisms of gamete recognition, attachment, and fusion leading to zygote formation.
  • Daisuke Maruyama, Ronny Voelz, Hidenori Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa, Daisuke Kurihara, Tomokazu Kawashima, Minako Ueda, Masaki Ito, Masaaki Umeda, Shuh-ichi Nishikawa, Rita Gross-Hardt, Tetsuya Higashiyama
    CELL 161(4) 907-918 2015年5月  査読有り
    In flowering plants, fertilization-dependent degeneration of the persistent synergid cell ensures one-on-one pairings of male and female gametes. Here, we report that the fusion of the persistent synergid cell and the endosperm selectively inactivates the persistent synergid cell in Arabidopsis thaliana. The synergid-endosperm fusion causes rapid dilution of pre-secreted pollen tube attractant in the persistent synergid cell and selective disorganization of the synergid nucleus during the endosperm proliferation, preventing attractions of excess number of pollen tubes (polytubey). The synergid-endosperm fusion is induced by fertilization of the central cell, while the egg cell fertilization predominantly activates ethylene signaling, an inducer of the synergid nuclear disorganization. Therefore, two female gametes (the egg and the central cell) control independent pathways yet coordinately accomplish the elimination of the persistent synergid cell by double fertilization.
  • Valentine Otang Ntui, Kynet Kong, Raham Sher Khan, Tomoko Igawa, Gnanaguru Janaky Janavi, Ramalingam Rabindran, Ikuo Nakamura, Masahiro Mii
    PLOS ONE 10(4) e0120551 2015年4月  査読有り
    Cassava ranks fifth among the starch producing crops of the world, its annual bioethanol yield is higher than for any other crop. Cassava cultivar KU50, the most widely grown cultivar for non-food purposes is susceptible to Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus (SLCMV). The objective of this work was to engineer resistance to SLCMV by RNA interference (RNAi) in order to increase biomass yield, an important aspect for bioethanol production. Here, we produced transgenic KU50 lines expressing dsRNA homologous to the region between the AV2 and AV1 of DNA A of SLCMV. High level expression of dsRNA of SLCMV did not induce any growth abnormality in the transgenic plants. Transgenic lines displayed high levels of resistance to SLCMV compared to the wild-type plants and no virus load could be detected in uninoculated new leaves of the infected resistant lines after PCR amplification and RT-PCR analysis. The agronomic performance of the transgenic lines was unimpaired after inoculation with the virus as the plants presented similar growth when compared to the mock inoculated control plants and revealed no apparent reduction in the amount and weight of tubers produced. We show that the resistance is correlated with post-transcriptional gene silencing because of the production of transgene specific siRNA. The results demonstrate that transgenic lines exhibited high levels of resistance to SLCMV. This resistance coupled with the desirable yield components in the transgenic lines makes them better candidates for exploitation in the production of biomass as well as bioethanol.
  • Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa
    Plant Signaling and Behavior 9(12) e977715-e977715-4 2014年12月31日  査読有り
    Sex-possessing organisms perform sexual reproduction, in which gametes from different sexes fuse to produce offspring. In most eukaryotes, one or both sex gametes are motile, and gametes actively approach each other to fuse. However, in flowering plants, the gametes of both sexes lack motility. Two sperm cells (male gametes) that are contained in a pollen grain are recessively delivered via pollen tube elongation. After the pollen tube bursts, sperm cells are released toward the egg and central cells (female gametes) within an ovule (Fig. 1). The precise mechanism of sperm cell movement after the pollen tube bursts remains unknown. Ultimately, one sperm cell fuses with the egg cell and the other one fuses with the central cell, producing an embryo and an endosperm, respectively. Fertilization in which 2 sets of gamete fusion events occur, called double fertilization, has been known for over 100 y. The fact that each morphologically identical sperm cell precisely recognizes its fusion partner strongly suggests that an accurate gamete interaction system(s) exists in flowering plants.
