寺内文雄, 當麻 由佳, 久保 光徳, 青木 弘行
第53回研究発表大会概要集, 2006 2006年 日本デザイン学会
The purpose of this study is to propose an environmentally-friendly detergent container without painful process such as refill. In addition, it also aimed to minimize the volume of container when it discarded. Laminated film was used for the container to reduce the effects on the environment. At first, it was investigated the way of deformation by axial compression force. Subsequently, the bottom shape of the container was discussed. As the results, it was clarified that the desirable deformation are performed using accordion wall with rectangular bottom shape. Moreover, the effects of number of tiers of wall on stability and usability of the container were discussed. Finally, we proposed a container which achieves the aims.