
竹内 比呂也

タケウチ ヒロヤ  (Hiroya Takeuchi)


千葉大学 大学院人文科学研究院 教授 (副学長(教育改革,学修支援),附属図書館長,アカデミック・リンク・センター長,国際未来教育基幹高等教育センター長)
文学修士(1897年3月 慶應義塾大学)



  • 竹内 比呂也
    情報の科学と技術 = The journal of Information Science and Technology Association 73(2) 45-50 2023年  招待有り
  • 竹内比呂也
    電子情報通信学会誌 104(8) 893-897 2021年8月  招待有り筆頭著者
  • 竹内 比呂也, 國本 千裕
    大学図書館研究 114 n/a 2020年  
  • 檜垣泰彦, 藤本茂雄, 池田光雪, 千葉明子, 小林裕太, 檜原啓一, 高橋菜奈子, 竹内比呂也
    信学技法 118(22) 37-42 2018年5月  
  • 岡田 聡志, 白川 優治, 米田 奈穂, 谷 奈穂, 御手洗 明佳, 多田 伸生, 奥田 聡子, 竹内 比呂也
    大学教育学会誌 = Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education 38(2) 47-56 2016年11月  
    [Abstract] The purpose of this study is to clarify the core competency of educational and learning support practice in higher education. The methodology of scale development is applied in order to comprehend the competency required of university staff members engaged in such practice (excluding faculty members). This study consists of three surveys: (1) a bibliographic survey, wherein 298 papers were identified and 384 descriptions related to the targeted competency were extracted from them; (2) semi-structured interviews, in which 29 university staff members who were engaged in educational or learning support activities were interviewed, and a qualitative analysis of the interview records identified 1,236 items related to competency; and (3) a web-based questionnaire survey, wherein 47 questions were generated to measure competency on the basis of seven domains, 25 categories, and 177 items obtained from the bibliographic and interview surveys. The construct validity was tested by performing a factor analysis and by analyzing the relationship between the factor score, the qualification of the staff required to provide student support, and how frequently the staff members attended training seminars. These analyses resulted in five factors and 30 items as competency scales. These factor scores were found to be higher for those staff members who had the necessary qualifications or who participated in training seminars frequently. These findings lead us to conclude that these factors and items are valid measures of competency regarding educational and learning support practice. We also expect that these factors and items are usable for further staff development in universities, such as self-assessment scales in staff development programs, and as the basic concept for formulating the goals of such programs or for understanding professional practice proficiency in educational or learning support.




  • 日本図書館情報学会編 (担当:分担執筆)
    丸善出版 2023年7月
  • 竹内比呂也, 佐藤義則 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:大学図書館および学術情報機関)
    日本図書館協会 2021年3月
  • 加藤 信哉, 小山 憲司, McMullen Susan, MacWhinnie Laurie A, Roberts Regina Lee, Bennett Scott, Spencer Mary Ellen, McDonald Robert H, Thomas Chuck, Lippincott Joan K, Dallis Diane, Walters Carolyn, Daniels Tim, Barratt Caroline Cason, 竹内 比呂也, 土屋 俊, 國本 千裕
    勁草書房 2012年 (ISBN: 9784326000371)
  • 竹内 比呂也, 豊田 高広, 平野 雅彦
    勁草書房 2007年 (ISBN: 9784326098323)
  • 日本図書館情報学会研究委員会, 根本 彰, 三輪 真木子, 小田 光宏, 永田 治樹, 堀川 照代, 薬師院 はるみ, 大谷 康晴, 酒井 由紀子, 高橋 昇, 水谷 長志, 小原 由美子, 宮部 頼子, 上田 修一, 中島 幸子, 呑海 沙織, 芳鐘 冬樹, 吉田 右子, 辻 慶太, 竹内 比呂也, 柴田 正美
    勉誠出版 2006年 (ISBN: 4585002898)