  • Valentine Otang Ntui, Kynet Kong, Pejman Azadi, Raham Sher Khan, Dong Poh Chin, Tomoko Igawa, Masahiro Mii, Ikuo Nakamura
    American Journal of Plant Sciences 5(5) 554-572 2014年3月  査読有り
  • Toshiyuki Mori, Tomoko Igawa, Gen Tamiya, Shin-ya Miyagishima, Frederic Berger
    CURRENT BIOLOGY 24(2) 170-175 2014年1月  査読有り
    Fertilization requires recognition, attachment, and membrane fusion between gametes. In metazoans, rapidly evolving surface proteins contribute to gamete recognition and adhesion [1]. Flowering plants evolved a double fertilization process wherein two immotile sperm cells are delivered to female gametes by the pollen tube, guided by elaborate communications between male and female reproductive organs [2-7]. Once released, the sperm cells contact female gametes directly prior to gamete fusion. It remains unclear whether active gamete recognition and attachment mechanisms are required for double fertilization. Here, we provide functional characterization of Arabidopsis GAMETE EXPRESSED 2 (GEX2), which encodes a sperm-expressed protein of unknown function [8]. GEX2 is localized to the sperm membrane and contains extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, similar to gamete interaction factors in algae and mammals [9, 10]. Using a new in vivo assay, we demonstrate that GEX2 is required for gamete attachment, in the absence of which double fertilization is compromised. Ka/Ks analyses indicate relatively rapid evolution of GEX2, like other proteins involved in male and female interactions [1, 3]. We conclude that surface proteins involved in gamete attachment and recognition exist in plants with immotile gametes, similar to algae and metazoans [11, 12]. This conservation broadens the repertoire of research for plant reproduction factors to mechanisms demonstrated in animals.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Toshiyuki Mori
    Plant Signaling and Behavior 8(6) e24512-e24512 2013年6月  筆頭著者責任著者
    In the double fertilization of angiosperms, one sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell to produce a zygote, whereas the other sperm cell fertilizes a central cell to give rise to an endosperm. There is little information on gamete membrane dynamics during double fertilization even though the cell surface structure is critical for male and female gamete interactions. In a recent study, we analyzed gamete membrane behavior during double fertilization by live-cell imaging with Arabidopsis gamete membrane marker lines. We observed that the sperm membrane signals occasionally remained at the boundary of the female gametes after gamete fusion. In addition, sperm membrane signals entering the fertilized female gametes were detected. These findings suggested that plasma membrane fusion between male and female gametes occurred with the sperm internal membrane components entering the female gametes, and this was followed by plasmogamy. © 2013 Landes Bioscience.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Yuki Yanagawa, Shin-ya Miyagishima, Toshiyuki Mori
    JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH 126(3) 387-394 2013年5月  査読有り筆頭著者責任著者
    Angiosperms have a unique sexual reproduction system called "double fertilization." One sperm cell fertilizes the egg and another sperm cell fertilizes the central cell. To date, plant gamete membrane dynamics during fertilization has been poorly understood. To analyze this unrevealed gamete subcellular behavior, live cell imaging analyses of Arabidopsis double fertilization were performed. We produced female gamete membrane marker lines in which fluorescent proteins conjugated with PIP2a finely visualized egg cell and central cell surfaces. Using those lines together with a sperm cell membrane marker line expressing GCS1-GFP, the double fertilization process was observed. As a result, after gamete fusion, putative sperm plasma membrane GFP signals were occasionally detected on the egg cell surface adjacent to the central cell. In addition, time-lapse imaging revealed that GCS1-GFP signals entered both the egg cell and the central cell in parallel with the sperm cell movement toward the female gametes during double fertilization. These findings suggested that the gamete fusion process based on membrane dynamics was composed of (1) plasma membrane fusion on male and female gamete surfaces, (2) entry of sperm internal membrane components into the female gametes, and (3) plasmogamy.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Masayuki Fujiwara, Ichiro Tanaka, Yoichiro Fukao, Yuki Yanagawa
    BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 10 200 2010年9月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Background: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a critical enzyme catalyzing the beta-carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to oxaloacetate, a tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediate. PEPC typically exists as a Class-1 PEPC homotetramer composed of plant-type PEPC (PTPC) polypeptides, and two of the subunits were reported to be monoubiquitinated in germinating castor oil seeds. By the large-scale purification of ubiquitin (Ub)related proteins from lily anther, two types of PEPCs, bacterial-type PEPC (BTPC) and plant-type PEPC (PTPC), were identified in our study as candidate Ub-related proteins. Until now, there has been no information about the properties of the PEPCs expressed in male reproductive tissues of higher plants. Results: Expression analyses showed that lily BTPC (LlBTPC) and Arabidopsis BTPC (AtBTPC) were significantly expressed in pollen. The fusion protein AtBTPC-Venus localized in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell (VC). Both LlBTPC and AtBTPC expression initiated after the last mitosis before pollen germination. Lily PTPC (LlPTPC) and monoubiquitinated LlPTPC (Ub-LlPTPC) remained at constant levels during pollen development. In late bicellular pollen of lily, LlBTPC forms a hetero-octameric Class-2 PEPC complex with LlPTPC to express PEPC activity. Conclusion: Our results suggest that an LlBTPC: Ub-LlPTPC: LlPTPC complex is formed in the VC cytoplasm during late pollen development. Both LlBTPC and AtBTPC expression patterns are similar to the patterns of the appearance of storage organelles during pollen development in lily and Arabidopsis, respectively. Therefore, BTPC is thought to accelerate the metabolic flow for the synthesis of storage substances during pollen maturation. Our study provides the first characterization of BTPC in pollen, the male gametophyte of higher plants.
  • T. Igawa, Y. Hoshino, Y. Yanagawa
    PLANT BIOLOGY 11(6) 878-885 2009年11月  査読有り
    The differentiation of a vegetative cell and a generative cell is a critical event during pollen development. The Lilium GlsA is known to localize in pollen and is considered to be involved in development of the generative cell. Here, we cloned a glsA ortholog from Alstroemeria, a commercially important cut flower. The expression of AaglsA (Alstroemeria aurea glsA) transcripts increased gradually after pollen mitosis I (PMI) and reached a significant level when the generative cell started to elongate. Analysis of the promoter of AaglsA suggests that AaglsA expression is controlled by several cis-regulatory elements during pollen development. This is the first investigation of reproductive factors regulating male gametogenesis in Alstroemeria.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Masayuki Fujiwara, Hirotaka Takahashi, Tatsuya Sawasaki, Yaeta Endo, Motoaki Seki, Kazuo Shinozaki, Yoichiro Fukao, Yuki Yanagawa
    JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 60(11) 3067-3073 2009年7月  査読有り筆頭著者
    The majority of proteins in eukaryotic cells are modified according to highly regulated mechanisms to fulfill specific functions and to achieve localization, stability, and transport. Protein ubiquitination is one of the major post-translational modifications occurring in eukaryotic cells. To obtain the proteomic dataset related to the ubiquitin (Ub)dependent regulatory system in Arabidopsis, affinity purification with an anti-Ub antibody under native condition was performed. Using MS/MS analysis, 196 distinct proteins represented by 251 distinct genes were identified. The identified proteins were involved in metabolism (23.0%), stress response (21.4%), translation (16.8%), transport (6.7%), cell morphology (3.6%), and signal transduction (1.5%), in addition to proteolysis (16.8%) to which proteasome subunits (14.3%) is included. On the basis of potential ubiquitination-targeting signal motifs, in-gel mobilities, and previous reports, 78 of the identified proteins were classified as ubiquitinated proteins and the rest were speculated to be associated proteins of ubiquitinated proteins. The degradation of three proteins predicted to be ubiquitinated proteins was inhibited by a proteasome inhibitor, suggesting that the proteins were regulated by Ub/proteasome-dependent proteolysis.
  • Naoko Takahashi-Ando, Makiko Inaba, Shuichi Ohsato, Tomoko Igawa, Ron Usami, Makoto Kimura
    In hexaploid wheat, Xip-I is the only XIP-type xylanase inhibitor gene whose expression and function have been characterized in detail. Here we demonstrate the existence of new XIP-type genes with the identification of Xip-R1 and Xip-R2 in the root cDNAs. Southern blot analysis with the Xip-R1 probe revealed that XIP-type genes comprised a significantly greater gene family than previously speculated on in studies with the Xip-I probe. The transcript level of Xip-R genes was increased upon an inoculation with Erysiphe graminis in the leaves, but not with Fusarium graminearum in the spikelets. RT-PCR with the RNA samples followed by extensive sequencing of the cloned amplified products revealed the presence of 12 highly similar Xip-R genes. Among these genes, Xip-R1 was the only predominant Xip-R family member induced to express in response to E graminis. XIP-R1 was located in the apoplastic space and inhibited family 11 xylanases, but the protein did not show chitinolytic activity. These results suggest that hexaploid wheat has a large family of XlPs in its genome, but that only some of them are expressed for plant defense in limited tissues. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Naoko Takahashi-Ando, Noriyuki Ochiai, Shuichi Ohsato, Tsutomu Shimizu, Toshiaki Kudo, Isamu Yamaguchi, Makoto Kimura
    APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 73(5) 1622-1629 2007年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    Maize is subject to ear rot caused by toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species, resulting in contamination with aflatoxins, fumonisins, trichothecenes, and zearalenone (ZEN). The trichothecene group and ZEN mycotoxins are produced by the cereal pathogen Fusarium gramineartun. A transgenic detoxification system for the elimination of ZEN was previously developed using an egfp::zhd101 gene (gfzhd101), encoding an enhanced green fluorescent protein fused to a ZEN-degrading enzyme. In this study, we produced a transgenic maize line expressing an intact copy of gfzhd101 and examined the feasibility of transgene-mediated detoxification in the kernels. ZEN-degrading activity has been detected in transgenic kernels during seed maturation (for a period of 6 weeks after pollination). The level of detoxification activity was unaltered after an additional storage period of 16 weeks at 6 degrees C. When the seeds were artificially contaminated by immersion in a ZEN solution for 48 h at WC the total amount of the mycotoxin in the transgenic seeds was uniformly reduced to less than 1/10 of that in the wild type. The ZEN in the transgenic maize kernels was also efficiently decontaminated under conditions of lower water activity (a,) and temperature; e.g., 16.9 mu g of ZEN was removed per gram of seed within 48 h at an a, of 0.90 at 20 degrees C. F. gramineartun infection assays demonstrated an absence of ZEN in the transgenic maize seeds, while the mycotoxin accumulated in wild-type kernels under the same conditions. Transgene-mediated detoxitication may offer simple solutions to the problems of mycotoxin contamination in maize.
  • T Ochiai-Fukuda, N Takahashi-Ando, S Ohsato, T Igawa, K Kadokura, H Hamamoto, M Nakasako, T Kudo, T Shibata, Yamaguchi, I, M Kimura
    JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 122(4) 521-527 2006年4月  査読有り
    Blasticidin S (BS) is an aminoacylnucleoside antibiotic used for the control of rice blast disease. To establish a new cereal transformation system, we constructed a visual marker gene designated gfbsd, encoding an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to the N-terminus of BS deaminase (BSD). It was cloned into a monocot expression vector and introduced into rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) calluses by microprojectile bombardment. Three to five weeks after the bombardment, multicellular clusters emitting bright-green EGFP fluorescence were obtained with 10 mu g/ml BS, which is not sufficient to completely inhibit the growth of non-transformed tissues. Fluorescent sectors (approximately 2 mm in diameter) excised from the calluses regenerated into transgenic plantlets (approximately 10 cm in height) as early as 51 (average 77 +/- 11) days after the bombardment. The visual antibiotic selection was more efficient and required less time than the bialaphos selection with bar. In addition, the small size (1.1 kb) of gfbsd is preferable for construction of transformation vectors. This new marker gene will make a significant contribution in molecular genetic studies of rice plants. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Tokai, H Koshino, T Kawasaki, T Igawa, Y Suzuki, M Sato, M Fujimura, T Eizuka, H Watanabe, T Kitahara, K Ohto, T Shibata, T Kudo, H Inoue, Yamaguchi, I, M Kimura
    FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS 251(2) 193-201 2005年10月  査読有り
    In the biosynthesis of type B trichothecenes, four oxygenation steps remain to have genes functionally assigned to them. On the basis of the complete genome sequence of Fusarium graminearum, expression patterns of all oxygenase genes were investigated in Fusarium asiaticum (F graminearum lineage 6). As a result, we identified five cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP) genes that are specifically expressed under trichothecene-producing conditions and are unique to the toxin-producing strains. The entire coding regions of four of these genes were identified in F. asiaticum. When expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, none of the oxygenases were able to transform trichodiene-11-one to expected products. However, one of the oxygenases catalyzed the 2 beta-hydroxylation rather than the expected 2 alpha-hydroxylation. Targeted disruption of the five CYP genes did not alter the trichothecene profiles of F asiaticum. The results are discussed in relation to the presence of as-yet-unidentified oxygenation genes that are necessary for the biosynthesis of trichothecenes. (C) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • T Igawa, T Tokai, T Kudo, Yamaguchi, I, M Kimura
    BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 69(5) 1058-1063 2005年5月  査読有り筆頭著者
    XIP-I and TAXI-I are wheat (Triticum aestivum L) grain proteins that inhibit microbial xylanases used in food processing. Although their biochemical properties and structural features were established recently, very little is known about their expression and their family members in wheat plants. To clarify. the role of these xylanase inhibitor proteins in plant defense, we examined the expression of the XIP-type genes in response to a variety of biotic and abiotic signals. Although Xip-I was not expressed in flowering spikelets inoculated with Fusarium graminearum, transcription of Xip-I was greatly enhanced in Erysiphe graminis-infected leaves. Thus, unlike Taxi-I, Xip-I is pathogen-inducible, and unlike Taxi-III and Taxi-IV, its expression depends on the type of the pathogen and/or infected tissue. Xip-I was expressed when the leaves were wounded, and its expression was significantly elevated by treatment with methyl jasmonate (MeJA). The different expression profiles of XIP- and TAXI-type genes suggest distinct roles in plant defense.
  • T Igawa, T Ochiai-Fukuda, N Takahashi-Ando, S Ohsato, T Shibata, Yamaguchi, I, M Kimura
    PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 45(10) 1347-1360 2004年10月  査読有り筆頭著者
    TAXI-I (Triticum aestivum xylanase inhibitor 1) is a wheat grain protein that inhibits arabinoxylan fragmentation by microbial endo-beta-1,4-xylanases used in the food industry. Although TAXI was speculated to be involved in counterattack against pathogens, there is actually no evidence to support this hypothesis. We have now demonstrated the presence of TAXI family members with isolation of two mRNA species, Taxi-III and Taxi-IV. At the nucleotide sequence level, Taxi-III and Taxi-IV were 91.7% and 92.0% identical, respectively, to Taxi-I, and Taxi-III and Taxi-IV were 96.8% identical. Accumulation of Taxi-III/IV transcripts was most evident in roots and older leaves where transcripts of Taxi-I were negligible. When challenged by fungal pathogens Fusarium graminearum and Erysiphe graminis, the concentrations of Taxi-III/IV transcripts increased significantly. In contrast, the increases in Taxi-I transcripts in response to these pathogens were rather limited. Both Taxi-I and Taxi-III/IV were strongly expressed in wounded leaves. The upstream region of Taxi-III contained W boxes and GCC boxes, which are sufficient to confer pathogen and wound inducibility on promoters. Recombinant TAXI-III protein inhibited Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma sp. xylanases: it was also active against some spelt xylan-induced xylanases of E graminearum. These features suggest that some, but not all, TAXI-type xylanase inhibitors have a role in plant defense.
  • A Higa, M Kimura, K Mimori, T Ochiai-Fukuda, T Tokai, N Takahashi-Ando, T Nishiuchi, T Igawa, M Fujimura, H Hamamoto, R Usami, Yamaguchi, I
    Trichothecene 3-O-acetyltransferase (encoded by Tri101) inactivates the virulence factor of the cereal pathogen Fusarium graminearum. Zearalenone hydrolase (encoded by zhd101) detoxifies the oestrogenic mycotoxin produced by the same pathogen. These genes were introduced into a model monocotyledon rice plant to evaluate their usefulness for decontamination of mycotoxins. The strong and constitutive rice Act1 promoter did not cause accumulation of TRI101 protein in transgenic rice plants. In contrast, the same promoter was suitable for transgenic production of ZHD101 protein; so far, five promising To plants have been generated. Low transgenic expression of Tri101 was suggested to be increased by addition of an Omega enhancer sequence upstream of the start codon.
  • T Igawa, Y Hoshino, M Mii
    IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT 38(2) 157-162 2002年3月  査読有り筆頭著者
    A plant regeneration system from cell suspension cultures was established in an important ornamental crop, Limonium, sinuatum Mill. cv. 'Early Rose'. Friable callus was initially induced from leaf segments of in vitro-cultured seedlings on 0.25% gellan gum-solidified half-strength Murashige and Skoog [1/2MS] medium containing 1.0 mg l(-1) (4.14 muM) picloram. These calluses were maintained as cell suspension cultures, which showed high proliferation ability with about 80 times increase in fresh weight during the 2-wk interval of subculture. Shoot regeneration from these cell cultures was achieved by cytokinins, especially zeatin, which was the most effective in producing normal shoots with reduced hyperhydration when used in combination with 0.5% gellan gum. Shoot regeneration ability was different among the cell lines originated from each different seedling. Shoot formation was observed at different frequencies on four of five cell lines whereas one cell line showed no shoot differentiation. Regenerated shoots detached from callus readily rooted 1 mo. after the transfer onto 0.5% gellan gum-solidified 1/2MS medium lacking plant growth regulators. The plantlets were successfully transferred to the greenhouse, after acclimatization. No ploidy changes were observed in the callus induced or in the regenerated plantlets. The regenerated plantlets that were transferred to the greenhouse after acclimatization grew normally and did not show any morphological signs of somaclonal variation.
  • Tomoko Igawa, Masahiro Mii
    Plant Biotechnology 19(2) 87-93 2002年  査読有り筆頭著者
    A successful transformation procedure using Agrobacterium has been established for the most important ornamental statice, Limonium sinuatum Mill. Cell suspension cultures derived from friable calli, which were originated from leaf segments, were infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 (pIG121Hm) and co-cultivated for 2 days. The concentration of acetosyringone in cocultivation medium and the growth stage of host plant cell used for infection were important factors for obtaining high transient GUS expression. After selection on medium with 75 mgl 1 kanamycin, approximately 20 putative transgenic callus lines with kanamycin-resistance and GUS expression were obtained from 1 g F. W. of cell cultures infected. Adventitious shoots were induced from 5 different putative transgenic callus lines on the regeneration medium containing 75 mg F1 kanamycin, and finally 16 transgenic plants which showed GUS expression in leaves were obtained. Presence of NPT II and GUS genes was confirmed by PCR analysis in the genomic DNAs of transgenic callus. Integration of GUS gene into the genome of transgenic plantlets derived from different transgenic callus lines was detected by Southern blot analysis. © 2002, Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology. All rights reserved.











